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Description: “抢三十”想必大家都玩过,这个VB程序就是模拟这个游戏的。-"grab 30" Surely we all played, the VB program is the simulation game.
Platform: | Size: 9185 | Author: gh | Hits:

[Com PortQSSReader

Description: QSS设备读取的后台服务程序,有多线程设置读取QSS,数据存储-Os equipment to read the background of service procedures, how to read threads set Os, data storage
Platform: | Size: 28912 | Author: 停留 | Hits:

[Com PortQSSReader

Description: QSS设备读取的后台服务程序,有多线程设置读取QSS,数据存储-Os equipment to read the background of service procedures, how to read threads set Os, data storage
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 停留 | Hits:


Description: “抢三十”想必大家都玩过,这个VB程序就是模拟这个游戏的。-"grab 30" Surely we all played, the VB program is the simulation game.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: gh | Hits:


Description: 这是在暑假和几个同学,用php+mysql开发的问卷调查系统。-This is the summer and a few students developed using php+ mysql survey system.
Platform: | Size: 318464 | Author: gwlove | Hits:


Description: QT C++ QSS 移动窗体 重绘 界面美化-QT interface of landscaping
Platform: | Size: 83968 | Author: Jammy | Hits:

[mpeg mp3music

Description: Qt写的一个音乐播放器,采用qss的方法美化界面,适于初学者学习交流用-Qt to write a music player, the method used qss landscaping interface, suitable for beginners to learn to use communication
Platform: | Size: 4888576 | Author: fanchao | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxGraphicsNavigator

Description: 基于Qt4.6开发的类似于ipad的界面向导,并运用qss进行界面的样式设计。-Developed based on similar ipad Qt4.6 wizard interface, and use the style to interface design qss
Platform: | Size: 6994944 | Author: 孙建 | Hits:


Description: QT qss50 图片 美丽 非常有用的-QT qss 50 photos imager very important
Platform: | Size: 241664 | Author: maple | Hits:


Description: DOA 估计 在循环平稳下通过 khatri-Rao product 子空间拟合-DOA estimation via quasi-stationary KR product
Platform: | Size: 288768 | Author: caomingyang | Hits:

[GUI DevelopQSS

Description: qt编写的QSS安全设置程序,包括不同的测量工具,转速表,温度计,电流表-qt written QSS security setup, including different measurement tools, tachometer, thermometer, ammeter
Platform: | Size: 4298752 | Author: liuchao | Hits:

[WEB CodekimsQ-zhcn

Description: KimsQ是一款来自韩国的CMS建站系统,开放源代码,通过类似App应用市场的方式进行商业化运作,在韩国属于商业运作比较成功的开源代码程序。kimsBoard因为最早提出了模块方式的程序构成在韩国占据了不少建站软件市场,后期因为产品过于分布导致在G4,Xe的新生软件占据市场时Kims节节败退,为了挽回市场参照Xe和G4开发了QSS系列,完全开源。-KimsQ is a the CMS station system from Korea, open source, commercial operation by way similar to the App application market in Korea is a commercial operation successful open source code program. the first to propose a building block approach procedures constitute kimsBoard in South Korea occupies the many website software market, resulting in G4 the XE' s newborn dominate the market Kims retreat distributed too late because the product, in order to restore the market with reference to Xe and G4 developed QSS series, fully open source.
Platform: | Size: 3828736 | Author: hpudn65 | Hits:


Description: qt皮肤文件qss文件的格式和制作方法,很好的教程。-qt skin file qss file format and production methods, good tutorial.
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 吴志成 | Hits:


Description: qt4的皮肤文件qss文件样例,可以用来学习皮肤制作,也可以用到自己的工程中。-qt4 skin file qss file for example, can be used to study skin production, can also be used in your own projects.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 吴志成 | Hits:


Description: Qt中qss和setStyleSheet的5个示例,都是我网上找资料,不足的地方自己写出来的,希望对大家有所帮助。-qss and setStySheet
Platform: | Size: 230400 | Author: 周安卓 | Hits:

[GUI Developqss

Description: Qt Style Sheets为Qt程序提供不需要修改代码改变界面风格的方法。本qss提供一种黑色风格qss源码,加载abc_satellite.qss即可,图片是使用风格后效果图。-Qt Style Sheets are a powerful mechanism that allows you to customize the appearance of widgets, in addition to what is already possible by subclassing QStyle. The concepts, terminology, and syntax of Qt Style Sheets are heavily inspired by HTML Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) but adapted to the world of widgets.
Platform: | Size: 340992 | Author: ma | Hits:


Description: QT中的QSS皮肤样本,喜欢的人可以参考下,QSS作为软件皮肤设计,非常高效和方便-QT QSS skin samples, like people can refer to the next, QSS as the software skin design, very efficient and convenient
Platform: | Size: 649216 | Author: xiao | Hits:


Description: 量子态表征函数QSS,其功能表示出多量子比特-quantum expression
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wang zhaohui | Hits:


Description: 基于QT的QSS美化UI编程,希望对大家有所启示。-UI beautification program QT-based QSS, I want to enlightenment.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: myth | Hits:


Description: 自定义QWidget的QSS样式,pyqt例子(Custom QSS Style of QWidget)
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: jckyjjjjjjj | Hits:
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