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这是一个测试图像峰值信噪比的程序源代码,纯C环境下的-This is a test image PSNR the source code, pure environment of the C
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 丁烨

该目录包含了基于可移植的C语言的数字水印算法的代码。这些代码具有示范 性的意义,且有一定的鲁棒性。 需要安装NetPGM的程序包(用来存取pgm格式图像),然后才能在linux下面编译。 NetPGM是图像文件的输入/输出软件包。可以在网上搜索得到。我们已经对 256灰度级,512×512大小的图像进行了测试。程序编译后的调用格式如下(以encode为例): wm_cox_e -s cox.sig -o wm_image.pgm image.pgm 其中,-s表示要添加的水印信号,cox.sig是信号文件。 -o表示输出图像文件名为wm_image.pgm, image.pgm为输入文件名。 几个辅助程序: cmp_pgm 计算差分图像,PSNR等 cmp_dct 计算全帧DCT域的差分图像 cmp_dct8x8 计算8×8大小的DCT域差分图像 比如说,为了产生两个PGM图像的差分图像并计算它们的PSNR,命令如下: cmp_pgm -p -i original.pgm -o diff.pgm watermarked.pgm 产生水印信号: gen_cox_sig -o cox.sig 程序将产生适合512×512大小,8-bit灰度的pgm图像的水印信号。 水印提取: wm_cox_d -s cox.sig -i lena.pgm -o cox.wm cox_lena.pgm 请注意,cox的算法需要原始图像做参考来提取水印,压缩后的水印将存储在cox.wm中。-This directory contains the C-based portable digital watermarking algorithm code. The code has a demonstration Of meaning, and there is a certain degree of robustness. NetPGM need to install the package (to access the pgm format images), and then to compile in linux below. NetPGM is the image file input/output package. Can search by. We have already 256 gray level, 512 × 512 size images were tested. Procedure call format, compiled as follows (in encode an example): wm_cox_e-s cox.sig-o wm_image.pgm image.pgm Which,-s that you want to add the watermark signal, cox.sig is the signal file. -O said output image file name wm_image.pgm, image.pgm for the input file name. Several auxiliary programs: cmp_pgm calculate the difference image, PSNR, etc. cmp_dct full frame DCT domain calculation of difference image cmp_dct8x8 calculate the size of 8 × 8 DCT domain differential image For example, in order to produce two PGM images and calculate their differ
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 19kb Publisher : sylvia

SSIM 近些年来被广泛用于衡量图象的质量,它克服了PSNR固有的一些局限性.目前网络上的SSIM相关的实现代码主要是MATLAB或者使用OPENCV库的代码.本代码完全采用C语言实现,接口简单,便于嵌入到用户代码中评估生成的图象质量-Using pure C language, this code implement the SSIM algorithm presented in the paper "Image Quality Assessment: From Error Visibility to Structural Similarity" of IEEE Transaction on image processing.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 89kb Publisher : 罗忠祥

Description The C++ Bitmap Library consists of simple, robust, optimized and portable 24-bit bitmap image processing algorithms for the C++ language. Capabilities The library has the following capabilities: Read/Write 24-bit Bitmap Images Pixel, row or level level batch editing Color conversions (RGB,YCbCr) in byte and floating values Highly optimized subsample and upsample (resizing) Various color maps (1000 levels - autumn, copper, gray, hot, hsv, jet, prism, vga, yarg) Texture generation (checkered pattern, plasma) Graphics drawing interface (line, line-segmentm rectangle, triangle, quadix, horizontal and vertical line-segments, ellipse, circle, plot pixel, pen width, pen color) PSNR and Image comparisons -Description The C++ Bitmap Library consists of simple, robust, optimized and portable 24-bit bitmap image processing algorithms for the C++ language. Capabilities The library has the following capabilities: Read/Write 24-bit Bitmap Images Pixel, row or level level batch editing Color conversions (RGB,YCbCr) in byte and floating values Highly optimized subsample and upsample (resizing) Various color maps (1000 levels- autumn, copper, gray, hot, hsv, jet, prism, vga, yarg) Texture generation (checkered pattern, plasma) Graphics drawing interface (line, line-segmentm rectangle, triangle, quadix, horizontal and vertical line-segments, ellipse, circle, plot pixel, pen width, pen color) PSNR and Image comparisons
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 34kb Publisher : javaprogramming

DL : 0
运用matlab对图像进行放大:像素复制法和双线性插值法。像素复制方法的图像缩放的原理主要是对原来输入图像的整行或是整列像素进行简单的复制与删除,达到改变图像大小的目的。双线性插值放大算法中,目标图像中新创造的象素值,是由原图像位置在它附近的小区域象素的值通过加权平均计算得出的。-Write MATLAB function to zoom a grayscale image from original size to the given output size through two different methods: a) pixel repetition and b) bilinear interpolation. Zoom the images processed in the Task 2 back to the original size using above mentioned methods. Calculate MSE and PSNR for the original and zoomed images using MATLAB methods written for the Task 1. Plot the MSE and PSNR as function of the size reduction ratio respectively. Define what combination of shrink/zoom methods provides the minimal MSE and maximal PSNR for the same size reduction ratio.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : 宁可

Generate the code for adding user defined Gaussian Noise (in dB) and a. Filter out the same using average filter (generate function) b. Determine the frequency plot c. Determine error image, SNR and PSNR
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 61kb Publisher : Rokibul Ahmed

Generate the code for adding user defined Salt and Pepper Noise (in dB) and a. Filter out the same using median filter (generate function) b. Determine the frequency plot c. Determine error image, SNR and PSNR
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 63kb Publisher : Rokibul Ahmed

【论文源代码】M. C. Stamm and K. J. R. Liu, Anti-Forensics of Digital Image Compression , IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1050 - 1065, Sep. 2011.-This code was written by Matthew C. Stamm at the University of Maryland, College Park. He can be reached by email at or on the web at: This code is written for research purposes only. Full copyright information about this code appears at the bottom of this document. All publications resulting research that made or makes use of this code should at minimum cite the following paper: M. C. Stamm and K. J. R. Liu, Anti-Forensics of Digital Image Compression , IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1050- 1065, Sep. 2011. Instructions: In Matlab, call the file DCTwipe . It should be done like this: [wiped,wipedflags,PSNR]= DCTwipe(im,lumaQtable) or [wiped,wipedflags,PSNR]= DCTwipe(im,lumaQtable,chromaQtable) INPUTS: im- Image file to be anti-forensically modified. This should already be read into Matlab using imread. It can be either black and white or full color. lumaQta
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 16kb Publisher : jinxiao

完成图像质量评估的PSNR指标的C语言代码-A code to complete the PSNR for two picture in C language
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.74mb Publisher : Tom
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