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osg中显示汉字的源程序,使用osg引擎进行应用开发的快来下载吧!-OSG source display Chinese characters, the use of OSG application engine developed Come download it!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.98mb Publisher : herowzq

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通过flash进行编程,实现图形放大,缩小,以及数据实时加载,来完成gis的功能,-Through the flash, the realization of graphics to enlarge and narrow, as well as real-time data load, to complete the function gis
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.36mb Publisher : 王涛

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GIS软件应用试验指导书.doc 1. 了解地理数据是如何进行组织及基于“图层”进行显示的。 2. 认识ArcMap 图形用户界面。 3. 通过浏览与地理要素关联的数据表,你可以了解地理数据是如何与其属性信息进行连接的。 4. 掌握GIS两中基本查询操作,加深对其实现原理的理解。 5. 初步了解设置图层显示方式-图例的使用。 -GIS software application test instructions. Doc 1. To understand how geographic data is organized and based on the " layers" to display. 2. ArcMap understand graphical user interface. 3. By browsing elements associated with the geographic data table, you can understand the geographic data and its attribute information is how to connect. 4. To master the two basic GIS query operation and deepen understanding of the principles of its realization. 5. A preliminary understanding of layer display settings- the use of symbols.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.16mb Publisher : wangchao

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电子地图制作,在Qt 里实现 电子地图的实现 -this is about map in the QT
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 281kb Publisher : birds

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全面介绍GIS知识,渲染,空间分析,属性查询,数据编辑-A comprehensive introduction GIS knowledge, rendering, spatial analysis, attribute query, data editing
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.65mb Publisher : 匡伟鹏

一个地理GIS信息软件源代码,QT环境,配合GPS模块-A GIS geographic information software source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 913kb Publisher : 雅文

Qt调用百度地图api,实现定位功能。JS文件中需要自己申请百度的key。(a GIS decelped with Qt and Baidu map api, which can locate your position.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : Nemo_o
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