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一种新的八皇后问题解决方案,用矩阵来表示皇后们的位置-a new eight Queens solutions matrix to express their position at Queen's
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 157.45kb Publisher : zj

Update : 2009-08-22 Size : 13.79kb Publisher :

this small program to give one possible solution of the 8 queens puzzle...
Update : 2011-02-07 Size : 50.17kb Publisher :

八皇后问题-Eight queens problem
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 站长

求N皇后问题回溯算法--Asks the N queens question recollection algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher :

八皇后问题的一个程序,可以输出结果-eight of a Queen's procedures, the results can be output
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 260kb Publisher : 杨一笑

八皇后问题(附自编解说)-8 Queens (self Commentary)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : a-rice

八皇后问题 数据结构学习源码-8 Queens source data structure study
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 的弗萨

八皇后问题\八皇后问题-8 \ 8 Queens
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher :

数据结构的八皇后问题-data structure of eight Queens
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 157kb Publisher : wangzi

在一个N×N的国际象棋棋盘中摆N个皇后,使这N个皇后不能互相被对方吃掉。-Put on N queens in a N multiply N chessboard,preventing each queen to be knocked over
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : 罗敏秀

八皇后VC图形演示,算法思想:回溯法,先在第1行放上一个皇后,然后在第2行合适的位置放上一个皇后,依次类推,如果8行都放满了,说明找到了一个解,如果第好第i行的皇后后,第i+1行找不到合适的位置,这时就回到第i行,把第i行的皇后放到下一个位置,继续尝试下一行。如此反复,知道找到所有的解。注意,这种算法找的解可能有等价的,某些解可由别的解经过旋转棋盘得到。-visual demostration in vc of eight queens problem. algorithm: backtracking. First, put a queen on first line then find a suitable position on 2nd line for next queen, and so on. When all eight lines have queens, it means we have find a solution. If we put the i-th queen, but can find a suitable position on the (i+1)th line, then back to the ith line and move the queen on the ith line to next suitable position and move on to the next line. Repeat this until we have found all the solutions. Note:By this mean, some solutions maybe equivalent to others, some can be acquired by the rotation of other solutions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 51kb Publisher : huwu

这是数据结构和算法的国外经典书籍.清华大学出版社出版的<数据结构C++语言描述-应用模板库STL>陈君 译 英文名称是Data Structures with C++ Using STL. 作者: William Ford ,William Topp . 代码代码当中包含各种经典算法 ,比如各种排序 如选择排序,基数排序,快速排序等等.还有各种其他经典算法,有 8皇后问题,汉烙塔 Hanoi ,约瑟肤等了。此原文件是我们学校的一个博士从国外带回的,花了80美元,请大家好好的利用好.-This the data structure and algorithm abroad classic books. Qinghua University Press published lt; C data structure description language-STLgt Application Template Library; Chen translation of the English name of the Data Structures Using C with STL. Author : William Ford, William countries. Source code which packets containing various classical algorithms such as various sequencing option, in order of ranking base, rapid sequencing etc.. there are various other classic algorithms, 8 Queens, tower-baked Hanoi, Joseph skin waiting. This original document was the one Dr. schools from abroad back to a cost of 80 US dollars, please make good use of good.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.37mb Publisher : 冰舟

一种新的八皇后问题解决方案,用矩阵来表示皇后们的位置-a new eight Queens solutions matrix to express their position at Queen's
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 157kb Publisher :

DL : 0
For the incomplete methods, we kept the representation of the queens by a table and the method of calculation to determine if two queens are in conflict, which is much faster for this kind of problems than the representation by a matrix. heuristics: descent. Tests: 100 queens in less than 1 second and 67 iterations. 500 queens in 1 second and 257 iterations. 1000 queens in 11 seconds and 492 iterations. heuristics: Simulated annealing. Tests: 100 queens in less than 1 second and 47 iterations. 500 queens in 5 seconds and 243 iterations. 1000 queens in 13 seconds and 497 iterations. heuristics: based on Simulated Annealing. Tests: 100 queens in less than 1 second and 60 iterations. 500 queens in 1 second and 224 iterations. 1000 queens in 5 seconds and 459 iterations. 10 000 queens in 20 minutes 30 seconds and 4885 iterations. -For the incomplete methods, we kept the representation of the queens by a tab le and the method of calculation to determine if two queens are in conflict, which is much faster for this kind of problems th an the representation by a matrix. heuristics : descent. Tests : 100 queens in less than a second and 67 iteration s. 500 queens in a second and 257 iterations. 100 queens 0 in 11 seconds and 492 iterations. heuri stics : Simulated annealing. Tests : 100 queens in less than a second and 47 iteration s. 500 queens in 5 seconds and 243 iterations. 10 00 queens in 13 seconds and 497 iterations. heur istics : based on Simulated Annealing. Tests : 100 queens in less than a second and 60 iteration s. 500 queens in a second and 224 iterations. 100 0 queens in 5 seconds and 459 iterations. q 1
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 51kb Publisher : ZHU

此源码是用C++语言编写的八皇后问题小程序。-this source is the C language 8 Queens small programs.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 我来也

Using Genetic Algorithm to solve the 8 Queens problem.-Using Genetic Algorithm to solve the eight Quee ns problem.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : 陈伯

“八皇后”问题归朔法求解。八皇后问题是一个古老而著名的问题,该问题是十九世纪著名的数学家高斯1850年提出:在8X8格的国际象棋上摆放八个皇后,使其不能互相攻击,即任意两个皇后都不能处于同一行、同一列或同一斜线上,问有多少种摆法。 高斯认为有76种方案。1854年在柏林的象棋杂志上不同的作者发表了40种不同的解,后来有人用图论的方法解出92种结果。-"8 Queen" The problem Schomburg method. 8 Queen's problem is an ancient and famous, the problem is the famous 19th century mathematician Gauss 1850 : in the 8x8 grid placed on the international chess 8 Queen's, making it unable to attack each other. that is arbitrary two Queens are not at the same trip, the same series or in the same slash and asked how many pendulum. Gaussian that 76 species program. In 1854 in Berlin on different chess magazine published by the author of 40 different solutions, Later, someone using graph theory methods to come up with 92 kinds of results.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 159kb Publisher : yefeng

问题算法源代码:骑士遍历、万年历、N皇后问题回溯算法、动态计算网络最长最短路线、货郎担分枝限界图形演示、货郎担限界算法、矩阵乘法动态规划、网络最短路径Dijkstra算法-problems algorithm source code : Knight traversal, calendar, N Queens backtracking algorithms, Dynamic computing network longest shortest routes, traveling salesman Branch and Bound graphic demonstration, traveling salesman Bound algorithm, Matrix multiplication dynamic programming, network Dijkstra shortest path algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher : 安德里周

8皇后问题最好的算法,请登陆本站才能下载哦!这是最优的解法哦!-8 Queens best algorithm, please log onto the site can download! This is the best solution!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 江泽民
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