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协同微粒群算法,用于原子簇的结构优化。协同微粒群算法模型由南非人Frans van den Bergh提出,对高维问题处理的效果要显著优于基本微粒群算法。-synergies PSO algorithm, for the cluster of structural optimization. Synergy PSO algorithm model from South Africa who Frans van den Bergh, for the high-dimensional problems of the effect was significantly better than the basic particle swarm algorithm.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.28kb Publisher : 陈超

DL : 1
协同微粒群算法,用于原子簇的结构优化。协同微粒群算法模型由南非人Frans van den Bergh提出,对高维问题处理的效果要显著优于基本微粒群算法。-synergies PSO algorithm, for the cluster of structural optimization. Synergy PSO algorithm model from South Africa who Frans van den Bergh, for the high-dimensional problems of the effect was significantly better than the basic particle swarm algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher :

基本粒子群优化算法(PSO) 求解优化问题-Elementary particle swarm optimization (PSO) for solving optimization problems
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 孟艳

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粒子群聚类算法-Particle cluster-like algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : kong

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粒子群聚类算法例题及其详细解析-Example particle cluster-like algorithm and its detailed analysis
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : kong

DL : 1
编写的粒子群(PSO)算法优化Kmeans聚类的MATLAB代码,MATLAB6.5/7.1测试通过,其它版本没测试。-(PSO)Kmeans MATLAB6.5/7.1
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王珂

DL : 2
提出了一种基于改进型微粒群算法的无线传 感器网络分簇路由算法来优化分簇过程。簇首节点的选取综合考虑候选节点和邻居节点的状态信息-Proposed a modified particle swarm algorithm based on wireless sensor network clustering routing algorithm to optimize the clustering process. Cluster head node, considering the selection of the candidate node and the neighbor node state information
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : Sherry

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微粒群优化算法(PSO)是一种基于种群的随机优化技术,由Eberhart和Kennedy于1995年提出。微粒群算法模仿昆虫、兽群、鸟群和鱼群等的群集行为,这些群体按照一种合作的方式寻找食物,群体中的每个成员通过学习它自身的经验和其他成员的经验来不断改变其搜索模式。-Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique by Eberhart and Kennedy made in 1995. PSO algorithm to imitate insects, herds, birds and fish such as cluster behavior, these groups according to a collaborative approach in search of food, each member of the group through its own experience and learning experiences of other members to the changing The search mode.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : 王健

针对传统推荐算法的数据稀疏性问题和推荐准确性问题,提出基于粒子群优化的项聚类推荐算法。采用粒子群优化算法产生聚类中心,在此基础上搜索目标项目的最近邻居,并产生推荐,从而提高了传统聚类算法的推荐准确性及响应速度。实验表明改进的项聚类协同过滤算法能有效提高推荐精度-Aiming at the problems that the data are sparse and the results are not accurate in traditional recommendation algorithms, this paper proposes an item clustering recommendation algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) algorithm. It uses PSO to engender the cluster centers, calculates the similarity between target item and cluster centers to search the nearest neighbors of target item, and gains a recommendation, so that it improves the accuracy and the real-time performance. Experimental results indicate that the algorithm can effectively improve the accuracy of the recommendation system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 358kb Publisher : ming

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一种新的集群优化算法,粒子群优化算法,重要文献-New cluster optimization algorithm PSO
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 137kb Publisher : wangjing

DL : 1
PSO聚类算法使用的数据是我们归一化后的数据,利用该数据求总的粒子数m,设置聚类数c(c=4,这个可以确定的),随机选择聚类中心并赋值给各个粒子,随机产生粒子的速度;-PSO clustering algorithm using data owned by a data after the data requirements to the total number of particles in m, set the number of clusters c (c = 4, this can be determined), the random selection of cluster centers and assigned to the each particle velocity of the particles, randomly generated
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 李毅

Cluster Guide Particle Swarm Optimization
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 545kb Publisher : Soufi

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pso algoritm shows the cross spectra obtained between the average signals from cluster 6 and 7 of the parcellation shown in Fig. 1. Hot spots in the time-frequency plane indicate regions in which the signal exhibit high synchronicity. Results showed that the dynamic behavior of the
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : golalipour

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一种改进的pso算法在聚类分析上的应用,算法中加入了协作策略-the matlab source code of improved PSO algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 陈信

Hierarchical Cluster-Based Multi-species Particle-Swarm Optimization (PSO) for Fuzzy-System Optimization
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 497kb Publisher : Nitromira

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课程设计时编写的matlab程序代码,包括AHP,因子分析,回归分析,聚类分析,阵列信号处理的高分辨率估计,采用热核构造权重,matlab开发工具箱中的支持向量机,基于分段非线性权重值的Pso算法。-Course designed to prepare the matlab program code, Including AHP, factor analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis, High-resolution array signal processing estimates, Thermonuclear using weighting factors matlab development toolbox support vector machine, Based on piecewise nonlinear weight value Pso algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : xwiph

DL : 0
有信道编码,调制,信道估计等,到达过程是的泊松过程,仿真效率很高的,基于分段非线性权重值的Pso算法,包括AHP,因子分析,回归分析,聚类分析,旋转机械二维全息谱计算,各种资源分配算法实现。-Channel coding, modulation, channel estimation, Arrival process is a Poisson process, High simulation efficiency, Based on piecewise nonlinear weight value Pso algorithm, Including AHP, factor analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis, Rotating machinery 2-d holographic spectrum calculation, Various resource allocation algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : zkeez

DL : 0
包括AHP,因子分析,回归分析,聚类分析,应用小区域方差对比,程序简单,与理论分析结果相比,Relief计算分类权重,基于分段非线性权重值的Pso算法,表示出两帧图像间各个像素点的相对情况,抑制载波型差分相位调制,基于欧几里得距离的聚类分析。- Including AHP, factor analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis, Application of small area variance comparison, simple procedures, Compared with the results of theoretical analysis, Relief computing classification weight, Based on piecewise nonlinear weight value Pso algorithm, Between two images showing the relative circumstances of each pixel, Suppressed carrier type differential phase modulation, Clustering analysis based on Euclidean distance.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : mjasbra

粒子群优化算法(PSO)是一种进化计算技术(evolutionary computation),1995 年由Eberhart 博士和kennedy 博士提出,源于对鸟群捕食的行为研究 。该算法最初是受到飞鸟集群活动的规律性启发,进而利用群体智能建立的一个简化模型。粒子群算法在对动物集群活动行为观察基础上,利用群体中的个体对信息的共享使整个群体的运动在问题求解空间中产生从无序到有序的演化过程,从而获得最优解。(Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is an evolutionary computation technology (Evolutionary Computation). It was put forward by Dr. Eberhart and Kennedy in 1995, and it originated from the behavior of bird predation. The algorithm was initially inspired by the regularity of the activities of the birds cluster, and then used a simplified model established by the swarm intelligence. Based on the observation of animal cluster action behavior, particle swarm algorithm (PSO) makes use of individuals' information sharing in the group to make the whole group's motion in problem solving space evolve from disorder to order, so as to get the optimal solution.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 夏xiaxia

利用改进的PSO算法对kmeans算子进行聚类,优化了步骤(The improved PSO algorithm is used to cluster kmeans operators, and the steps are optimized)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : 百万吨拳击
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