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[Other resource2005112612108636

Description: 一个实用的房产信息管理系统,基于VB开发的房产软件。-a practical real estate information management system, based on Visual Basic software development of real estate.
Platform: | Size: 1649095 | Author: 林俊伟 | Hits:

[Other systems2005112612108636

Description: 一个实用的房产信息管理系统,基于VB开发的房产软件。-a practical real estate information management system, based on Visual Basic software development of real estate.
Platform: | Size: 1648640 | Author: 林俊伟 | Hits:


Description: 房产信息管理系统 VB+ACCESS 值得借鉴-Real Estate Information Management System VB+ ACCESS worth learning
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: joesh | Hits:

[Other systemsproperties_management

Description: 本人的,VB+ACCESS做的房地产系统有些毛病要找位高手修改 -I, VB+ ACCESS system to do some real estate experts wrong places to find modify
Platform: | Size: 1415168 | Author: Wilson | Hits:

[Other DatabasesVBfangdican

Description: VB房地产售楼管理系统(Access),比较实用-VB real estate sales management system (Access), more practical
Platform: | Size: 1794048 | Author: 李冬鹏 | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software systemshoulouguanli

Description: VB版的房地产售楼管理系统,采用Access数据库,使用了Printgrid控件,源码包中已包含控件安装程序,调试程序前需要先将其安装。可以完成房产管理、客户管理、收费管理、售楼管理、系统维护等常规功能。-VB version of the real estate sales management system using Access database, use the Printgrid control, source control package has been included in the installation process, the debugger needs first before the installation. To complete real estate management, customer management, fee management, sales management, system maintenance and other routine functions.
Platform: | Size: 1790976 | Author: 553 | Hits:

[WEB Codechap11

Description: 商品房销售系统VB.net(1)开发新楼盘的信息录入、删除、维护; (2)所开发新楼盘的楼宇信息的录入、删除、维护; (3)房屋信息的录入、删除、维护; (4)房源信息的普通查询、详细查询、综合查询; 购房管理子系统的功能包括: (1)可以查询房屋的信息; (2)可以进行房屋的购买; (3)可以进行房屋的预定、购买与退换房管理; (4)可以进行认购书的签订、删除、打印。 (5)购房合同的的打印; 帐务管理子系统的功能包括: (1)对每次交费进行记录。 (2)对用户的费用进行管理 (3)对用户进行欠款催收 售后服务管理子系统的功能包括: (1)交楼入住:记录交楼入住时发生的问题 (2)客户联系日志:对客户联系日志进行插入、删除、查找 (3)客户投诉管理:对客户的投诉进行管理。 -real estate sales management system including sales of housing, building information management, customer information management, information management staff. cost management, and other functions. I graduated from the design, packaging and good thesis graduate program code and not the packaging code
Platform: | Size: 1921024 | Author: fdg | Hits:

[SQL Serverchappangdichang

Description: VB+SQLSERVER做的房地产管理信息系统-VB+ SQLSERVER do real estate management information system
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: 许冬雪 | Hits:

[source in ebookVB

Description: czyh mm qx 001 sys 002 guest 999 sys Bug: 1.使用“楼盘查询”功能时出错。 2.使用“客户查询”功能时出错。 3.使用“收费查询”功能时出错。 4.使用“售楼人员查询”功能时出错。 5.使用“售楼合同查询”功能时出错。 6.使用“收款情况查询”功能时出错。 7.“房产管理/户型登记”弹出“户型登记”对话框,鼠标左键单击已有的对话框,如果相应的图片文件没有,就会报错。 8.打开的“户型登记”对话框不关闭的情况下关闭主程序,主程序将关闭,而“户型登记”对话框不关闭。-czyh mm qx 001 001 sys 002 002 guest 999 999 sys Bug: 1. use " real estate Search" function error. 2. Using the " Customer Search" function error. 3. Use " charges about the" feature error. 4. Use " the sales staff at the inquiry" feature error. 5. Use " the sales contract about the" error function. 6. Use " collections in the query" feature error. 7. " Property Management/Unit registered" pop-up " Unit Registration" dialog box, click the left mouse button has been the dialog box, and if the corresponding image file is not, will throw an error. 8. Open the " Unit Registration" dialog box does not close the case of closure of the main program, main program will be closed, and the " Unit Registration" dialog box does not close.
Platform: | Size: 1932288 | Author: 徐华明 | Hits:


Description: 房地产售楼管理系统 vb语言编写 实现较多功能 供学习参考-Real estate sales management system vb language reference for learning to achieve more functionality
Platform: | Size: 462848 | Author: 5817802 | Hits:

[GIS programhouseGIS

Description: 基于VB和supermap的唐山房地产GIS系统-Tangshan based on VB and supermap real estate GIS system
Platform: | Size: 2067456 | Author: AgSun | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVB_code_achieve_real_estate_management

Description: Classic VB code to achieve real estate managementVB实现楼盘管理 经典代码 -Classic VB code to achieve real estate management
Platform: | Size: 422912 | Author: 9 | Hits:

[SQL Server03house

Description: 是一个关于楼盘销售的基于vb+sql的一个毕业论文代码-Is based on the real estate sales vb+ sql code of a thesis
Platform: | Size: 422912 | Author: 邓等 | Hits:

[WEB Codelizhongping200810119121

Description: 基于VB的房产中介管理信息系统,我大二是做的-VB-based real estate agent management information system, is to do my sophomore
Platform: | Size: 2223104 | Author: 李李 | Hits:

[Other systemssystem-to-complete-the-system

Description: 房产中介管理系统 vb.net完成房产中介的系统 一sql2005为数据库连接-Real estate agent real estate agent management system to complete the system vb.net
Platform: | Size: 2174976 | Author: 梦丹兰 | Hits:

[Other systemsfangchanzhongjieguanlixitong

Description: 房产中介管理系统,详细的编码,内有数据库,VB编写,sql连接数据库。-Real estate agent management system, a detailed coding, within the database, VB prepared, sql connect to the database.
Platform: | Size: 4884480 | Author: 张松才 | Hits:

[Windows Develop6423654554

Description: VB语言写的房地产销售管理系统,有需要的下载。-VB language to write real estate sales management system, there is a need to download.
Platform: | Size: 1943552 | Author: 杭椒牛柳 | Hits:


Description: VB+ADO+ACCESS房产信息管理系统-VB+ADO+ACCESS Real Estate Information Management System
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: fgy | Hits:

[GIS programvbPmapgis

Description: 基于VB mapx开发的一个房产信息地图浏览系统on个-Based on VB mapx development of a real estate information on a map browsing system
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: 孙春 | Hits:

[Other systemsresms

Description: VB版的房地产售楼管理系统,采用Access数据库,使用了Printgrid控件,源码包中已包含控件安装程序,调试程序前需要先将其安装。可以完成房产管理、客户管理、收费管理、售楼管理、系统维护等常规功能。-VB version of real estate sales management system, using Access , use the Printgrid controls the source package already contains the control program installed, before the debugger needs to first install it. You can complete property management, customer management, fee management, sales management, system maintenance and other routine functions.
Platform: | Size: 1635328 | Author: 汪钧剑 | Hits:

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