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[Develop Toolspython web programming

Description: python web programming 部分-python web programming part
Platform: | Size: 1167352 | Author: 严冰 | Hits:

[Bookspython web programming

Description: python web programming 部分-python web programming part
Platform: | Size: 1167360 | Author: 严冰 | Hits:


Description: 已建立索引的Python核心编程(中文第二版)。对于初学者,这是一本Python开发的权威指南,涵盖了Python的核心功能特性,而不仅仅是语法,有正则表达式、网络、多线程、图形用户界面、Web/CGI和Python扩展等高级功能,同时也包括了数据库、网络客户端、Java/Jython和Microsoft Office等内容,并有大量实例-Index has been the core of Python programming (English second edition). For beginners, this is an authoritative guide to Python development, covering the core features of Python, not just syntax, there are regular expressions, networking, multi-threaded, graphical user interface, Web/CGI and Python expansion and other advanced features, including a database at the same time, the network client, Java/Jython, and Microsoft Office, etc. and there is a great example of
Platform: | Size: 4706304 | Author: ehes | Hits:


Description: This book is aimed at programmers with some previous exposure to Python, as well as experienced programmers coming to Python for the first time from other programming languages. The book is a quick reference to Python itself, the most important parts of its vast standard library, and some of the most popular and useful third-party modules, covering a range of applications including web and network programming, GUIs, XML handling, database interactions, and high-speed numeric computing. It focuses on Python s cross-platform capabilities and covers the basics of extending Python and embedding it in other applications, using either C or Java.
Platform: | Size: 1182720 | Author: julian | Hits:


Description: 这是一本详细的python手册,从python的简介到语法再到各种API的应用和python与其他语言的结合,本书足以让读者从入门到精通python。-Beginning with a brief introduction to the language and its syntax, the book moves quickly into more advanced programming topics, including embedding Python, network programming, GUI toolkits, JPython, Web development, Python/C API, and more.
Platform: | Size: 6859776 | Author: Yan Wang | Hits:


Description: oreilly出版社的programming python 第四版-If you ve mastered Python s fundamentals, you re ready to start using it to get real work done. Programming Python will show you how, with in-depth tutorials on the language s primary application domains: system administration, GUIs, and the Web. You ll also explore how Python is used in databases, networking, front-end scripting layers, text processing, and more. This book focuses on commonly used tools and libraries to give you a comprehensive understanding of Python’s many roles in practical, real-world programming.
Platform: | Size: 25789440 | Author: haha | Hits:


Description: 《Python网络编程基础》英文版,可以作为各层次Python、Web和网络程序的开发人员的参考书,在实际工作中使用书中的技术,效果更佳。-"The basis of Python Network Programming" in English, can be used as reference books of all levels Python, the Web and network program developers book technology used in practical work, the better.
Platform: | Size: 3024896 | Author: 汉蒙 | Hits:


Description: python核心编程 Python是一种功能十分强大的面向对象编程语言,可以用于编写独立程序、快速脚本和复杂应用的原型。作为一种开源软件,Python可以自由获取,而且非常易学易用。本书是Python语言的经典入门读本,由两名顶尖的Python技术专家兼培训专家联手撰写,涵盖了该语言的所有核心内容。所有练习的解答都可在书后找到。 本书描述了Python程序的基本构件:类型、操作符、语句、函数、模块、类以及异常和介绍了更多高级主题,包括复杂的实例。无论是用于编写简单的脚本,还是复杂的科学计算、Web、数据库、图形和动画程序,Python都证明它的强大。-python core programming
Platform: | Size: 4726784 | Author: 小涛 | Hits:


Description: 本书实用性强,共提供了大约175个实例,6600行以上的代码,是帮助读者全面而快速地学习Python语言、编写网络程序的最佳实践。本书可以作为各层次Python、Web和网络程序的开发人员的参考书,在实际工作中使用书中的技术,效果更佳。-Practical book, providing a total of about 175 instances, more than 6600 lines of code, is to help the reader fully and quickly learn Python language, to write network program best practices. This book can serve all levels of Python, Web and network program development staff reference, in practical work techniques used in the book, the better.
Platform: | Size: 24196096 | Author: wind | Hits:

[source in ebookPython-basic

Description: Python基础教程(代码) Python 是一种脚本语言,已经有20 多年的历史, 比现在流行的Java 和C#要早 很多年。不要一听说是脚本语言就认为他只能做一些简单的事情。其实凡是你能 想到的Java 和C#能做的编程, Pyton 都能胜任。比如网络编程,游戏编程,web 编程等等,甚至在smbian 的手机上都能使用Python 来进行编程。Google 推出 的google engine 云计算环境,首先发布的就是python 的平台(Python 语言的 创始人都在为Google 服务,直到一年以后才发布java 的平台),对web 编程感 兴趣的同学可以去申请一个帐号来发布自己的作品。(以前是免费的,现在不知 道政策改了没有,呵呵!) Python 的语法简洁,功能强大,有大量的第三方开发包(模块),非常适合初学 者上手。同时Python 不像java 一样对内存要求非常高,适合做一些经常性的任 务方面的编程。 -Python based tutorial (code) Python is a scripting language, has 20 years of history, than it is now popular Java and C# to early Many years. Do not heard is a scripting language would think he can do some simple things. In fact, whatever you can Think of Java and C# can do programming, Pyton can be competent. For example, network programming, game programming, web Programming, etc., even in the smbian phones can be programmed using Python. Google launched The google engine cloud computing environment, the first release of the platform is the python (Python language The founders are in for Google services until a year later was released java platform), for web programming sense Interested students can go to apply for an account to publish their own works. (Used to be free, and now I do not know Road with no policy change, huh! ) Python s syntax is simple, powerful, there are plenty of third-party development package (module), is ideal for beginners Were started. At
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: littlepool | Hits:


Description: Python是一种解释型、面向对象、动态数据类型的高级程序设计语言。自从20世纪90年代初Python语言诞生至今,它逐渐被广泛应用于处理系统管理任务和Web编程。Python已经成为最受欢迎的程序设计语言之一。该书是简明教程。-Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, dynamic data type of high-level programming language. Since the early 1990s, since the birth of the Python language, it has gradually been widely used in the processing system management tasks and Web programming. Python has become one of the most popular programming language. The book is a concise tutorial.
Platform: | Size: 286720 | Author: 陈亮 | Hits:


Description: Beginning Python Novice to Pro.pdf 这本是是专业介绍python.基于实践给计算机程序员讲解-From Novice to Professional is the most comprehensive book on the Python ever written. Based on Practical Python, this newly revised book is both an introduction and practical reference for a swath of Python-related programming topics, including addressing language internals, integration, network programming, and web services. Advanced topics, such as extending Python and packaging/distributing Python applications, are also covered. Ten different projects illustrate the concepts introduced in the book. You will learn how to create a P2P file-sharing application and a web-based bulletin board, and how to remotely edit web-based documents and create games. Author Magnus Lie Hetland is an authority on Python and previously authored Practical Python. He also authored the popular online guide, Instant Python Hacking, on which both books are based.
Platform: | Size: 2157568 | Author: kevin | Hits:


Description: 本书是一本针对所有层次的Python 读者而作的Python 入门书。全书分两部分:第一部分介绍用Python 编程所必须了解的基本概念,包括matplotlib、NumPy 和Pygal 等强大的Python 库和工具介绍,以及列表、字典、if 语句、类、文件与异常、代码测试等内容;第二部分将理论付诸实践,讲解如何开发三个项目,包括简单的Python 2D 游戏开发如何利用数据生成交互式的信息图,以及创建和定制简单的Web 应用,并帮读者解决常见编程问题和困惑。(This book is a Python introductory book for all levels of Python readers. The book is divided into two parts: The first part introduces the basic concepts that must be understood in Python programming, including powerful Python libraries and tools such as matplotlib, NumPy and Pygal, as well as lists, dictionaries, if statements, classes, files and exceptions, code tests, etc. Content; the second part put the theory into practice, explain how to develop three projects, including simple Python 2D game development how to use data to generate interactive information map, and create and customize simple Web applications, and to help readers solve common programming Problems and confusion.)
Platform: | Size: 13299712 | Author: daxer | Hits:

[Books《Python Cookbook》第三版中文v1.0.2

Description: 本书介绍了Python应用在各个领域中的一些使用技巧和方法,从最基本的字符、文件序列、字典和排序,到进阶的面向对象编程、数据库和数据持久化、 XML处理和Web编程,再到比较高级和抽象的描述符、装饰器、元类、迭代器和生成器,均有涉及。书中还介绍了一些第三方包和库的使用,包括 Twisted、GIL、PyWin32等。(This book introduces the Python application in various fields in the use of some skills and methods, from the most basic characters, file sequence, dictionary and sorting, to advanced object-oriented programming, database and data persistence, XML processing and Web programming, to more advanced and abstract descriptor, decorator, metaclass, iterators and generators, are involved. The book also describes the use of some third party packages and libraries, including Twisted, GIL, PyWin32 and so on.)
Platform: | Size: 2982912 | Author: guaishou456235 | Hits:

[OtherFoundations of Python Network Programming_Code

Description: 采用Python 3,涵盖网络编程所有经典话题,包括网络协议、网络数据及错误、电子邮件、服务器架构,以及HTTP及Web应用程序,对SSL支持、异步I/O循环的编写方法、跨站脚本以及跨站请求伪造攻击网站的原理及保护方法等内容也有详尽介绍。(Foundations of Python Network Programming(3rd) Code)
Platform: | Size: 176128 | Author: Laspide | Hits:

[OtherPython项目开发实战(第2版)完整高清版 带书签

Description: 本书从Python的环境搭建开始讲起,介绍了Web应用的开发方法、项目管理及审查、测试与高效部署、服务器调试等内容,尽可能网罗了Python项目开发流程中的方方面面,有助于开发者建立有序生产环境,提高开发效率,让编程事半功倍。附件书籍为超清pdf、非扫描、带书签(This book from the Python environment to build start, introduces the development method and application of Web project management and examination, testing and deployment, efficient server debugging and other content, as far as possible the snare of the development process of Python project in all aspects, to help developers build orderly production environment, improve development efficiency, make programming more effective. Annex books are super clear pdf, non scanning, bookmark)
Platform: | Size: 14057472 | Author: Rhinozh | Hits:

[Search Engine用Python写网络爬虫

Description: 本书讲解了如何使用P川lOil来编写网络爬虫程序, 内容包括网络爬虫简 介, 从页面中抓取数据的三种方法, 提取缓存中的数据, 使用多个线程和进 程来进行并发抓取, 如何抓取动态页面中的内容, 与表单进行交互, 处理页 面中的验证码问题, 以及使用 Scarpy和Portia 来进行数据抓取, 并在最后使 用本书介绍的数据抓取技术对几个真实的网站进行了抓取, 旨在帮助读者活 学活用书中介绍的技术。 本书适合有一定Python 编程经验, 而且对爬虫技术感兴趣的读者阅读。(This book explains how to use P in lOil to write a web crawler program, including the introduction of web crawler, from three kinds of methods to grab the data page, extract the data in the cache, the use of multiple threads and processes for concurrent crawl, how to crawl dynamic content, interact with the form, page processing the verification code, and the use of Scarpy and Portia for data capture, data capture technology and in final use this book introduces on several real-world sites were designed to help the reader grasp, book of learning and using technology. This book is suitable for readers with some Python programming experience and readers interested in crawling technology.)
Platform: | Size: 14773248 | Author: prvllue | Hits:


Description: FlaskWeb开发:基于Python的Web应用开发实战(Python Web programming Chinese version)
Platform: | Size: 9335808 | Author: youhua | Hits:

[Other01.笨办法学Python 第3版 中文(带书签)

Description: 入门书籍,笨办法学python,本书带书签,是一本很好的入门学习教材.这本书里面有:1. 源于代数的,抽象和组合的思维。2. 命令式的,分治和递归的思维。3. 面向对象的模块化思维。4. 一些应用(游戏,web)其续集(more python)还包括:1. 常见数据结构:链表,哈希,树,以及相关的遍历,排序。2. 更复杂的模型,比如fsm,parser。3. 一些sql的知识。4. 一些应用,比如cli工具。国内大部分编程书,照本宣科,恨不得写成编程语言的文档。又有什么用,读者还是不会用编程语言来表达,思考和解决问题。拥有一些思想,比起文档式的教程,高到不知道哪里去了。(Introductory books, clumsy law python, book with bookmarks, is a good entry learning textbook. This book contains: 1. from algebra, abstract and combined thinking. 2. commanding, dividing, and recursion. 3. object oriented modular thinking. 4., some applications (games, web) more Python also include: 1., common data structures: linked list, Hashi, tree, and related traversal, sorting. 2. more complex models, such as FSM, parser. 3. some knowledge of SQL. 4. some applications, such as cli tools. Most of the domestic programming book, written language would not echo what the books say, document. The reader will not use the programming language to express, think and solve the problem. There are some ideas, rather than a document - style tutorial, so high as not to know where to go.)
Platform: | Size: 893952 | Author: mangooo | Hits:


Description: Python web编程基础,适合刚入门的同学以及相关技术人员作为资料查阅(Python web programming foundation)
Platform: | Size: 24201216 | Author: ddffdd | Hits:
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