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[GIS programVB读取、显示、保存、回放GPS数据的源程序

Description: VB读取、显示、保存、回放GPS数据的源程序-VB read, display, preservation, playback GPS data source
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 至少 | Hits:

[Windows CEGISView

Description: EVC 下读取GPS数据并且显示其中包括从GPS上用和窜口连接读取数据,坐标信息等-read GPS data also show which includes GPS and channeling used to read data connectors, Coordinate information
Platform: | Size: 4336640 | Author: yym | Hits:

[Com PortEVCGPSsms

Description: wince5.0下用evc4.0sp4开发的通过串口读取gps数据,然后通过华为的gtm900gprs模块发送sms短信-wince5.0 evc4.0sp4 under development with the adoption of Serial read gps data Then Huawei gtm900gprs Send sms messaging module
Platform: | Size: 3176448 | Author: 马弘历 | Hits:

[Windows CEGPSmobile2005

Description: GPSmobile2005开发的例子,串口读取GPS数据,用于wince下,通过串口操作GPS设备读取GPS定位数据-GPSmobile2005 development example, serial read GPS data to wince, through the serial operation of GPS equipment to read GPS data
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: 司文杰 | Hits:

[assembly languageGPSmatlab

Description: 读取TXT文档里的GPS数据卡尔曼滤波程序,对于初学者很有帮助-TXT file to read GPS data in the Kalman filter procedure, very helpful for beginners
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 姜玉林 | Hits:

[Other systemsGPS_Logger

Description: 读取GPS数据,并讲GPS数据写人日志的源代码!-Read GPS data and GPS data-speaking people to write the source code for the log!
Platform: | Size: 187392 | Author: xsh525 | Hits:

[OS programGPSdatareader

Description: GPS常用的数据读取功能,包括数据的接收和转化-Commonly used to read GPS data functionality, including data reception and transformation
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: 钟越民 | Hits:


Description: 读取GPS数据,用C语言编写!适合嵌入式产品开发.GPS导航仪应用.-Read GPS data, using C language! Suitable for embedded product development. GPS navigator application.
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: actor.gao | Hits:

[Graph DrawingGPSReader

Description: C# 源代码 读取GPS数据 解压运行-C# Source code to read GPS data decompression operation
Platform: | Size: 742400 | Author: pla_7 | Hits:

[GPS developEmbest_GPS

Description: 英蓓特公司教学系统中的一个gps源代码 用的是nema协议中的最小推荐语句读取gps数据的。-British company蓓特a teaching system gps source code using the nema protocol recommended minimum sentence to read gps data.
Platform: | Size: 115712 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop89c52+gps

Description: 89C52+gps 带原理图及源码 可读取gps数据-89C52+ Gps with schematics and source code can be read gps data
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 宋建国 | Hits:

[GPS develop4

Description: GPS数据采集程序(通过串口读取GPS数据,协议格式为GRPMC)-GPS data collection procedures (through the serial port to read GPS data, the agreement format GRPMC)
Platform: | Size: 99328 | Author: 张小军 | Hits:

[assembly languageGPS

Description: ASM汇编语言的GPS接收程序只读取GPRMC数据。-ASM assembly language of the GPS receiver only read GPRMC data.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: gdlai | Hits:

[GPS developgps

Description: 本程序可以完全读取GPS最原始的数据信息,搭建好整体构架。-This procedure can be completely read GPS data from the most primitive information, build a good overall framework.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 林东海 | Hits:

[GPS developgps1_5

Description: gps1_5.c begins by opening a file gpsData.txt which will save all GPS message strings in ASCII. Next, the serial port is opened using a function prototype comm_setting() which invokes functions found in the IBMCOM library. A while loop is entered, where the statement charRead = com_rx() serially reads a character and checks if it begins with a dollar sign. If so, this indicates a new GPS message string has been received and more characters are read until a carriage return (CR) is found. tempString holds the GPS message string that was serially read. If it is a $GPGGA message, additional reading is done, where we know that commas separate geospatial data. sscanf is used to extract numerical data from the ASCII characters. -gps1_5.c begins by opening a file gpsData.txt which will save all GPS message strings in ASCII. Next, the serial port is opened using a function prototype comm_setting() which invokes functions found in the IBMCOM library. A while loop is entered, where the statement charRead = com_rx() serially reads a character and checks if it begins with a dollar sign. If so, this indicates a new GPS message string has been received and more characters are read until a carriage return (CR) is found. tempString holds the GPS message string that was serially read. If it is a $GPGGA message, additional reading is done, where we know that commas separate geospatial data. sscanf is used to extract numerical data from the ASCII characters.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: icach | Hits:

[GPS developGPS

Description: c# 导航GPS 数据读取类,读取普通的蓝牙 GPS。-c# Navigation GPS data acquisition class, read the ordinary Bluetooth GPS.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: yyshenxiang | Hits:


Description: 采用vc++编写的如何读取GPS数据的源代码,希望对大家有所帮助-Prepared using vc++ How to read GPS data, source code, want to help everyone
Platform: | Size: 709632 | Author: 河院鱼 | Hits:

[Com Portucos-ii-read-gps-data

Description: GNU gcc编译 ucos-ii 读取GPS串口数据-ucos-ii read gps data
Platform: | Size: 961536 | Author: hui | Hits:

[GPS developread-gps-data-vcPP-seral-port

Description: VC++ 实现对gps串口数据的读取与存储-read the gps data from serial port based on vc++,useful source
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: cc | Hits:

[GPS developVC--AND--GPS

Description: 采用多个方法描述了利用VC++读取GPS数据,上次一个项目需要就做了一番调查。-Using multiple methods described by VC++ to read GPS data, the last of a project need to do some research.
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: putaoyuan | Hits:
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