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 ? 本书第一章的部分内容 第 一 章 Java语 言 的 产 生 及 其 特 点 1.1 Java产 生 的 历 史 与 现 状 1.1.1 Java产 生 的 历 史   Java来 自 于Sun公 司 的 一 个 叫Green的 项 目, 其 原 先 的 目 的 是 为 家 用 消 费 电 子 产 品 开 发 一 个 分 布 式 代 码 系 统, 这 样 我 们 可 以 把E-mail发 给 电 冰 箱、 电 视 机 等 家 用 电 器, 对 它 们 进 行 控 制, 和 它 们 进 行 信 息 交 流。 开 始, 准 备 采 用C++,但C++太 复 杂, 安 全 性 差, 最 后 基 于C++开 发 一 种 新 的 语 言Oak(Java的 前 身),Oak是 一 种 用 于 网 络 的 精 巧 而 安 全 的 语 言,Sun公 司 曾 依 此 投 标 一 个 交 互 式 电 视 项 目, 但 结 果 是 被SGI打 败 -the first chapter of this book part of the contents of the first chapter of the Java language and its characteristics have 1.1 SUNW a history and the status of 1.1.1 Java Java history from the one Sun Green called the project, the original purpose of the domestic consumer electronics products distributed a code system, We can E-mail to refrigerators, televisions and other household appliances, and to control them. and their information exchange. , Prepared using C, C is too complicated, poor security, Based on the C development of a new language Oak (Java's predecessor), Oak is used in network security and the sophistication of language, Sun has accordingly tender an interactive television project, but the result was defeated SGI
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 123.43kb Publisher : 11

本软件是一套完全基于神经网络的语音识别处理软件。 本软件为纯绿色软件,无须安装,解压到任意一个目录下,直接运行主程序 whd.exe ,卸载时删除所在目录即可,软件不会给系统留下任何垃圾,请放心试用,但为了您的数据安全,在使用时请先将重要数据保存备份,呵呵,我信不过微软啊:) 本软件使用的是本人自行开发的神经网络处理系统,但因工程浩大,且本人穷,只能独立编写,所以现在这个试用版所使用的神经网络系统并不完整,只实现了我最初设计的一半功能,识别效果还不是很理想,正在改进中:) 但还是希望大家能对软件提出宝贵意见,我的邮箱 或 -this a completely software based on neural network speech recognition processing software. The software for the pure green software, no installation, to extract an arbitrary directory and run the main program whd.exe. unloading directory will be deleted, the software system will not leave any garbage, please rest assured that trial. But for the sake of your data security, the post will be used to preserve important data backup, Oh, I trust Microsoft ah : ) This is the software I use to the development of the neural network processing system, but the project is a huge one, himself poor, only independent prepared, the trial version now used by the neural network system is incomplete. I just realized the first half of the design function, recognition effect is not very satisfactory, is imp
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.75mb Publisher : zw

This project attempts to implement a Database using B+Tree. The project has developed a DATABASE SYSTEM with lesser memory consumption. Its API includes simple SQL Statements and the output is displayed on the screen. Certain applications for which several features of existing databases like concurrency control, transaction management, security features are not enabled. B+Trees can be used as an index for factor access to the data. Help facility is provided to know the syntax of SQL Statements. -This project attempts to implement a Datab ase using B Tree. The project has developed a DAT ABASE SYSTEM with lesser memory consumption. I ts API includes simple SQL Statements and the ou tput is displayed on the screen. Certain applic ations for which several features of existing d atabases like concurrency control, transaction management. security features are not enabled. B Trees can b e used as an index factor for access to the data. H elp facility is provided to know the syntax of SQ L Statements.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 11.09kb Publisher : 郭春阳

项目描述: Env_audit is a program that ferrets out everything it can about the environment. It looks for process IDs, UID, GID, signal masks, umask, priority, file descriptors, and environmental variables. It comes with test configurations for anacron, apache, atd, crond, GDB, inittab, logrotate, PHP, pppd, procmail, rsh, rxvt, sendmail, SSH, stunnel, sudo, xinetd, and xterm. env_audit是一个搜索有关环境的所有东西的程序。它查询进程IDs,UID, GID,信号掩码,umask,优先权,文件描述符,和环境变量。它提供了用于anacron, apache, atd, crond, GDB, inittab, logrotate, PHP, pppd, procmail, rsh, rxvt, sendmail, SSH, stunnel, sudo, xinetd, 和xterm的测试配置。 类别: Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable Environment: Console (Text Based) Intended Audience: System Administrators License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Operating System: POSIX Topic: Security-Project Description : Env_audit is a program that ferrets out everything it can about the environment. It looks for process IDs, UID and GID, signal masks, umask, priority, file descriptors, and environmental variables. It comes with test configurations for anacron, apache, atd, explain, GDB, inittab, logrotate, PHP, pppd, procmail, rsh, rxvt, sendmail, SSH, stunnel, sudo, xinetd, and xterm. env_audit is a search on the environment of all things procedures. It inquiry process IDs, UID and GID, signal mask, umask, priority, file descriptors, and environment variables. It provides for anacron, apache, atd, explain, GDB, inittab, logrotate, PHP, pppd, procmail, rsh, rxvt, sendmail, SSH, stunnel, sudo, xinetd, and xterm test configuration. Categories : Development Status : 5-Production / Stabl
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 19.54kb Publisher : 阿荣

项目描述: Env_audit is a program that ferrets out everything it can about the environment. It looks for process IDs, UID, GID, signal masks, umask, priority, file descriptors, and environmental variables. It comes with test configurations for anacron, apache, atd, crond, GDB, inittab, logrotate, PHP, pppd, procmail, rsh, rxvt, sendmail, SSH, stunnel, sudo, xinetd, and xterm. env_audit是一个搜索有关环境的所有东西的程序。它查询进程IDs,UID, GID,信号掩码,umask,优先权,文件描述符,和环境变量。它提供了用于anacron, apache, atd, crond, GDB, inittab, logrotate, PHP, pppd, procmail, rsh, rxvt, sendmail, SSH, stunnel, sudo, xinetd, 和xterm的测试配置。 类别: Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable Environment: Console (Text Based) Intended Audience: System Administrators License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Operating System: POSIX Topic: Security-Project Description : Env_audit is a program that ferrets out everything it can about the environment. It looks for process IDs, UID and GID, signal masks, umask, priority, file descriptors, and environmental variables. It comes with test configurations for anacron, apache, atd, explain, GDB, inittab, logrotate, PHP, pppd, procmail, rsh, rxvt, sendmail, SSH, stunnel, sudo, xinetd, and xterm. env_audit is a search on the environment of all things procedures. It inquiry process IDs, UID and GID, signal mask, umask, priority, file descriptors, and environment variables. It provides for anacron, apache, atd, explain, GDB, inittab, logrotate, PHP, pppd, procmail, rsh, rxvt, sendmail, SSH, stunnel, sudo, xinetd, and xterm test configuration. Categories : Development Status : 5-Production/Stabl
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 20kb Publisher : 阿荣

 ? 本书第一章的部分内容 第 一 章 Java语 言 的 产 生 及 其 特 点 1.1 Java产 生 的 历 史 与 现 状 1.1.1 Java产 生 的 历 史   Java来 自 于Sun公 司 的 一 个 叫Green的 项 目, 其 原 先 的 目 的 是 为 家 用 消 费 电 子 产 品 开 发 一 个 分 布 式 代 码 系 统, 这 样 我 们 可 以 把E-mail发 给 电 冰 箱、 电 视 机 等 家 用 电 器, 对 它 们 进 行 控 制, 和 它 们 进 行 信 息 交 流。 开 始, 准 备 采 用C++,但C++太 复 杂, 安 全 性 差, 最 后 基 于C++开 发 一 种 新 的 语 言Oak(Java的 前 身),Oak是 一 种 用 于 网 络 的 精 巧 而 安 全 的 语 言,Sun公 司 曾 依 此 投 标 一 个 交 互 式 电 视 项 目, 但 结 果 是 被SGI打 败 -the first chapter of this book part of the contents of the first chapter of the Java language and its characteristics have 1.1 SUNW a history and the status of 1.1.1 Java Java history from the one Sun Green called the project, the original purpose of the domestic consumer electronics products distributed a code system, We can E-mail to refrigerators, televisions and other household appliances, and to control them. and their information exchange. , Prepared using C, C is too complicated, poor security, Based on the C development of a new language Oak (Java's predecessor), Oak is used in network security and the sophistication of language, Sun has accordingly tender an interactive television project, but the result was defeated SGI
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 123kb Publisher : 11

本软件是一套完全基于神经网络的语音识别处理软件。 本软件为纯绿色软件,无须安装,解压到任意一个目录下,直接运行主程序 whd.exe ,卸载时删除所在目录即可,软件不会给系统留下任何垃圾,请放心试用,但为了您的数据安全,在使用时请先将重要数据保存备份,呵呵,我信不过微软啊:) 本软件使用的是本人自行开发的神经网络处理系统,但因工程浩大,且本人穷,只能独立编写,所以现在这个试用版所使用的神经网络系统并不完整,只实现了我最初设计的一半功能,识别效果还不是很理想,正在改进中:) 但还是希望大家能对软件提出宝贵意见,我的邮箱 或 -this a completely software based on neural network speech recognition processing software. The software for the pure green software, no installation, to extract an arbitrary directory and run the main program whd.exe. unloading directory will be deleted, the software system will not leave any garbage, please rest assured that trial. But for the sake of your data security, the post will be used to preserve important data backup, Oh, I trust Microsoft ah : ) This is the software I use to the development of the neural network processing system, but the project is a huge one, himself poor, only independent prepared, the trial version now used by the neural network system is incomplete. I just realized the first half of the design function, recognition effect is not very satisfactory, is imp
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.75mb Publisher : zw

DL : 0
This project attempts to implement a Database using B+Tree. The project has developed a DATABASE SYSTEM with lesser memory consumption. Its API includes simple SQL Statements and the output is displayed on the screen. Certain applications for which several features of existing databases like concurrency control, transaction management, security features are not enabled. B+Trees can be used as an index for factor access to the data. Help facility is provided to know the syntax of SQL Statements. -This project attempts to implement a Datab ase using B Tree. The project has developed a DAT ABASE SYSTEM with lesser memory consumption. I ts API includes simple SQL Statements and the ou tput is displayed on the screen. Certain applic ations for which several features of existing d atabases like concurrency control, transaction management. security features are not enabled. B Trees can b e used as an index factor for access to the data. H elp facility is provided to know the syntax of SQ L Statements.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : 郭春阳

小型超市管理系统 目录 1、项目计划 1.1系统开发目的 1.2背景说明 1.3项目确立 1.4应用范围 1.5定义 1.6参考资料 2、逻辑分析与详细分析 2.1系统功能 2.2数据流图 2.3用户类型与职能 2.4系统开发步骤 2.5系统环境需求 2.6系统安全问题 3、基于UML的建模 3.1语义规则 3.2 UML模型 3.3系统实现图 4、概要设计文档 5、逻辑设计文档 6、物理设计文档 7、小结 -Small supermarket management system directory 1 project 1.1 Background 1.2 The purpose of system development projects that 1.3 range 1.5 to establish 1.4 Applications 1.6 Reference 2 definition, logical analysis and detailed analysis of 2.1 system 2.2 Data Flow Graph 2.3 user types and functions of system development steps 2.4 2.5 system environment needs security issues 2.6 system 3, based on the UML Modeling 3.1 semantic rules 3.2 UML Model 3.3 System Figure 4, a summary of design documents 5, logic design document 6, the physical design documents 7, Summary
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 60kb Publisher : jiangxiaohua

基于agent 的入侵检测系统,希望对大家有用-Agent-based intrusion detection system, in the hope that useful to everybody
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.56mb Publisher : 林辉

This Is my project which was done for academic purpose,it is administrative based to provide the complete information about all the internal activities taking place inside a bank. This application will also aimed to provide the information for the customers can enjoy operating their account sitting in their homes, the bank officials, working as administrators of the system are exposed to the service areas of the application. Ire, it allows us to build a unique personal payee list on-line and schedule payments to be made on time. Totally compressive, yet customisable by each and every user, bill pay thorough Net advantage providers the convenient ,accessibility ,reliability and security demanded by today’s banking customer.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 609kb Publisher : abhijith

Hello guys, I ve built this GSM security system as my semester project using T290i mobile and controlled my car using it. Please leave your comments about it. If any one needs help in implementing such a system, I can help. Some of the functions it can perform are: * start and stop the engine (without using the key) * stop the engine if somebody starts it with a key ( by cutting off ignition) * lock and unlock the doors * send a text message to the owner if an intruder is detected (by monitoring the doors) * switch the heater/air conditioner on and off
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.89mb Publisher : Asif

This project aimed to develop a wireless system to detect and allow only the authorized persons. The system was based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and consists of a passive RFID tag. The passive micro transponder tag collects power from the 125 KHz magnetic field generated by the base station, gathers information about the Tag ID and sends this information to the base station. The base station receives, decodes and checks the information available in its Database and Manchester code was used to send those information. The system performed as desired with a 10cm diameter antenna attached to the transponder. The Base Station is built by using the Popular 8051 family Microcontroller. It gets the tag ID and if the tag ID is stored in its memory then the microcontroller will allow the person inside. RFID Reader Module, are also called as interrogators.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 109kb Publisher : Binu

DL : 0
我现在正在做一个J2EE的OA项目,基于安全保密考虑,项目名称以下称为J2EEOA。现在,项目的系统需求和设计阶段都已做完,正处在编码阶段。在这个过程中有很多开发心得和体会,不吐不快。在这里,整理出来与大家一同分享。 -I am now doing a J2EE-OA project, based on security considerations, the project name the following as J2EEOA. Now, the project' s system requirements and design phase had been done, is in the coding phase. In this process there are a lot of development experience and experience to speak out. Here, sorting out and to share.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 404kb Publisher : 张祎

基于AT89S52的GSM安防系统 本人最近弄了个基于AT89S52的GSM安防系统,想到当初由一个新手开始做这个的时候在找案例参考基本都看不懂。所以我做好这个项目后,就把它无私贡献给大家。希望对有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。这是一整套的成品,里面有说明文档,99SE的原理图和PCB,还有全套代码。在这里需要说明一点的是,由于本人孤军做此项目,所以很多地方都不是很完善。 该程序已经实现发生警报,然后通过GSM发送短信到目标号码,然后由目标再回发相应的控制短信去控制。 更多请查看附件里面的说明文档-AT89S52 based on the GSM security system I recently broke a AT89S52 of GSM based security systems, originally thought of starting from a novice to do this when looking for the basic reference case are read. So I do this project, put it selflessly to the party. Want to help friends who are interested. This is a set of finished product, which has documentation, 99SE schematic and PCB, have a complete code. Need to point out here is that, because I alone in doing this project, many places are not quite perfect. The program has been achieved alarm occurred, and then send text messages to the destination GSM number, and then issued by the goal of returning to the corresponding control messages to control. Please see attachment for more documentation inside
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.58mb Publisher :

Security is a prime concern in our day-today life. Everyone wants to be as much secure as possible. An access control for doors forms a vital link in a security chain. The Microcontroller based Home Security System can be adopted at Home it has various type of Sensors. In our Project we have magnetic sensors, Wire Loop sensors, Fire sensors. The system is fully controlled by the 8 bit microcontroller AT89C52 which has a 8Kbytes of ROM for the program memory. The Microcontroller will continuously monitors all the Sensors and if it found any security problem then the Microcontroller will switch on the Alarm until the Reset button was Pressed.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 64kb Publisher : sivakumar

This a project for monitoring activities on folders on your own system.-This is a project for monitoring activities on folders on your own system.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 61kb Publisher : spyguy

bascom-avr移动安全系统项目: 该项目采用电话拨号系统的设计。是。在这个系统中,同样的方法移动Aptvkvplr键3用于连接到微。拨号可以做到的。然后Bazr设备以声音报警和对手。人们也可以听到的声音,然后挂断电话,结束关系。该系统可用于提供额外的乐趣。例如,如果使用的是水分而不是米的锅,然后将您的手机号码的安全传感器“锅在院子里我!”移动中午在液晶显示屏上,这表明,锅需要水的院子里!为下议院思想是了不起的事情,感受生活和智能化的脸。另外这种方法的另一个有趣的应用程序中使用LM35温度传感器或微型SMT160输入和设置拨号的温度低于摄氏1度。-AVR Cell phone Security system Project: This is a mobile security system based on GSM cell phone network. you can use this system for home or car security. when the sensor of this project send a signal, the cell phone call your number.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 111kb Publisher : lupo

android project 是关于 时间线程的一个应用,提高稳定性和安全性,将不信任或者不稳定的代码移动到其他进程,减少系统开销,帮助系统管理资源。-android project on time thread of an application, improve stability and security, and will not trust or unstable code to move to the other processes, reduce overhead, help system management resources.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 42kb Publisher : cai

This a digital home security system with voice feature which can monitor room temperature, smoke, motion, and windows & doors. The goal of this project is to utilize the after-market parts and build an integrated home security system. Besides traditional magnetic switch equipped on doors and windows, we have also incorporated temperature sensor, smoke detectors, and motion sensor. Hence the security system will sound an alert when there is an attempt of break-in or if there is possible smoke or fire. The system is fully digital and also be fully customized. It incorporated a 16×2 LCD display with a 4×4 keypad. Each sensor can be enabled or disabled, and alarm frequency and skim can also be chosen by users. We have also equipped a voice playback chip, and it will speak which sensor has gone wrong. The central system will handle all the sensors and keypad input, output information to LCD screen, indicate system status on LED, and make buzz or voice alarm. -This is a digital home security system with voice feature which can monitor room temperature, smoke, motion, and windows & doors. The goal of this project is to utilize the after-market parts and build an integrated home security system. Besides traditional magnetic switch equipped on doors and windows, we have also incorporated temperature sensor, smoke detectors, and motion sensor. Hence the security system will sound an alert when there is an attempt of break-in or if there is possible smoke or fire. The system is fully digital and also be fully customized. It incorporated a 16×2 LCD display with a 4×4 keypad. Each sensor can be enabled or disabled, and alarm frequency and skim can also be chosen by users. We have also equipped a voice playback chip, and it will speak which sensor has gone wrong. The central system will handle all the sensors and keypad input, output information to LCD screen, indicate system status on LED, and make buzz or voice alarm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 26kb Publisher : rama krishna
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