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[OtherMultimedia Distribution using Network Coding on the iPhone Platform

Description: This paper looks into the implementation details of random linear network coding on the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch mobile platforms for multimedia distribution.
Platform: | Size: 389148 | Author: kanxiaoshuo1@gmail.com | Hits:

[Program docError

Description: tError Con trol Approach of Random L inear Network Coding.A im ing at random linear netwo rk coding, th is paper p ropo ses an er ro r cont ro l method w h ich combines po int2 po int check ing er ro r and end2 end ret ransm ission . By vir tue of the robustness of random linear netwo rk coding, th is method adop ts th ree dimensional par ity check ing code to imp lement po int2 po int check ing er ro r, and let er roneous packets no t take par t in cod2 ing . W hen a sink node can no t decode the info rmat ion com ing f rom source node, it t ransm its feedback info rmat ion to source node to request ret ransm ission . Theo ret ical analysis and simulat ion results show that, by using larger Galo is f ield and larger packet, the p ropo sed method has h igh p robability to elim inate t ransm ission er ro r including global netwo rk coding ver texes er2 ro r, and make sink nodes integrally receive info rmat ion f rom source node at low er ret ransm ission rate .
Platform: | Size: 201728 | Author: sunwei | Hits:


Description: 本书编写了300多个实用而有效的数值算法C语言程序。其内容包括:线性方程组的求解,逆矩阵和行列式计算,多项式和有理函数的内插与外推,函数的积分和估值,特殊函数的数值计算,随机数的产生,非线性方程求解,傅里叶变换和FFT,谱分析和小波变换,统计描述和数据建模,常微分方程和偏微分方程求解,线性预测和线性预测编码,数字滤波,格雷码和算术码等。全书内容丰富,层次分明,是一本不可多得的有关数值计算的C语言程序大全。本书每章中都论述了有关专题的数学分析、算法的讨论与比较,以及算法实施的技巧,并给出了标准C语言实用程序。这些程序可在不同计算机的C语言编程环境下运行。 -Book written more than 300 practical and effective numerical algorithm C language program. The contents include: solving linear equations, inverse matrix and determinant computation, polynomial and rational function interpolation and extrapolation, integration and valuation functions, special functions, numerical computation, random number generation, non- linear equations, Fourier transform and FFT, spectral analysis and wavelet transform, statistical description and data modeling, solving ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations, linear prediction and linear predictive coding, digital filtering, Gray code and arithmetic codes. The book is rich in content, structured, is a rare numerical calculations on C language program Daquan. Each chapter in this book are discussed topics related to mathematical analysis, discussion and comparison of algorithms, and algorithm implementation techniques, and gives the standard C language utility. These procedures can be in
Platform: | Size: 40422400 | Author: 何夕 | Hits:

[Program docct-seminar

Description: Convolutional codes Turbo codes LDPC codes Parallel Concatenated Codes with Nonuniform Interleaving Random Coding Interpretation of Turbo Codes Characteristics of Turbo Codes Preface to LDPC Codes: Review of Linear Block Codes Tanner Graphs
Platform: | Size: 227328 | Author: ravi | Hits:


Description: 基于光正交码构造了一类新的不规则00c—LDPc码.新的LDPC码是准循环码,其编码复杂度与码长成 线性关系,具有编码复杂度低的特点,它所对应的双向图中没有四线循环.用和积译码算法对新的码字进行了仿 真,结果表明,与具有类似参数的随机码和规则OOc—LDPc码相比,当信道误码率为10。5时,译码增益分别为 0.3和0.15 dB.-Construct a new class of irregular the 00c-LDPc code based on optical orthogonal codes. LDPC codes are quasi-cyclic code, its complex coding with code length linear relationship, with low encoding complexity, the corresponding bidirectional Figure it in four-wire loop. Simulation with integrated decoding algorithm of the new code word, the results show that when the channel bit error rate, compared with the random codes with similar parameters and rules OOc-LDPc code decoding gain were 10.5 0.3 and 0.15 dB.
Platform: | Size: 327680 | Author: 李腾飞 | Hits:


Description: Space time block coding (STBC) and beamforming techniques are two emerging technologies that can be employed at base station with multiple antenna to provide transmit diversity and beamforming gain to increase signal-to- noise ratio (SNR) of the downlink. STBC utilizes a diversity antenna system where the antenna spacing is usually required to be large enough, say 10 times wavelength of the carrier for a uniform linear array (ULA) in small angular spread environments, to obtain low-correlation/independent fading channels. While the beamforming antenna needs to achieve spatial directivity and the signals received at and/or transmitted from all antennas must be correlated or coherent. So the antenna spacing should usually be very small, e.g. half wavelength for ULA.
Platform: | Size: 3018752 | Author: rashi | Hits:


Description: 内容包括:线性方程组的求解,逆矩阵和行列式计算,多项式和有理函数的内插与外推,函数的积分和估值,特殊函数的数值计算,随机数的产生,非线性方程求解,傅里叶变换和FFT,谱分析和小波变换,统计描述和数据建模,常微分方程和偏微分方程求解,线性预测和线性预测编码,数字滤波,格雷码和算术码等。全书内容丰富,层次分明,是一本不可多得的有关数值计算的C语言程序大全。本书每章中都论述了有关专题的数学分析、算法的讨论与比较,以及算法实施的技巧,并给出了标准C语言实用程序。-Include: solving linear equations, inverse matrix and determinant calculation, polynomial and rational function interpolation and extrapolation, integration and evaluation function, the numerical calculation of special functions, random number generation, nonlinear equations, Fourier transform and FFT, spectrum analysis and wavelet transform, statistical description and data modeling, ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations, linear prediction and linear predictive coding, digital filtering, Gray code, and arithmetic codes. The book is rich in content, structured, is a C language program related numerical rare Encyclopedia. Each chapter in this book are about the topics discussed in the mathematical analysis, discussion and comparison algorithm, and the algorithm implementation techniques, and gives the standard C language utility.
Platform: | Size: 399360 | Author: Zhao Jinwei | Hits:


Description: 随机线性分组编码,信道编码,纠错编码,检错编码-Random linear block coding, channel coding
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 周俊 | Hits:


Description: PLS部分最小二乘工具箱,有信道编码,调制,信道估计等,本科毕设要求参见标准测试模型,进行逐步线性回归,直线阵采用切比学夫加权控制主旁瓣比,快速扩展随机生成树算法。- PLS PLS toolbox, Channel coding, modulation, channel estimation, Undergraduate complete set requirements refer to the standard test models, Stepwise linear regression, Linear array using cut than learning laid upon the right control of the main sidelobe ratio, Rapid expansion of random spanning tree algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: mddada | Hits:


Description: Random Linear Coding Matlab Program
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: rasu | Hits:


Description: 用Matlab仿真RLNC,网络运行RLNC.m。网络的源节点发送一个windows.png采用随机线性网络编码和信宿节点创建一个图像(资料图片)接收的数据。 如果windows.png和data.jpg是相同的则RLNC运行成功(Thesis of network simulation with Matlab using RLNC,the source node of network send a windows.png using Random Linear Network Coding and the sink node create an image (data.jpg) with data received.If windows.png and data.jpg is the same so RLNC works fine.)
Platform: | Size: 3687424 | Author: 心苑 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsC数值算法集

Description: 本书编写了300多个实用而有效的数值算法C语言程序。其内容包括:线性方程组的求解,逆矩阵和行列式计算,多项式和有理函数的内插与外推,函数的积分和估值,特殊函数的数值计算,随机数的产生,非线性方程求解,傅里叶变换和FFT,谱分析和小波变换,统计描述和数据建模,常微分方程和偏微分方程求解,线性预测和线性预测编码,数字滤波,格雷码和算术码等。(This book has written more than 300 practical and effective numerical algorithm C language program. Its contents include the solution of linear equations, inverse matrix and determinant calculation, interpolation and extrapolation of polynomial and rational functions, integral and estimation of functions, numerical calculation of special functions, generation of random numbers, nonlinear equation solving, Fu Liye transform and FFT, spectral analysis and wavelet transform, statistical description and data construction. Modules, ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations, linear prediction and linear predictive coding, digital filtering, gray code and arithmetic code.)
Platform: | Size: 6230016 | Author: 呵呵打 | Hits:

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