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Description: 高分辨雷达智能信号处理技术研究 pdf格式的电子书-intelligent high-resolution radar signal processing technology pdf format e-books
Platform: | Size: 5831680 | Author: 洛阳 | Hits:


Description: 重点介绍三维雷达成像技术及应用,原理等,是一本难得好书-highlight three-dimensional radar imaging technology and application, principle, is a rare books
Platform: | Size: 3280896 | Author: 郭在华 | Hits:


Description: 文件是雷达设计使用的matlab源代码,其参考的是书籍《radar design with matlab》-document is designed to use radar Matlab source code, its reference books "radar design with Matlab"
Platform: | Size: 222208 | Author: 杨向华 | Hits:


Description: 上海无线电2厂整理出版的关于单脉冲雷达技术的图书-Shanghai radio factory compiled and published on the monopulse radar technology books
Platform: | Size: 6184960 | Author: 可难 | Hits:


Description: 相控阵雷达及其仿真技术:蔡庆宇著,包括最优估计,非线性滤波,机动目标跟踪,系统仿真技术等内容,是学习相控阵雷达技术的一本重要参考书-phased array radar and simulation technologies : a Qingyu, including optimal estimation, non-linear filtering, mobile target tracking, System simulation technology, learning phased array radar technology an important reference books
Platform: | Size: 3803136 | Author: 可难 | Hits:

[source in ebookRadarSystemsDesign

Description: 雷达教学的经典书籍《MATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems Design》的随书光盘-radar teaching classic books "MATLAB Simulations for Radar S ystems Design "of the CD with the book
Platform: | Size: 207872 | Author: 王克军 | Hits:


Description: 这是详细介绍雷达系统工程的电子书籍,是一份不可多得的好资料-This is a detailed radar system engineering e-books, is a rare good information
Platform: | Size: 15995904 | Author: 关成 | Hits:


Description: 一本关于合成孔径雷达的好书经典之作 基本包括了合成孔径雷达的-A synthetic aperture radar on the classic books basic includes synthetic aperture radar
Platform: | Size: 34500608 | Author: TIGER | Hits:


Description: 关于stap技术的外文专注,专业人员的参考书籍。-Stap on foreign technology focus, professional reference books.
Platform: | Size: 4462592 | Author: 阿华 | Hits:


Description: 雷达原理,雷达学习的基础类书籍,包含雷达基本结构及雷达基础的信号处理知识-Radar principles, radar, the foundation of learning books, including the basic structure of the radar and radar signal processing based on knowledge of
Platform: | Size: 806912 | Author: sudaoxie | Hits:


Description: synthetic aperture radar signal processing with matlab algorithms 英文书的附带源代码,书是全英文的,作者是Mehrdad Soumekh。我没有电子书,只有复印的。 此成像算法包括一维距离像、条带式、聚束式等多种模式的SAR成像。可以作为有一定SAR基础的同行的编程参考。 友情提供-synthetic aperture radar signal processing with matlab algorithms English books with source code, book is in English, the author is Mehrdad Soumekh. I do not have e-books, only a photocopy was made. The imaging algorithm includes a one-dimensional range profile, band type, spotlight SAR imaging a variety of modes. SAR can be used as the basis of a certain peer programming reference. Friendly offer
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: zhang | Hits:


Description: Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB(用MatlAB设计雷达系统的经典书籍)-Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB (with MatlAB radar system design classic books)
Platform: | Size: 4042752 | Author: 赵明 | Hits:


Description: 国外经典的雷达系统设计书籍:MATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems design.pdf 内有大量MATlAB仿真代码,对雷达信号检测与估计研究方向的人员很有帮助-The classic design of radar systems of foreign books: MATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems design.pdf there are a lot of MATlAB simulation code, the radar signal detection and estimation of the direction of the staff very helpful
Platform: | Size: 9576448 | Author: 海龙 | Hits:


Description: 雷达信号处理,马晓岩写的,是雷达信号处理的入门必备书籍-Radar signal processing, Xiao-Yan wrote, is an essential introduction to radar signal processing books
Platform: | Size: 16150528 | Author: 流浪的月亮 | Hits:


Description: 学习雷达抗干扰的入门书籍,很经典的教材,新手必备-Study of radar jamming the entry books, classic materials, novice
Platform: | Size: 4126720 | Author: 流浪的月亮 | Hits:


Description: 与气象雷达有关的书籍,对初学者有很大的帮助。-With weather radar related books, a great help for beginners.
Platform: | Size: 9990144 | Author: 周广延 | Hits:


Description: 关于相控阵雷达的经典书籍,对学习雷达相当有帮助-On the phased array radar on the classic books, for learning radar quite helpful
Platform: | Size: 27994112 | Author: 陈华东 | Hits:


Description: 这里包括synthetic aperture radar signal processing with matlab algorithms 英文书以及附带源代码,书是全英文的,作者是Mehrdad Soumekh,书中有详细的雷达信号处理方法,附带程序中的成像算法包括一维距离像、条带式、聚束式等多种模式的SAR成像。可以作为有一定SAR基础的同行的编程参考。 -The files include the book of synthetic aperture radar signal processing with matlab algorithms English books and its source code, book is in English, the author is Mehrdad Soumekh. The imaging algorithm includes a one-dimensional range profile, band type, spotlight SAR imaging a variety of modes. SAR can be used as the basis of a certain peer programming reference.
Platform: | Size: 34865152 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 介绍雷达知识的经典书籍,英文版的,绝对清晰,雷达术语解释,清晰准确全面-Classic books on radar knowledge, the English version is absolutely clear. . .
Platform: | Size: 8752128 | Author: 雷达 | Hits:

[OtherPrinciples of Modern Radar

Platform: | Size: 352256 | Author: meha | Hits:
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