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QT写的自动更新程序 自认为不错 请大家参考-QT wrote the auto-update process from the U.S., please consider a good reference
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 708kb Publisher : 杨旭荣

www.trolltech.com推荐的学习Qt的权威书籍 自制的Pdf版Code Less Create More Deploy Everywhere Using Trolltech s Qt you can build industrial-strength C++ applications that run natively on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, and embedded Linux without source code changes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.36mb Publisher : jason

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QT下一个使用Qcanvas绘制点,线,多边形的绘图程序-QT next Qcanvas rendering the use of point, line, polygon drawing program
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 107kb Publisher : graysun

qt环境下的经典案例,经典教程的源代码.关于qt-qt environment classic case, classic tutorial s source code. on the qt
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.49mb Publisher : 王正

Qt4下开发的基于套接字的c/s结构的聊天程序-Developed based on Qt4 socket c/s chat program structure
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : whdy

PDF of a book about programming Nokia s Qt framework and C++. Excellent read!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.54mb Publisher : Jake

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Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 410kb Publisher : 黄泽宇

Master C++ and design patterns together, using the world s leading open source framework for cross-platform development: Qt 4.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.59mb Publisher : Ivan

用QT4库写的 基于C/S结构. 其实在linux用套接字写网络部分更方便不过,但最近在学习QT/network部分,所以练手写的一个.-Written using QT4 libraries based on C/S structure. In fact, part of the linux network using a socket to write more convenient, however, but a recent study QT/network part, so as a practicing handwriting.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 袁和平

此白皮书介绍了 Qt C++ 框架。Qt 采用“一写永逸”的方法支持开发跨平台的 GUI应用程序。使用单一源码树和简单的重编译式,可以为 Windows 98 至 WindowsXP、Mac OS X、Linux、Solaris、HP-UX 以及其他使用 X11 的 Unix 版本编写各种序。此外,还可以编译在嵌入式 Linux 平台中运行的 Qt 应用程序。Qt 引入了一种名为“信号和槽”的独特对象间通信机制。Qt 还为 2D 和 3D 图形、国际化、SQL、XML、单元测试提供了卓越的跨平台支持,并为特定应用程序提供了针对具体平台的扩展。您可以使QtDesigner(Qt 设计者)(一种支持 IDE 集成的灵活用户界面构建器)构建器来可视化的建立 Qt 应用程序。 -This white paper describes the Qt C++ framework. Qt uses "Wing Yi will write" approach to support cross-platform GUI development Application. Using a single source tree and a simple recompile, it can be for the Windows 98 to Windows XP, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and other Unix version uses X11 s written procedures. This , But also can compile in the embedded Linux platform running Qt application. Qt introduced called "signals and Trough, "the unique communication mechanism between objects. Qt 2D and 3D graphics also, international, SQL, XML, unit testing provides Excellent cross-platform support, and provide for a specific application, platform-specific extensions. You can use the Qt Designer (Qt designer) (a kind of IDE integration support for flexible user interface builder) to the visual builder Build Qt applications.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.24mb Publisher : liliyang

C++GUI+programming+with+Qt+4这本书上的所有例子的代码,很全-C++ GUI+ programming+ with+ Qt+4 all the examples on the book' s code, it is all
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 927kb Publisher : cf

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Qt写的一个局域网聊天室,使用UDP协议,采用C/S模式-A Qt LAN chat written using the UDP protocol, the use of C/S mode
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.01mb Publisher : fanchao

偶从大学开始维护至今的好东西。这个高度封装的轻量级网络库实现了基于异步Socket的C/S模式通信环境。本库经过4个现实项目的考验,用于轻量级的应用,不先进、不高深,但是讲究实用,开发小型C/S架构程序比ACE\Socket\QT都快。 主要特点: 1、已经为传送大文件做了优化。自动拆分、拼合,如果配合上内存映射文件,可以传送超过内存容量的数据(32位指针)。 2、集成了接受者-伴随处理者模型,收到的数据包传递到独立的线程回调用户的处理函数。 3、提供了C++封装,只需重载服务器类、客户端类的方法即可实现收发。 4、提供了C封装,简单调用方法实现发送 已经在范例中实现了C/S程序的框架,服务采用C接口演示,客户用C++接口演示,收发程序合二为一。 编译器支持 VC2005 ~ VC 2010-The highly encapsulated lightweight network based on Asynchronous Socket library implementation in C/S mode communications environment. The reality of the library, four test items for lightweight applications. Main features: 1, has to send large files are optimized. Automatically split, put together, with the memory map if the file can be sent over the data memory (32-bit pointer). 2, the integrated receiver- with handler model, the received data packets delivered to the user separate thread callback handler. 3, provides a C++ package, just reload the server class, client class methods send and receive can be realized. 4, provides a C package, simply call the method to achieve transmit Has been achieved in the sample C/S framework of the program, service demonstration using C interfaces, the customer interfaces with C++ demo, send and receive programs combined. Compiler support for VC2005 ~ VC 2010
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 126kb Publisher : 流浪小狗

Using Trolltech s Qt you can build industrial-strength C++ applications that run natively on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, and embedded Linux without source code changes. Now, two Trolltech insiders have written a start-to-finish guide to getting outstanding results with the latest version of Qt: Qt 4.3. Packed with realistic examples and in-depth advice, this is the book Trolltech uses to teach Qt to its own new hires. Extensively revised and expanded, it reveals today s best Qt programming patterns for everything from implementing model/view architecture to using Qt 4.3 s improved graphics support. You ll find proven solutions for virtually every GUI development task, as well as sophisticated techniques for providing database access, integrating XML, using subclassing, composition, and more. Whether you re new to Qt or upgrading from an older version, this book can help you accomplish everything that Qt 4.3 makes possible.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.53mb Publisher : lobu

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一个基于QT界面的聊天系统,也是C/S模型,服务器启动后,可以启动多个聊天程序-QT interface of a chat-based system, but also C/S model, the server starts, you can start multiple chat programs
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 30kb Publisher : 毛晓峰

摄像头监控系统 最终形成的软件适用于C/S架构或B/S架构。 本软件系统共由两部分构成Server端和Client端(或浏览器)。 针对网络视频监控设备的实际应用需求,结合图像采集编码、嵌入式系统、网络技术等几方面的新技术,设计了一套,嵌入式监控系统,用以实现视频数据的采集,压缩与网络传输,该系统基于嵌入式linux操作系统,采用USB摄像头捕捉,可以使用浏览器(火狐 谷歌)单张拍照,可以使用浏览器浏览远程视频;或使用用QT实现的客户端程序,可以拍摄单张图片,可查看远程视频影像,如有需要还可以保存视频文件。 -Camera Monitored Control System
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : 谭笑

QT从入门到精通。本教程是基于您已经了解C++的基础之上,毕竟Qt是一个C++库。否则您必须先 学习c++后再来看本教程,C++入门比较好的书籍是《C++程序设计》(谭浩强)。 某些人可能觉得《c++ primer》好,但我认为这本书不适合c++入门,所以还是 推荐一下谭老的这本通俗易懂的书吧。 教程由3部分组成,第一部分为新手上路,是Qt的官方教程。其实把它放在第一 部分并不合适,因为对于一个初学Qt的人来说一上来就将最好是从一个Hello World程序开始学习比较好。所以推荐初学者从第二部分Qt学习之路开始阅读。 第三部分为Qt深入编程,对Qt很熟悉的读者可以深入研究研究。-QT from the entry to the master. This tutorial is based on your understanding the C++ of the basis, Qt is a C++ library. Otherwise, you must first learn c++ and then look at this tutorial, better books C++ entry the " C++ programming" (Hemopurification). Some people may think the " c++ primer, but I think this book is not for c++ entry, so it is recommended Tan old plain Shuba. The tutorial consists of three parts, the first part of the road for the novice, Qt' s official tutorial. In fact, put it in the first part is not appropriate, because the one up for a beginner Qt will be the best is good from a Hello World program to start learning. It is recommended that beginners start from the second part of the Qt way of learning to read. The third part of the Qt-depth programming, in-depth study of readers who are familiar with Qt.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.65mb Publisher : shiyang

Qt,和 wxWidget 一样,它也是一个标准的 C++库。但是它的语法很类似于 Java 的 Swing,十分清晰,而 且 SIGNAL/SLOT 机制使得程序看起来很明白——这也是我首先选 择 Qt 的一个很重要的方面,因为我是学 Java 出身的 :) 。不过,所谓“成也萧何,败也萧 何”,这种机制虽然很清楚,但是它所带来的后果是你需要使用 Qt 的 qmake 对程序进行预 处理,才能够再使用 make 或者 nmake 进行编译。并且它的界面也不是原生风格的,尽管 Qt 使用 style 机制十分巧妙的模拟了本地界面。另外值得一提的是,Qt 不仅仅运行在桌面环境 中,Qt 已经被 Nokia 收购,它现在已经会成为 Symbian 系列的主要界面技术——Qt 是能够 运行于嵌入式平台的。-Qt, and wxWidget, it is also a standard C++ library. But its syntax is very similar to Java' s Swing, very clear, and SIGNAL/SLOT mechanism makes the program seem to understand- and this is my first choice is a very important aspect of Qt, because I was born to learn Java :). However, the so-called " as also Xiao, also lost" , although this mechanism is clear, but its consequences is that you need to use Qt' s qmake program is preprocessed, it can be reused make or nmake to compile. And its interface is not the native style, despite the use of Qt style very clever mechanism to simulate the local interface. Also worth mentioning is that, Qt only run in the desktop environment, Qt has been acquired by Nokia, it has now become the main interface technology Qt Symbian series is the ability to run on embedded platforms.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.18mb Publisher : hang yijun

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基于linux的网络通信编程,c/s方式,服务器与客户端能同时收发消息(Network communication programming based on Linux)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 888kb Publisher : zhou1996

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基于Qt开发的QCad的2D的源代码,软件模块比较全(The source code of QCad's 2D based on Qt development)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53.35mb Publisher : lxt891226
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