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MATLAB潮流和最佳潮流计算程序 MATPOWER - Matlab routines for solving power flow problems.-MATLAB trends and best flow calculation procedure MATPOWER- Matlab routines for solving power flow problems.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 133kb Publisher : 王力

里面有8PSK,GMSK的matlab源程序,贡献出来了-I was interested in the theory for 8PSK and came across this m-file written in 1999. It requires 2 function calls (graymapPSK and grayunmapPSK) which I have included and must be uncommented(single comments only) and loaded into your workspace. Remove the function calls from this m-file after you load into your workspace. It seems to work well and give valid results for BPSK and QPSK but I have a question about the setup for 8PSK and the solution for Pseint where Pse=Pseint. Also, the Gray coding seems different than what I m used to. Some of you more theoretical minded may have some insight into the theory behind how Pseint was determined and comment. I don t have the communications toolbox-blockset and was wondering how it compared with Matlab s example simulation of 8PSK with Gray coding (in Simulink?) Each run takes about a minute and the loop iterations are shown in the command window. A numerical example of a satellite link is shown using uncoded QPSK
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 杨阳
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