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这个是在结合opengl中写的一个光线跟踪的程序,可以自己改变观察的视点位置,然后进行渲染图片,我花了很久才写完的 哦-This is in conjunction with opengl wrote a ray-tracing procedure, can change the location of observation point of view, and then proceed to play up the picture, I have spent a long time before writing the Oh
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 155kb Publisher : yaokai

GPU ray tracing:这是一个用GPU实现光线追踪的源代码-GPU ray tracing: This is a ray tracing with GPU realize the source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 791kb Publisher : bitorRay

用C++编写的基于OPengl的代码,实现光线跟踪,欢迎大家下载并修改指正!-With C++ Prepared opengl based on the code, the realization of ray tracing, are welcome to download and amend the correction!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 150kb Publisher : 王晓伟

有关光线跟踪的实现,实现了反射,折射,阴影等几个较为简单的效果,附有实验报告-Ray Tracing on the realization of a reflection, refraction, shadows and other effects of a few relatively simple, with the experimental report
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 577kb Publisher : 王蒙

opengl实现光线跟踪算法,内容包括多光源效果,材料属性对光线跟踪的影响,动态光源。-opengl ray tracing algorithm implementation, including many lighting effects, material property on the effects of ray tracing, dynamic light source.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 809kb Publisher : 神方舟

本程序按照展示影响光照效果因素的思想进行设计,按照OpenGL中光线跟踪步骤实现,主要做了静态多光源,材料属性对光照效果的影响,动态光源三个方面展示的工作。-This procedure results in accordance with the display light of factors influence the design of the idea, according to Ray-tracing the steps of OpenGL to achieve, mainly to do more than the static light source, material properties of the light effects, dynamic lighting to display the work of three areas.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 809kb Publisher : 王瑞

用opengl实现的一个光线跟踪算法,有兴趣的可以参考下,环境为vs2008。-Opengl implementation with a ray tracing algorithm, interested can refer to, the environment vs2008.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.07mb Publisher : Jeffrey Lu

光线跟踪程序,即由光源发出的光到达景物表面后,产生反射和折射。光就改变方向,沿着反射方向和折射方向继续前进,直到遇到新的景物。光经场景景物间的多次反射、折射后投射到离视点最近的景物表面,最终进入人眼。由于实际光线跟踪算法的跟踪方向与光传播的方向是相反的,所以我们可以由视点向屏幕象素发出一根射线,与第一个景物相交后,在其反射与折射方向上分别进行跟踪,继续与第二个景物相交……重复上述过程,直到被跟踪的光线射出画面或跟踪深度达到某个设定的最大递归深度时,停止跟踪。-Ray tracing program, the light emitted from light source reach the scene surface, generate reflection and refraction. Light to change direction, the direction of reflection and refraction along the direction to move forward until the face of new features. Light scene by scene several times between reflection, refraction is cast on the surface from the point of view the recent scene, eventually entering the human eye. As the actual ray tracing algorithm to track the direction of light propagation direction is opposite, so we can issue from the viewpoint to the screen a pixel ray, intersects with the first scene after the reflection and refraction in the direction of the track were to continue intersects with the second scene ... ... repeat the process until the light tracked injection depth of the screen or to track a set maximum recursion depth, stop the trace.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 551kb Publisher : wangge

ray-tracing光线跟踪算法的实现。包括了光线求交、追踪,物体材质、色彩的设置,球面和墙面的镜面反射效果。场景包括地板,三个镜面反射的球体,一个漫反射球体和一面镜面反射的墙壁。工程运行于VS2008环境,需要OpenGL支持。Release目下exe文件可以直接双击运行查看结果(需要glut32.dll动态链接库的支持)。-ray-tracing ray tracing algorithm. Includes light intersection, tracking, object material, color settings, spherical and wall mirror reflection effect. Scenarios, including the floor, three mirror reflection of the sphere, a sphere and diffuse specular side walls. This project runs under VS2008 with OpenCV. Double click the exe file under Debug folder to check the final result. (requires glut32.dll support).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.4mb Publisher :

借助OpenGL实现的一个简单地光线跟踪程序,非常利于光线跟踪原理的学习。已在VC6.0上调试通过。-With OpenGL implementation of a simple ray tracing program, is very conducive to the learning of the ray tracing principle. In VC6.0 debugging through.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 533kb Publisher : 侯能

光线跟踪算法(opengl),有阴影,有透明,有遮挡,但由于没有使用任何加速算法,生成速度较慢,约为28秒。-Ray tracing algorithm (opengl), with shadow, transparent, cover, but the absence of any acceleration algorithm used to generate slower, about 28 seconds.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.81mb Publisher : 杨自

用opengl真实绘制场景,利用镜面发射的效果和采用光线跟踪算法实现光照。-True with opengl rendering scenes, the use of mirror effects and launch ray tracing algorithm using illumination.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 243kb Publisher : 李奕

用openGL和c++實現光線追綜算法,文件包含說明文檔,源代碼和可執行文件-With openGL and c++ achieve ray tracing algorithm mechanized, the file contains documentation, source code and executable files
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 81kb Publisher : 王志明

本书向读者讲授如何用OpenGL从初级阶段快速制作优质的交互式计算机图形实例,OpenGL是业界广泛采用的三维图形API,本书藉此向读者提供了在计算机图形学领域更广阔空间内发展的坚实基础。书中内容覆盖了计算机图形学基础课程所需的所有论题,如光景交互作用、图形明暗处理、图形建模、曲线与曲面、偏差预防、纹理映射和图形组合,还探讨了计算机硬件方面的问题。本版为配合计算机图形学领域最新进展,增加了更具广度和深度的内容,包括图像处理、多重透视、并行透视等,并运用选择模式、仿真模拟、面向对象图形学与实景图像、射线跟踪等方法讲解了图形交互的内容。随书所附光盘包括OpenGL指令集参考、OpenGL手册、书中源码代码和附加的实用案例。本书适用于高等院校本科高年级和研究生的计算机图形学、交互式计算机系统等课程。 -This book teaches readers how to use OpenGL quickly from the primary stage production of high quality interactive computer graphics instance, OpenGL is a widely used 3 d graphics API, through this book offers readers in the field of computer graphics, a broader space for the development of solid foundation. Computer graphics foundation course content in the book covers all the topics, such as sight interaction, graphics processing, graphical modeling, curve and curved surface, light and shade deviation prevention, texture mapping and graphics, computer hardware problems are discussed in this article. This edition is in line with the recent advances in the field of computer graphics, and increased more breadth and depth of content, including image processing, multiple perspectives, such as parallel perspective, and choose model, simulation and object-oriented graphics and real images, ray tracing method on the graphics interactive content. CD attached with books, OpenGL OpenGL instructi
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.27mb Publisher : wuyong
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