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一个局域网内聊天传输文件的工具,不需要服务器。比较多的小功能,很实用。 主要功能: 1、可以进行群聊。 2、点中名字前的复选框要以说消消话。 3、可以群发文件,可以发给指定的人(选中复选框),也可以发给所有人。 4、选中某人,点\"blacklist\"可以将它加到黑名单中。此人的所有发言及发文件将被单向滤掉。但他前不知道。选中黑名单中的人,点击\"blacklist\",可以将此人从黑名单中去掉。 5、支持在线改名。名字冲突时后起名的需要改名。 6、支持和QQ一样的表情系统。 7、按上slt+shift+z可以将程序呼出。 8、所有聊天记录自动保存在\"history.dat\"文件中。 9、当探测到局域网内有更高版本时,会自动提醒升级。 -a LAN chat tool to transfer files, no server. More small function, practical. The main functions : one can communicate with a group. 2, points name before the check box to say Consumers Consumers then. 3, the mass document can be sent to the designated person (selected check box), also be given to all. 4, selected a person, click on "blacklist" can be added to its blacklist. All of this statement and documents will be made one-way filtered out. But he did not know before. Selected blacklist of people and click "blacklist", the person can be removed from the blacklist. 5, support online name. Names named after the conflict the need renamed. 6, support and QQ as the expression system. 7, on slt shift by z procedures can be exhaled. 8, all chat logs automatically deposited
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 83.51kb Publisher : luowang

我的QQ历史查看器,自己写就是自由-my QQ history viewer, is the freedom to write their own
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 201.2kb Publisher : 吴地明

我的QQ历史查看器,自己写就是自由-my QQ history viewer, is the freedom to write their own
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 201kb Publisher : 吴地明

一个局域网内聊天传输文件的工具,不需要服务器。比较多的小功能,很实用。 主要功能: 1、可以进行群聊。 2、点中名字前的复选框要以说消消话。 3、可以群发文件,可以发给指定的人(选中复选框),也可以发给所有人。 4、选中某人,点"blacklist"可以将它加到黑名单中。此人的所有发言及发文件将被单向滤掉。但他前不知道。选中黑名单中的人,点击"blacklist",可以将此人从黑名单中去掉。 5、支持在线改名。名字冲突时后起名的需要改名。 6、支持和QQ一样的表情系统。 7、按上slt+shift+z可以将程序呼出。 8、所有聊天记录自动保存在"history.dat"文件中。 9、当探测到局域网内有更高版本时,会自动提醒升级。 -a LAN chat tool to transfer files, no server. More small function, practical. The main functions : one can communicate with a group. 2, points name before the check box to say Consumers Consumers then. 3, the mass document can be sent to the designated person (selected check box), also be given to all. 4, selected a person, click on "blacklist" can be added to its blacklist. All of this statement and documents will be made one-way filtered out. But he did not know before. Selected blacklist of people and click "blacklist", the person can be removed from the blacklist. 5, support online name. Names named after the conflict the need renamed. 6, support and QQ as the expression system. 7, on slt shift by z procedures can be exhaled. 8, all chat logs automatically deposited
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 83kb Publisher : luowang

qq 聊天记录到文件 在别人的基础上修改的 希望对大家有所帮助-qq chat history to file in others based on the revised U.S. would like to help
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.79mb Publisher : mll

历史上最全的QQ DELPHI源代码,不了解过去的程序员不是一个好的程序员!-The whole history of the QQ DELPHI source code, programmers do not understand the past is not a good programmer!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 524kb Publisher : 的撒旦

对QQ的聊天文件进行解密的源代码,只要选择聊天记录保存的文件,就可以解密-QQ chat on declassified documents the source code, as long as the choice of chat history saving a document, you can decrypt
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25kb Publisher : 小龙

linux下开发的一款类似QQ的网络聊天室,利用了多线程编程,基于C/S架构,可私聊和群聊,保存聊天记录,遗憾的是没有加入Qt界面-linux developed a similar network QQ chat rooms, use of multi-threaded programming, based on the C/S architecture,私聊and group chat, save chat history, unfortunately not joined the Qt interface
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : 彭宗山

USB摄像头视频监控系统功能: 1、定时录像; 2、历史回放; 3、远程监控。 功能完整强大的USB摄像头监控软件(QQ摄像头监控软件)。支持多个USB摄像头。支持定时录像,历史回放。默认为24小时监控。支持远程查看。实时视频支持视频转发。结合免费的花生壳软件,可以实现Internet上的实时视频监控。-USB Camera Video Surveillance System features: 1, from time to time video 2, the history of playback 3, remote monitoring and control. Powerful full-featured USB camera monitoring software (QQ camera monitoring software). Support multiple USB camera. Support regular video, the history of playback. The default is 24-hour monitoring. Support the long-range view. Transmitted real-time video to support video. PeanutHull combination free software can achieve real-time Internet video surveillance.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.17mb Publisher : hehc08

一个功能比较全的企业管理系统,后台主要功能: 用户管理:类别管理 用户组管理 模块管理 管理员列表 添加管理员 友情链接:友情链接 企业介绍 广告管理 公告信息 关于方向 企业新闻:添加新闻 新闻管理 历史图片 公司历程 产品管理:添加产品 产品管理 技术支持:QQ在线 在线演示 实用工具 产品知识库 软件管理 培训服务:培训信息 管理培训 手册管理 客户服务:客户留言管理 服务指南 服务的客户 采用了三层架构,数据库为sql2000 后台管理地址:admin/Login.aspx,用户名/密码:admin/admin-Comparison of a functional enterprise-wide management system, the main functions of the background: User Management: Category Management user group list management module management administrator to add the administrator Link: Links Notice enterprise information management to introduce advertising on the direction of Company News: News add pictures history course management Product Management: Product Management added products Technical support: QQ online online demo utility software products Knowledge Management Training services: information management training management training manual Customer Service: Customer message management services to guide customers A three-tier architecture, database sql2000 Admin address: admin/Login.aspx, username/password: admin/admin
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.82mb Publisher : lijun

qq聊天记录查看器(可实时记录QQ聊天记录信息,并及时保存,也可导出至txt文本)-qq chat history viewer (which can record real-time chats QQ information and timely preservation, can also be exported to a txt version)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 39kb Publisher : lixinhui

腾讯大讲堂,移动QQ发展历史以及未来布局,移动QQ理念延续的精髓。-Mobile QQ the development history and the layout of the future
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.89mb Publisher : 黄少玉

通过php编码实现的,不错参考的例子代码,这是一个用php脚本语言写的小偷采集,QQ签名偷看器程序 ,作用:查看QQ历史签名,初学者不错的参考例子程序。-Php coding, good reference example code, this is a thief acquisition php scripting language to write the the QQ signature peep program, role: View QQ history signature beginners good reference example program.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : mbwmomg

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简易版QQ聊天程序,主要功能可以实时聊天,查看聊天记录,添加好友等-Simple version of QQ chat program, the main function can be real-time chat, view chat history, add friends
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.11mb Publisher : tom

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仿腾讯QQ,功能有查看聊天记录、更改字体大小、颜色、抖动窗口等-Imitation Tencent QQ, features a view chat history, change the font size, color, jitter window, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.68mb Publisher : 王文波

史上最强大的php分页类 images demo.php page.class.php * 版权声明:完全开源 * 作者声明:我把这个分页类暂时命名为史上最强大的分页类,有点夸大,不喜勿喷。 * 作者期望:给分页类还存在一些不足之处,如果各位网友有好的意见或改进的方案,都可QQ联系作者予以讨论和交流-History of the most powerful php pagination class images demo.php page.class.php* Copyright: completely open source* Author Disclaimer: I put this pagination class tentatively named in the history of the most powerful pagination class, a little exaggerated, do not like do not spray .* Author Expectations: to pagination class there are still some shortcomings, if netizens have good ideas or improvements to programs, can be discussed in QQ contact and exchange of
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher : dabai

一个QQ幽灵源码,能自动隐藏监控QQ操作,能自动删除聊天记录。自动删除自身。真正的来无影去无踪-A QQ ghost source, can automatically hide monitor the QQ operation, can automatically delete chat history. Automatically deletes itself. Really came and went without a trace ..
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : Gamelink

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网络聊天室通常直称聊天室,是一种人们可以在线交谈的网络论坛,在同一聊天室的人们通过广播消息进行实时交谈。 聊天室可以建立在即时通讯软件(如MSN Messenger、QQ、Anychat)、P2P软件、万维网(如 Halapo,Meebo ) 等基础上,万维网方式更为普通和种类繁多,交谈的手段不局限于文本,更包括语音、视频。通常聊天室是按照房间或频道为单位的,在同一房间或频道的网人可以实时地广播和阅读公开消息。一般情况下,与其它网络论坛、即时通讯不同的是,聊天室不保存聊天记录。-Internet chat rooms are usually straight-called chat rooms, is a network of people you can talk to online forums, chat rooms for people in the same broadcast message through real-time conversation. Chat rooms can be built in instant messaging software (such as MSN Messenger, QQ, Anychat), P2P software, the World Wide Web (eg Halapo, Meebo), etc., based on the World Wide Web method is more general and a wide range of means of conversation is not limited to text, and more including voice, video. Usually chat room or channel in accordance with the room for the unit, in the same room or channel network of people in real-time news broadcasts and read publicly. Under normal circumstances, and other online forums, instant messaging is different, chat rooms do not save chat history.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 379kb Publisher : 刘小莫

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完全相同,并完全支持从qq导入表情。迄今为止国内最强大的权限控制系统。迄今为止国内首个实现了论坛版面目录化的系统。论坛url规则的完全自定义等功能。-bbsmax is the 2007 launch of a new ASP.NET forum, with high load, top speed, the strongest security background. By far the oldest. net forum, from the first version released in 2002 so far, more than five years of history, integrated network hard drive, first upload repeatedly posting can utilize. Supports custom emoticons, and qq operating habits are identical, and fully supports importing from qq expression. By far the most powerful access control system. So far the first to achieve the forum pages directory based system. Forum url rules completely custom functions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.46mb Publisher : dong

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QQ程序,使用MVC架构实现客户端与服务器端,具有的功能:聊天,添加好友,删除好友,显示好友列表,文件传输,给好友留言,查看聊天记录-QQ program, using the MVC architecture to achieve client and server side, with features: chat, add friends, delete friends, show your friends list, file transfer, to a Friend messages, view chat history
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.36mb Publisher : 王真
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