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一个基于h.323协议,QT界面的网络视频(voip)工具-an agreement on h.323, QT interface of Network Video (1/1/2006) tool
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 118.98kb Publisher : kcn_918

一个基于h.323协议,QT界面的网络视频(voip)工具-an agreement on h.323, QT interface of Network Video (1/1/2006) tool
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 119kb Publisher : kcn_918

DL : 0
这是我用QT编写的点播系统,可以点播本地和网络上的视频! 运行环境是Linux系统!-This is my written using QT-demand system that local and network on-demand video! Environment is the Linux operating system!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.9mb Publisher : qinyue

DL : 0
视频监控行业的技术文档,对网络视频监控有指导性意义。-Video surveillance industry, technical documentation, network video surveillance has guiding significance.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 367kb Publisher : Wan Luke

随着移动通信技术的发展和移动终端性能的提高,移动通信网络提供流媒体服务已经成为可能。分析移动流媒体网络传输协议和H.264视频编码格式特点,参照802.11标准,提出移动流媒体客户端的总体架构,并针对Windows Mobile平台特点予以实现。移动流媒体客户端可以运行在无线局域网中,主要由网络模块、解码模块和音视频回放模块组成。网络模块以动态库的方式实现RTP/RTCP/RTSP网络协议,采用消息队列的设计模式提高网络模块的效率 H.264与AMR解码模块由PC向嵌入式平台移植并作相应的封装 流媒体数据回放模块根据系统提供的资源,综合考虑效率与通用性,自动选择最优回放模式。根据3GPP移动流媒体总体结构要求,结合移动网络资源有限和移动智能终端处理能力较弱的特点,扩展局域网移动流媒体客户端的功能,优化流媒体播放器的架构,提高播放系统的效率。在局域网流媒体客户端设计的基础上,使用内网穿越技术穿透移动网关,实现流媒体数据通过移动通信网络传输。在网络模块中加入传输码率适配技术以根据移动通信网络的带宽自动调整服务器端数据发送速率。修改流媒体缓冲区数据排队策略,充分利用网络数据包之间的相关性-Streaming media services over mobile communication network come to be possible because of the development of the mobile communication technology and the improvement of the mobile terminals performance.Based on 802.11 standards, we have submitted the framework of the mobile streaming media clients and it is implemented on the Windows Mobile platform through the analysis on the mobile streaming media network transport protocol and the features of H.264 video encoding format.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.13mb Publisher : zhz

QT下用MPLAYER开发的播放器源码,可播放音频视频,网络流等几乎可以播所有文件。-MPLAYER under development with QT player source, can play audio and video, network flow, etc. can play almost all files.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 258kb Publisher : dai

提供的代码是编写一个基于linux系统的网络视频点播应用程序,利用Qt工具编写图形界面和基于TCP协议的网络传输模块。Linux操作系统以其开源性、多用户多任务、支持多种硬件平台、可靠地安全稳定性能以及日趋完善的图形界面和丰富的网络功能等等,逐渐成为了各行业的首选操作系统,尤其是基于ARM内核的嵌入式linux更是得到了极为广泛的应用。 本系统分为服务器端和客户端两部分。服务器端提供多视频源,供用户进行选择,客户端提供人机交互界面,当用户需要点播某个视频时,首先在Ip Address栏输入服务器的Ip地址,然后选择movies栏的下拉框,从视频列表中选择相应的视频目录,接着点击play按钮,一段缓冲之后开始播放视频,这样就完成了点播功能。-The code is written to provide a linux-based VOD system, applications, graphical user interface written using Qt tools and TCP-based network transmission module. Its open-source Linux operating system, multi-user multi-tasking, support multiple hardware platforms, reliable performance, and increasing security and stability improved graphical interface and a rich network functionality, etc., has become the operating system of choice for various industries, especially ARM core-based embedded linux is to get a very wide range of applications. The system is divided into server and client in two parts. Server to provide multiple video sources for users to choose, the client provides interactive interface, users need a video on demand, the first in the Ip Address field, enter the server s Ip address, then select the movies column drop-down box, from video list, select the appropriate video directory, then click the play button, a buffer after the video starts playing, thus completing t
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : nie

Qt 网络传输图片以及视频 文字字符串··· 利用linux网络协议 以及 套接字进行传输-Qt network transmission pictures and video text string · · · use Linux network protocol and a socket for transmission
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 451kb Publisher : 汝海坤

基于qt环境编写的一个vod视频点播系统,该系统可以在本地添加视频资源或者通过网络ftp获取视频资源。拥有以下功能(播放、停止、快进、快退、上/下曲、全屏和音量控制)。-Based on the qt environment written vod video-on-demand system, the system can add video resources on the local or network ftp access to video resources. Has the following functions (play, stop, fast forward, rewind, previous/next song, full screen and volume control).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.81mb Publisher : 黄海盛

用C C++ Mplayer 在QT上实现的一个简单网络视频播放器,能缓冲播放,模拟的tftp协议传送文件,tftp的服务端与客户端都在里面- 中文(简体) 英语 日语 Mplayer realized on the QT C C++ a simple network video player can playback buffer, simulated tftp protocol to transfer files tftp service and client are on the inside
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 54kb Publisher : zhoufujiang

DL : 0
这个是用QT编写的DVR网络视频监控系统的主界面框架,具体内容待丰富,并需要第在方库支持。-This is written in QT in the main interface of the DVR, network video monitoring system framework and specific content to be rich, and need to be the first in the library support.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 268kb Publisher : sandy

DL : 0
网络搜集的 Qt程序 给大家分享 内含日历 影音 日历等,很好!-Network collected Qt applications to share audio and video embedded calendar calendar, very good!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.58mb Publisher : 杨程序

在基于OK6410开发板上读取OV9650摄像头视频照片,源程序采用QT开发,并利用UDP协议将视频通过网络发送到PC机上-OK6410 development board based on reading the OV9650 camera video photos, source code using QT to develop and use UDP protocol to send the video to the PC through a network
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher :

在LINUX系统下,采用UDP协议,读取从网络传送过来的视频图片,并动态的显示在QT开发的界面上-Under LINUX system, using the UDP protocol, transferred from the network to read over the video picture, and dynamically displayed on the QT interface development
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22kb Publisher :

简单的界面实现,用了网络视频连接播放,用的ffmepg(simple ui, using the network video link playback, using ffmepg)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 962kb Publisher : VrGpt

网络视频直播软件,基于QT5.7开发,使用tcp进行文字传输,udp进行视频传输(Network video live broadcast software, developed based on QT5.7, using TCP for text transmission and UDP for video transmission)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.44mb Publisher : 于小慧478
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