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简易的QQ聊天程序 里面只有两个文件 供初学者研究学习-QQ Chat simple procedure but only two documents client.j ava for beginners Studies
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.28kb Publisher : vicky

梅花三弄dezend v1.1
[color=#FF0000]主要增加对用zendguard 4.01进行加密的dezend支持[/color]该类文件开头格式:
<?php @Zend;

梅花三弄dezend v1.0
6.支持dezend后自动执行一批替换,实现扩展式二次dezend,不用于dezend也是一个强大的批量替换工 具,历遍文件夹把选定的后缀文件进行替换
14. 支持双击打开上级目录、双击本窗口打开目录、支持双击调用相应程序打开文件进行编辑(与flashfxp使用方法基本相同)







/h or /? help (帮助信息)
/detail{/d} show detail(显示详细源代码和opcode信息,非常有用)
/opcode show opcode(opcode数值)
/oparray show oparray(oparray信息)
/function show all the function(所有内部函数名)
/class show all the class(所有内部类名)
/hash show all known hash table(所有认识的哈希表)
/info log general infomation(default phpinfo.log)(其他一些信息)
/raw{/r} dump raw op code(显示详细原始opcode信息,遇到exception的时候非常有用)
/execute execute the file(default NOT)(运行源文件)
/backup{/b} backup the file with extension .bak if out file exist(替换前备份)
/append{/a} appaned to previous log file(追加日志,默认是替换)
/tick{/t} show tick span(显示时间消耗)
/noexpire ignore file expire(忽略文件是否过期)
/noindent ignore indent(去掉缩进)
/compact dump with compact style[not support yet](暂未使用)
/classic dump with classic style[not support yet](暂未使用)
/bug dump bug statement(显示BUG)
/full set to full mode(暂未使用)
/force{/f} set to force mode(和/i使用时强制导入config文件)
/import{/i} import class and function name[obfuscate name] from config file(程序根据源文件混淆与否决定导入config文件)
/export{/e} export class and function name[obfuscate name] to config file(导出函数名和类名到config文件)
/obfuscate dump obfuscate name and its url encoded name(显示被混淆的名字)
/dic dump obfuscate name dictionary depend on $level(生成混淆名字典,根据level设置字符数范围)
/tab dump with tab prefix(default space)(使用tab缩进,默认使用空格缩进)
/indent:$i dump with indent $i(default 4)(缩进字符数,默认是4)
/stack:$i dump with stack size $i(default 16)(内部堆栈起始字节数,默认16)
/string:$i dump with stack string length $i(default 4096)(内部字符串堆栈字节数,默认4096,如果内存充裕,可以设大)
/level:$i,$j dump with decode level range $i-$j(default 4-1)(混淆相关的字符数范围,用来猜测名字的字符数范围)
/ext:$ext dump to file with file extension $ext(default .de.php)(输出文件扩展名,*表示使用源文件扩展名)
/root:$root dump to $path + ( $source - $root ) if specified /path:$path(截取路径根路径)
/path:$path dump to $path(输出路径)
/file:$file dump to $file(输出文件名)
/config[:$c] override config file by ?[:phpinfo.log])(config文件名,默认是config.ini)
/log[:$name] override log name by $name([: ?])(日志名)
/logtype:$t override log type by $t<file|registry|debug|messagebox>(输出日志方式,文件、注册表、debug字符串、对话框)
/ini[:$ini] override php.ini search path by $ini([:.], if not specified)(php.ini的优先搜索路径,默认是.,即当前目录)

Enviroment string PHP_DECODE_XXX override default setting, see help(命令行参数都有对应的环境变量)
Command line->Enviroment string->default setting(优先权:命令行 高于 环境变量 高于 默认设置)

if $ext set to *, then keep origin file extension
if $path = 'd:\', $root = 'e:\', then 'e:\php\xxx'=>'d:\php\xxx'


Update : 2009-02-03 Size : 1.01mb Publisher : liu3zy

@echo off color 1a title 扫描报告整理程序——飞鱼(专用)QQ:365595926 echo 扫描报告整理程序 echo 专供内部使用 echo 哈哈就要整理好啦~稍等. echo 程序整理中,请稍候…… for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2,3*" %%i in (Result.txt) do ( if 1433==%%j ( echo %%i>>1433.txt ) else ( if 80==%%j ( echo %%i>>80.txt ) else ( if 79==%%j ( echo %%i>>79.txt ) else (
Update : 2011-12-07 Size : 779byte Publisher : jiuzi123

DL : 0
直接复制到JBuilder2006---\DOC\-- 替换jdk_docs.jar 欢迎访问 QQ:151693707-directly copied to JBuilder2006--- \ DOC \-- Replacement jdk_doc s.jar welcome to visit QQ : 151693707
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 40.93mb Publisher :

DL : 0
点对点聊天系统 支持文字和语音聊天。同时是服务器和客户端。 chat system to support text and voice chat. While server and the client. App.formApp.javaShowMsg.javaTCPClient.ja vaTCPServer.javaUDPCapture.javaUDPPlay.j ava
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 99kb Publisher : 王金华

简易的QQ聊天程序 里面只有两个文件 供初学者研究学习-QQ Chat simple procedure but only two documents client.j ava for beginners Studies
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : vicky

DL : 0
利用Java平台开发的一款模仿qq聊天功能的即时通讯软件。-The use of Java platform development of a chat function to imitate qq instant messaging software.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33kb Publisher : kevin

ciphone QQ2008.jar文件 全触屏-document-wide touch screen ciphone QQ2008.jar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 287kb Publisher : songqinyu

字体,字号,段落格式,加粗,斜体,下划线,上标,下标,删除线,左对齐,居中,右对齐,全选,剪切,复制,粘贴,撤消,恢复,编号,项目符号,减少缩进量,增加缩进量,替换,插入超级链接,去掉超级链接,插入表格,插入行,删除行,插入列,删除列,插入水平线,字体颜色,字体背景颜色,特效字体,插入特殊符号,取消格式,清理代码,插入图片,插入Flash,插入Windows Media,插入Real Media,插入大表情,插入QQ表情,插入代码,插入引用,隐藏内容,上传并插入图片 -Font, size, paragraph formatting, bold, italics, underline, superscript, subscript, strikethrough, left-justified, center, right alignment, the entire election, cut, copy, paste, undo, recovery, ID , bullets, indentation to reduce the amount of increase in the volume of indentation, replace, insert hyperlinks, hyperlink removed, insert a table, insert line, delete rows, insert row, delete row, insert a horizontal line, font color, font background color, Font effects, insert special symbols, the abolition of the format, clean up the code, insert pictures, insert Flash, insert the Windows Media, Insert Real Media, insert the large expression QQ expression insert, insert code, insert a reference, hidden content, upload and insert images
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 36kb Publisher : zhangyan

DL : 0
JSP超强仿QQ聊天系统WebQQ,采用struts1.2+sqlserver2005-JSP+ ext Superacid QQ chat system like WebQQ, the use of struts1.2+ sqlserver2005
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.53mb Publisher : water

DL : 0
用JAVA和SQL做的注册和登陆界面,能实现申请的账号,并返回QQ号,用QQ号登陆-Using JAVA and SQL to do the registration and login interface, the account to achieve the application and return to No. QQ, QQ landing with
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 211kb Publisher : 刘兵

DL : 0
JAVA编写QQ的报告,有编程思路,希望对编程者有帮助,欢迎交流。-QQ report prepared JAVA, a programming idea, and they hope to help programmers are welcome to exchange.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 187kb Publisher : vick

QQ密码保护,手机密码保护程序,下载改为Jar即可-QQ password-protected, mobile phone password-protected program, you can download the Jar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher : yueother

仿QQ聊天程序 包含客户端和服务器端 功能简单 仅供参考-fsl jflds j fdsal fdsj a jfdsa jgdfls fds
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.54mb Publisher : 马奇

DL : 0
遗传算法在J-SHOP调度中的应用,以上是通过matlab的程序验证。欢迎和我讨论, Algorithm in J-SHOP scheduling, the above procedure is verified by matlab. Welcome and I discussed,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 谢湘霖

21点游戏规则:庄家给每个玩家发两张牌,牌面朝上;给自己发两张牌,一张牌面朝上(叫明牌),一张牌面朝下(叫暗牌)。大家手中扑克点数的计算是:K、Q、J 和 10 牌都算作 10 点。 A 牌既可算作1 点也可算作11 点,由玩家自己决定。其余所有2 至9 牌均按其原面值计算。目的是尽量往21点靠,靠得越近越好,最好就是21点了。在要牌的过程中,如果所有的牌加起来超过21点,玩家就输了——叫爆掉(Bust),游戏也就结束了。假如玩家没爆掉,又决定不再要牌了,这时庄家就把他的那张暗牌打开来。假如他现在的两张牌加起来小于或等于16点(Hit),他就必须继续给他自己发牌(不管他的点数是否比你大),一直发到他的点数大于等于17点为止。庄家在给自己发牌的过程中,假如他爆掉了,那他就输了。假如他没爆掉,那么你就与他比点数大小,大为赢。一样的点数为平手。-Blackjack game rules: banker to each player hair two CARDS, CARDS face, Give oneself to send two card, a piece of card face (called Ming card), CARDS face down (called dark card). Everybody hand poker points calculation is: K, qq, J and 10 CARDS are counted as 10 PM. A card can be counted as 1 point also can count 11 PM, by the player s own decision. All the CARDS are 2 to 9 according to its original value calculation. Purpose to do is go blackjack depend, rely on the nearly more, it is best to 21 points. In the process of brand, if all the brand added up to more than 21 points, the player will have lost-- called overflowing (Bust), the game is over. If the player doesn t overflowing and decided not to brand, when banker took him that piece of dark card to open. If he is now the two card added up to less than or equal to 16 points (Hit), he must continue to give himself a board (no matter whether his points larger than you), has been sent him greater than or equal to the points of 17 p
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.34mb Publisher : 叶zp

实现QQ聊天功能,J模仿腾讯作品。主要是实现聊天,,聊天你懂,的,。QQ chat system -QQ chat system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.07mb Publisher : 柳伟卫

动画制作公司网站系统,程序开源且免费,采用ASP+Access设计。 1、网站功能 a、能够自由设置网站网址 b、能够自由更改网站名称 c、能够自由设置客服邮箱 d、自定义地址、邮编、QQ、电话、手机、传真、ICP备案等功能 e、自定义网站开关 f、轻松设置Logo、Flash g、可自由查看登录日志 h、自由修改管理员帐号和密码 i、自定义栏目名称和链接地址和图片地址 j、发布文章、管理文章、管理栏目 k、留言管理 l、自由发布网站招聘信息 m、其他更多更能等待您的发现和开发 后台登录地址:http://您的地址/admin 管理员账号:admin 管理员密码:123456-The animation company website, the program is open source and free, ASP+Access design. 1, the site features a web site can be freely set URL b able to freely change the name of the site c & Customer Service d can freely set self-defined address, Zip code, QQ, phone, cell phone, fax, ICP filing function e, custom site switch f, relaxed setting Logo, Flash g, can freely the login log h, free to modify the administrator account and password i post self-defined column name and the link address and pictures address j, management articles, management part k, Message Management l, freely distributed Website Jobs m more more waiting for your discovery and development background login address: http:// address/admin administrator account: admin administrator password: 123456
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.46mb Publisher : GFG088

DL : 0
XDcms是南宁旭东网络科技有限公司推出的一套完全开源的通用的内容管理系统。主要使用php+mysql+smarty技术基础进行开发,XDcms采用OOP(面向对象)方式进行基础运行框架搭建。模块化开发方式做为功能开发形式。框架易于功能扩展,代码维护,二次开发能力优秀。 XDcms重点功能 A、内容管理模型,自定义字段,更方便扩展功能。自带模型:单页模型、新闻模型、产品模型、招聘模型 B、栏目自定义,便于内容管理 C、内容模块化,二次开发更便捷。自带模块:幻灯片、QQ客服、友情链接、自定义表单(在线留言、简历管理) D、模板管理,后台编辑模板更方便 E、邮件发送,表单留言自动发送邮件到邮箱 F、数据缓存,访问速度更快 G、会员自定义模型、字段 H、结合Smarty开发的万能loop标签、get_block碎片标签,数据调用更简单、更方便 I、产品多图多方位展示 J、URL规则自定义,更有利于做搜索引擎优化-XDcms is Nanning Xudong network science and technology limited company launched a completely open source general-purpose content management system. The main use of php+mysql+smarty technology development, XDcms uses the OOP ( object-oriented ) way of running the framework to build foundation. The modular development mode as the functional forms of development. Frame easy functional expansion, code maintenance, two times the development of outstanding ability. XDcms key function A, content management model, custom fields, more convenient function expansion. Model: model with single page, news, products, recruitment model model model Column B, custom, for content management C, content modules, two times the development of more convenient. With module: slide, QQ service, links, custom form ( online message, resume management ) D, template management, more convenient background editing template E, e-mail, message is automatically sent email to form F, data cache, faster access speed
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.99mb Publisher : asdweioi

病毒源码 使用后 你就准备重新装系统 吧 里面的每个步骤都有说明的J先生自主研究 不懂得加我QQ:1454677908 谢谢大家支持-Virus source, you are ready to re-install the system inside each step has described Mr. J, independent research and do not know how to add my QQ: 1,454,677,908 thank you for support
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 刘备
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