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实模式/保护模式切换 (2) 在保护模式下将Buffer的内容全部设置为0AAH。 (3) 返回实模式后,将Buffer、Buffer2的内容显示出来 -real mode / protection mode switching (2) in protected mode will Buffer all the details of the set to 0A AH. (3) return to real mode, will Buffer, Buffer2 the content displayed
Update : 2010-07-01 Size : 9.7kb Publisher : luobo

該程序可以將DOS的工作模式進行轉變,由實模式進入保護模式.想了解計算机底層的人一定會喜歡,呵呵!-the program can work in DOS mode changes from real mode to protected mode. want to know the bottom of the computer people will be like, Oh!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.58kb Publisher : 劉甜

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从表面上看,保护模式和实模式并没有太大的区别,二者都使用了内存段、中断和设备驱动来处理硬件,但二者有很多不同之处。我们知道,在实模式中内存被划分成段,每个段的大小为64KB,而这样的段地址可以用16位来表示。内存段的处理是通过和段寄存器相关联的内部机制来处理的,这些段寄存器(CS、DS、 SS和ES)的内容形成了物理地址的一部分。具体来说,最终的物理地址是由16位的段地址和16位的段内偏移地址组成的。用公式表示为:物理地址=左移4位的段地址+偏移地址。-On the surface, protected mode and real mode is not much difference between the two are the use of the memory, Drivers interruption and equipment to deal with the hardware, but there are many differences. We know that in real mode which has been divided into memory, each the size of 64 KB. and the addresses of 16 can be used to express. Memory of the handling of the adoption and register linked to the internal mechanisms to deal with, of these registers (CS, DS, SS and ES) with the formation of a part of the physical address. Specifically, the ultimate physical address is 16 of the 16 addresses and the addresses of migration within the composition. The use of the formula is expressed as : physical address = 4 bits of the address offset address.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 126.74kb Publisher : zlhhlz

实现了分段分页,实模式和保护模式的切换,以及对显示缓存的操作-achieve the above tabs, real mode and protected mode switch, and to show that the operation cache
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.66kb Publisher : 文旭

实现了分段分页,实模式和保护模式的切换,以及对显示缓存的操作-achieve the above tabs, real mode and protected mode switch, and to show that the operation cache
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : 文旭

該程序可以將DOS的工作模式進行轉變,由實模式進入保護模式.想了解計算机底層的人一定會喜歡,呵呵!-the program can work in DOS mode changes from real mode to protected mode. want to know the bottom of the computer people will be like, Oh!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 劉甜

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从表面上看,保护模式和实模式并没有太大的区别,二者都使用了内存段、中断和设备驱动来处理硬件,但二者有很多不同之处。我们知道,在实模式中内存被划分成段,每个段的大小为64KB,而这样的段地址可以用16位来表示。内存段的处理是通过和段寄存器相关联的内部机制来处理的,这些段寄存器(CS、DS、 SS和ES)的内容形成了物理地址的一部分。具体来说,最终的物理地址是由16位的段地址和16位的段内偏移地址组成的。用公式表示为:物理地址=左移4位的段地址+偏移地址。-On the surface, protected mode and real mode is not much difference between the two are the use of the memory, Drivers interruption and equipment to deal with the hardware, but there are many differences. We know that in real mode which has been divided into memory, each the size of 64 KB. and the addresses of 16 can be used to express. Memory of the handling of the adoption and register linked to the internal mechanisms to deal with, of these registers (CS, DS, SS and ES) with the formation of a part of the physical address. Specifically, the ultimate physical address is 16 of the 16 addresses and the addresses of migration within the composition. The use of the formula is expressed as : physical address = 4 bits of the address offset address.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 126kb Publisher : zlhhlz

保护模式下的编程。从实模式进入保护模式,8255并行输入并行输出,通过显存字符输出,K0=1返回实模式-Protected mode programming. From the real-mode to enter the protected mode, parallel input parallel output of 8255 through the memory output characters, K0 = 1 to return to Real Mode
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 周英

本书是一本介绍Windows核心技术及高级技巧的专著。从系统内核编程出发,使用大量的例子帮助读者理解这些编程技术,讲述了线程同步及隐藏、系统钩子深入分析、读写物理磁盘的关键技术、读写物理内存和其他进程内存的核心技术、Windows 9x下调用16位实模式和保护模式代码的核心技术、直接读写端口技术、可执行文件加壳的技巧、PE结构分析、Ring0的实现、Windows API截取技术、屏幕取词技术等方面的内容。全书对热点源代码进行了深入剖析和讲解,同时本书汇聚了作者利用Soft-ICE跟踪调试经验,作者多年的编程心得和技巧一览无遗。随书附送的光盘提供了书中涉及的程序源代码。-This book is an introduction Windows core technology and advanced techniques monographs. Starting from the system kernel programming, using a large number of examples to help readers understand the programming techniques described thread synchronization and hidden, system hooks in-depth analysis of the physical disk read and write the key technology, reading and writing physical memory and other processes memory the core technology, Windows 9x next call 16-bit real mode and protected-mode code, the core technology, direct read and write port technology, executable packers skills, PE structural analysis, Ring0 realization, Windows API interception technology, Capture Characters from Screen Technology and other aspects. The book on the hot source code in-depth analysis and explanation, while the book brings together authors tracked the use of Soft-ICE debugging experience, the author many years of programming experience and skills at a glance. CD-ROM supplied with the book provides the p
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 46.84mb Publisher : 龙文

本书全面细致地讲述了汇编语言程序设计的各个方面。从微处理器体系结构、工作机制到指令集;从最基本的编译器链接器的使用到高级过程、结构和宏的使用;从用纯汇编编写程序到用VC++,BC++等最新编译器与汇编的混合接口编程;从16位实模式下BIOS,DOS实模式文本及图形程序设计到32位保护模式的Windows程序设计;从磁盘基础知识到Intel指令编码、浮点运算等相关知识都做了深入而细致的讲解。 -This book describes a comprehensive and meticulous assembly language program design aspects. From the microprocessor architecture, the working mechanism to the instruction set from the most basic compiler, linker used to advanced processes, structures and the use of macros from pure assembly to write programs using VC++, BC++ compiler and the compilation of the latest of Mixed interface programming from 16-bit real mode BIOS, DOS real-mode text and graphics program design to the 32-bit protected mode Windows program design from the disk-based knowledge to Intel instruction encoding, floating-point operations and other related knowledge and have done a thorough and detailed explanations.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.87mb Publisher : Ryan

765K 非常强大,著名和实用的TCP/IP等网络功能的编程库,完全免费且简单易用,基于Borland C.它的使用很广泛,比如近年来推出的DOS下的Internet工具大都是用它编写出来的.这是DOS实模式的版本,其它各种说明和资料以及DOS保护模式下TCP/IP的版本可在它的网站上找到.推荐程序员使用! 如果使用BC31环境,请在prj中加入lib\目录下的库文件,并调用对应H文件的函数接口-765K is very powerful, well-known and practical TCP/IP networking features such as programming libraries, completely free and easy to use, based on Borland C., its use is extensive, such as the recent launch of the DOS of the Internet under the tools are mostly use it to prepare out. This is the real-mode DOS version, description and information as well as various other DOS protected mode TCP/IP version can be found on its website recommended programmer! 2001.5
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 765kb Publisher :

实模式下4G内存访问,4G内存访问需要在保护模式下进行,而这个程序不用在保护模式下就能轻松访问4G的内存-Real mode memory access 4G, 4G memory access required under the protection mode, and this program do not need to be able to easily access protected mode memory 4G
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 肖正东

PC Assembly Language Paul A. Carter July 23, 2006 The purpose of this book is to give the reader a better understanding of how computers really work at a lower level. By gaining a deeper understanding of how computers work, the reader can often be much more productive developing software in higher level languages such as C and C++. Learning to program in assembly language is an excellent way to achieve this goal. Other PC assembly language books still teach how to program the 8086 processor that the original PC used in 1981! The 8086 processor only supported real mode. In this mode, any program may address any memory or device in the computer. This book discusses how to program the 80386 and later processors in protected mode (the mode that Windows and Linux runs in).-PC Assembly Language Paul A. Carter July 23, 2006 The purpose of this book is to give the reader a better understanding of how computers really work at a lower level. By gaining a deeper understanding of how computers work, the reader can often be much more productive developing software in higher level languages such as C and C++. Learning to program in assembly language is an excellent way to achieve this goal. Other PC assembly language books still teach how to program the 8086 processor that the original PC used in 1981! The 8086 processor only supported real mode. In this mode, any program may address any memory or device in the computer. This book discusses how to program the 80386 and later processors in protected mode (the mode that Windows and Linux runs in).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 697kb Publisher : zeka.fl

its a clustering program , mannual were user can create cluster of machines, and can rum a program on 2 machines paralely
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 223kb Publisher : mahendra mehra

Intel汇编语言程序设计。本书全面细致地讲述了汇编语言程序设计的各个方面。从微处理器体系结构、工作机制到指令集;从最基本的编译器链器的使用到高级过程、结构和宏的使用;从用纯汇编编写程序到用C/C++等最新编译器与汇编的混合接口编程;从16位实模式下BIOS、DOS实模式文本及图形程序设计到32位保护模式的Windows程序设计;从磁盘基础知识到Intel指令编码、浮点运算等相关知识都做了深入而细致的讲解。-Intel assembly language programming. The book is detailed and thorough about all aspects of assembly language programming. Microprocessor architecture, the working mechanism to the instruction set the use of the compiler chain from the most basic to advanced process, structure and use of macros from pure assembler programming to use C/C++ and the latest compiler and assembler mixed-interface programming from the 16-bit real mode BIOS, DOS real mode, text and graphics program design to the 32-bit protected-mode Windows program design the basics from the disk to the Intel instruction encoding, floating-point operations and other related knowledge depth detailed explanations.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.87mb Publisher : 戈青

Here is a simple code to enter protected mode and return to real mode. As the mere switch PMODE seems quite incomplete, the code also instructs SLM.,Here is a simple code to enter protected mode and return to real mode. As the mere switch PMODE seems quite incomplete, the code also instructs SLM.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : pat

《x86汇编语言:从实模式到保护模式》的源代码-" X86 assembly language: from real mode to protected mode," the source
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.33mb Publisher : Lhmily Yang

目前学习汇编语言的国内经典名著:《x86汇编语言:从实模式到保护模式》随书配套的源代码和编译工具说明完整包,这本书的特点是没有该完整工具包无法阅读消化!-目前学习汇编语言的国内经典名著:《x86汇编语言:从实模式到保护模式》随书配套的源代码和编译工具说明完整包,这本书的特点是没有该完整工具包无法阅读消化! 请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Mùqián xuéxí huìbiān yǔyán de guónèi jīngdiǎn míngzhù:“X86 huìbiān yǔyán: Cóngshí móshì dào bǎohù móshì” suí shū pèitào de yuán dàimǎ hé biānyì gōngjù shuōmíng wánzhěng bāo, zhè běn shū de tèdiǎn shì méiyǒu gāi wánzhěng gōngjù bāo wúfǎ yuèdú xiāohuà!Currently the country to learn assembly language classics: 《x86 assembly language: from real mode to protected mode》 with the book supporting source code and build tools illustrate the full package, this book is characterized by the absence of the complete kit can not read digest!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.51mb Publisher : namejiang

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博客《操作系统与网络实现》第三份源码,关于操作系统实模式与保护模式的跳转-Blog " operating system and network to achieve" the third source, jump on the operating system in real mode and protected mode
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Bob

x86汇编语言——从实模式到保护模式书籍及相关代码(X86 assembly language -- from real mode to protected mode books and related codes)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.01mb Publisher : Besos
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