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利用Sub-pattern PCA在Yale人脸库上进行人脸识别的matlab源代码,子模式主成分分析首先对原始图像分块,然后对相同位置的子图像分别建立子图像集,在每一个子图像集内使用PCA方法提取特征,建立子空间。对待识别图像,经相同分块后,分别将子图像向对应的子空间投影,提取特征。最后根据最近邻原则进行分类。-Sub-pattern PCA use in the Yale face database for face recognition on the matlab source code, sub-mode principal component analysis first of the original image block, and then the same sub-image, respectively, the location of the establishment of sub-image set, in each sub-image Set the use of PCA to extract the features, the establishment of sub-space. Treatment to identify images, by the same block, the respective sub-image to the corresponding sub-space projection, feature extraction. Finally, according to the principle of nearest neighbor classification.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 章格

子模式主成分分析首先对原始图像分块,然后对相同位置的子图像分别建立子图像集,在每一个子图像集内使用PCA方法提取特征,建立子空间。对待识别图像,经相同分块后,分别将子图像向对应的子空间投影,提取特征。最后根据最近邻原则进行分类。-Sub-mode principal component analysis first of the original image block, and then the same sub-image, respectively, the location of the establishment of sub-image set, in each sub-image set to use PCA to extract the features, the establishment of sub-space. Treatment to identify images, by the same block, the respective sub-image to the corresponding sub-space projection, feature extraction. Finally, according to the principle of nearest neighbor classification.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 162kb Publisher : tanghui

提出了基于边缘特征的亚像素投影配准算法,法引入新的图像相似性评价函数 — 均方误差函数(Mean Sequare Er ron ,MSE)-Proposed sub-pixel edge features based projection matching algorithm, France and the introduction of a new image similarity evaluation function- the mean square error function (Mean Sequare Er ron, MSE)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 539kb Publisher : 姜珊珊

在车牌粗定位的基础上,对分割出的车牌图像进行二值化,对二值车牌图像进行逐行扫描,利用每一行像素的黑、白跳变规律确定车牌的上下边界 对二值车牌图像进行处理得到特征图像,通过对特征图像进行垂直投影确定车牌左右边界.测试结果表明,该方法精确定位的准确率达到99 . -In the rough location based on the license plate on the partition plate out of the image binarization, the value of license plate images of the two progressive scan, using each row of pixels black and white license plates transition rules to determine the upper and lower boundaries pairs of binary image processing to be features of license plate images, features images by the vertical projection of around license plates to determine the boundary. test results show that the method pinpoint accuracy rate of 99 .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10.83mb Publisher : 李坤

最小邻域均值投影函数及其在眼睛定位算法.提出一种投影函数:最小邻域均值投影函数.该函数通过计算每条投影线上各像素点邻域均值的最小值 来跟踪图像中的低灰度特征.与传统的积分投影函数和方差投影函数相比,它以求最小值的局部选择性代替传统投 影函数的全局累加性,因此具有对片状噪声不敏感的特点、此外,在计算过程中,它还能记录最小值点的二维位置信 息,是一个二维的搜索算子、最小邻域均值投影函数的这些特点使其非常适合于眼睛定位.它对眼睛,特别是瞳孔,总 能够产生精确、鲁棒的响应通过在CAS—PEAL数据库和BioID数据库上的实验表明,其定位正确率与精确度均高 于传统的投影函数.-A projection function called minimal neighborhood mean projection function(MNMPF)is proposed. The projection function calculates and stores the minimal neighborhood mea1]of each pixel on each projection line, SO that it is able to trace the low grayscale features in image.Compared with traditional projection functions,i.e. integral projection function(IPF)and variance projection function(VPF),MNMPF is insensitive to sheet noise,due to the local selectivity of its mimmum operation.During the computation of MNMPF,the image locations of minima are recorded at the same time.This makes MNMPF a 2D operator.All these properties of MNM PF are very suitable for eye location.It can bring precise and robust response to eyes,especially pupils.Experiments on CAS—PEAL and BioID databases show its excellent correct rate and precision over traditional projection functions.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 426kb Publisher : 郭事业

基于奇异值分解的人脸识别方法 梁毅雄 龚卫国 潘英俊 李伟红 刘嘉敏 张红梅 提出了一种将傅里叶变换和奇异值分解相结合的人脸自动识别方法.首先对人脸图像进行傅里叶变换,得到其具有位移不变特性的振幅谱表征.其次,从所有训练图像样本的振幅谱表征中给定标准脸并对其进行奇异值分解,求出标准特征矩阵,再将人脸的振幅谱表征投影到标准特征矩阵后得到的投影系数作为该人脸的模式特征.然后,对经典的最近邻分类器算法进行了改进,并采用模式特征之间的欧式距离作为相似性度量,从而完成对未知人脸的识别.采用ORL (Olivetti Research Laboratory)人脸库对本文提出的人脸识别方法进行验证,获得了100.00 的识别率.实验结果表明,本方法优于现有的基于奇异值分解的人脸识别方法,且对表情、姿态变换等具有一定的鲁棒性. -Face recognition based on singular value decomposition method Deliberate simultaneously Gong Weiguo Li Wei Hung Stephen Lau, Hong-Mei Zhang Ying-Jun Pan Paper, a Fourier transform and singular value decomposition of the combination of automatic face recognition. First of all, the face image by Fourier transformation, it has the same characteristics of the displacement amplitude spectra. Secondly, all training The amplitude spectrum of the sample images given in standard face representation and its singular value decomposition, find the standard characteristic matrix, then the amplitude of spectral characterization of human faces projected onto the standard characteristic matrix of projection coefficients obtained as the face of the model features . Then, the classical nearest neighbor classifier is improved, and the use of Euclidean distance between pattern features as the similarity measure, thus completing the identification of unknown human faces. using ORL (Olivetti Research La
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 57kb Publisher : houhj

分类器设计的好坏对于图像识别效果有着重要影响. 本文基于黄等所提出的识别方法,定义了一类更 广泛的隶属函数,并借助于投影算子理论、子空间理论,对所提隶属函数的性质进行了深入的理论分析,证明了所提隶 属函数所具有的若干良好特性,-Classifier design is good or bad for the image recognition results have an important impact. Yellow, etc. Based on the proposed recognition method, the broader the definition of a class of membership functions and operator theory by means of projection, subspace theory, under the proposed function of the nature of the in-depth theoretical analysis, show that the proposed membership function which has some good features,
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 150kb Publisher : john

通过极坐标变换获得图像的中心投影曲线,然后利用傅里叶变换获得图像的不变特征,从而实现对发生形变的物体的识别。-Polar coordinates to obtain the image through the center of projection curve, and then Fourier transform to obtain images of the same features, enabling the identification of objects deformation occurred.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 931kb Publisher : 赵向军

OpenGL图形系统是一个软件接口,让程序员能够创建交互式程序,使用计算机图形学技术生成具有真实感的图像。本书是OpenGL ARB推荐的OpenGL 1.4版学习指南。   本书首先阐述OpenGL的功能和计算机图形学基本知识,包括状态管理和几何体的绘制、模型变换、视点变换和投影变换、颜色和光照;然后深入探讨一些高级技术,包括反走样、混合、雾效、显示列表、图像处理、纹理映射、帧缓存、网格化、NURBS、选择和反馈等;同时讨论其他一些重要主题,像如何提高程序的性能、OpenGL扩展和跨平台技术等。 -OpenGL graphics system is a software interface that allows programmers to create interactive programs that use computer graphics technology to generate a realistic image. This book is recommended by the OpenGL ARB OpenGL 1.4 version of the study guide. This book begins by describing the features of OpenGL and basic knowledge of computer graphics, including state management and the geometry of the drawing, model transformation, perspective transformation and projection transformation, color and light and in-depth look at some advanced technologies, including anti-aliasing, blending, fog , the display list, image processing, texture mapping, frame buffer, grid, NURBS, selection and feedback also discuss other important topics, like how to improve program performance, OpenGL extensions and cross-platform technology.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 33.33mb Publisher : zqq

图像中目标投影分割算法的研究 包含1个C++程序,主要设计采用投影法根据景物的总体知识和先验信息,按照目标图像直方图信息进行分割。-Projection target image segmentation algorithm contains a C++ program, the main design features a projection method based on the general knowledge and a priori information, the information in accordance with the target image histogram segmentation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 964kb Publisher : maomao

针对成像型反舰导弹所获红外图像的特点, 提出了一种将海天/ 海岸线检测与目标提取相结合的舰船目标提取方法。该方法先综合运用Sobel边缘检测和局部Hough变换等数字图像处理技术从红外图像中检测出海天/ 海岸线, 然后通过对Kapur 熵二值化图像进行投影变换实现舰船目标提取。-According to the features of the infrared image obtained by an imaging anti-ship missile, a method which combines sea-sky-line and coastline detection with target extraction is proposed for the extraction of ship targets.In this method,the digital image processing techniques such as Sobel edge detection and local Hough transform are used to detect the sea-sky-line and coastline in an image.Then, the entropy method introduced by Kapur is used to implement projection transform on the binary image so as to extract the ship target.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.11mb Publisher : majun

提取位图的特征,包括projection features;peripheral features;cross count features;图像识别的预处理步骤,用C++实现。-The extraction characteristics of the bitmap, including Projection Features Peripheral Features Cross count features the image recognition pretreatment step, implemented in C++.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : wubo

提取位图的特征,包括projection features;peripheral features;cross count features;图像识别的预处理步骤,用C++实现。-The extraction characteristics of the bitmap, including Projection Features Peripheral Features Cross count features the image recognition pretreatment step, implemented in C++.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : ymarki

图像采集。测量是基于图像中物体所表现出来特征。图像处理算法通常利用图像中包含的信息进行分类,如边、面或形状。不同类型的机器视觉算法,影响并提取一种或多种信息。 边缘检测及其衍生技术,如耙子,同心耙,和辐条(rakes, concentric rakes, and spokes)用于图像中所表现出了边。他们可以精确地定位物体边缘的位置。可以使用边缘检测来进行部件宽度一类的测量, 这一技术被称为卡尺。也可以综合多条边来计算交点、投射、适合的园或椭圆。(Image acquisitionThe measurement is based on the features of the object in the image. Image processing algorithms usually use the information contained in the image to classify, such as edges, surfaces, or shapes. Different types of machine vision algorithms affect and extract one or more information. Edge detection and its derivative technology, such as concentric rake, rake, and spokes (rakes, concentric rakes, and spokes) for the image shown in the side. They can accurately locate the position of the edge of the object. The edge detection can be used to measure the width of a component, which is called a caliper. It is also possible to integrate multiple edges to calculate the intersection, projection, suitable orchards or ellipses.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 36kb Publisher : Torymation

DL : 1
测量是基于图像中物体的特征。图像处理算法通常使用图像中包含的信息进行分类,如边缘、表面或形状。不同类型的机器视觉算法影响和提取一个或多个信息。 边缘检测及其衍生技术,如同心的耙,耙,和辐条(耙、同心耙、和辐条)在球队中显示的图像。它们可以精确地定位物体边缘的位置。边缘检测可以用来测量一个分量的宽度,称为卡尺。还可以集成多个边来计算交点、投影、合适的果园或椭圆。(The measurement is based on the features of the object in the image. Image processing algorithms usually use the information contained in the image to classify, such as edges, surfaces, or shapes. Different types of machine vision algorithms affect and extract one or more information. Edge detection and its derivative technology, such as concentric rake, rake, and spokes (rakes, concentric rakes, and spokes) for the image shown in the side. They can accurately locate the position of the edge of the object. The edge detection can be used to measure the width of a component, which is called a caliper. It is also possible to integrate multiple edges to calculate the intersection, projection, suitable orchards or ellipses.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 22kb Publisher : Torymation
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