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利用Ti公司的TMSvc320c6711开发板的基础上搭建的移动视频电话系统。程序中主要实现3个功能:实时捕捉视频和音频数据;能够对视频和音频数据进行解码和存储;能够通过GPRS通信口传输音/视频压缩数据。 希望对大家有帮助阿-TMSvc320c6711 the development board based on the structures of mobile video telephone system. Proceedings three main functions : to capture real-time video and audio data; To be able to video and audio decoding and data storage; GPRS communications to mouth transmission of audio / video data compression. We want to help Albania
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 145.45kb Publisher : 陈友元

利用Ti公司的TMSvc320c6711开发板的基础上搭建的移动视频电话系统。程序中主要实现3个功能:实时捕捉视频和音频数据;能够对视频和音频数据进行解码和存储;能够通过GPRS通信口传输音/视频压缩数据。 希望对大家有帮助阿-TMSvc320c6711 the development board based on the structures of mobile video telephone system. Proceedings three main functions : to capture real-time video and audio data; To be able to video and audio decoding and data storage; GPRS communications to mouth transmission of audio/video data compression. We want to help Albania
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 145kb Publisher : 陈友元

为了实现实时的低带宽和基于手机平台的情感通信,传输的数据量必须足够小,鉴于人脸视频图像的表情信息和纹理信息量很大,我们采用了基于特征点的人脸表情再现和视频传输。因此特征点序列的预处理对人脸表情卡通话显得尤为重要.-In order to realize low-bandwidth and real-time mobile phone platform based on emotional communication, the amount of data transmission must be small enough, in view of facial expression video image information and a great texture information, we have adopted a feature points based on the Facial Expression and video reproduction transmission. Therefore feature point sequences preconditioning on Facial Expression, then a cartoon seems particularly important.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.18mb Publisher : fjwang

摄像头(CAMERA)又称为电脑相机、电脑眼等,它作为一种视频输入设备, 在过去被广泛的运用于视频会议、远程医疗及实时监控等方面。近年以来,随着互联 网技术的发展,网络速度的不断提高,再加上感光成像器件技术的成熟并大量用于摄 像头的制造上,这使得它的价格降到普通人可以承受的水平。同时这两年CAMERA被 广泛应用于mobile phone,这样也促进感光成像技术的进一步提高,例如30万象素, 130万象素,200万象素等。-Camera (CAMERA), also known as computer camera, computer eye, etc., as a video input device, in the past been widely used in video conferencing, telemedicine and real-time monitoring and so on. In recent years, as Internet technology, network speed and continuous improvement, together with the photosensitive imaging device and a large number of sophisticated technologies for the manufacture of the camera on, which makes its price down to ordinary people could bear. CAMERA simultaneously in these two years are widely used in mobile phone, this is also the promotion of photographic imaging technology to further improve, for example, 300,000 pixels, 1,300,000 pixels, 2,000,000 pixels and so on.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 253kb Publisher : zuokai

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文中基于3G无线网络,在研究了计算机网络技术、多媒体技术以及通信技术的基础上,提出了一种完善和实用的移动数字视频监控系统。论文分析了无线流媒体技术、嵌入式技术、数据压缩、音视频数据的网络传输等相关技术的基本原理,介绍了实时传输协议RTP,提出了该视频监控系统的软硬件总体框架结构。-Paper, based on 3G wireless networks, in the study of computer network technology, multimedia technology and communication technology is proposed based on a complete and practical mobile digital video surveillance systems. Paper analyzes the wireless streaming media technology, embedded technology, data compression, audio and video data transmission network of the basic principles of related technologies to introduce a real-time transport protocol RTP, raised the overall video surveillance system, hardware and software framework.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 839kb Publisher : yalaizhao

基于H_264协议的手机实时视频播放的研究 论文-Mobile real-time protocol based on H_264 research paper video
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 289kb Publisher : 詹成

手机接收手机蓝牙视频的程序,这是上位机程序wm6.1系统的,下位机程序为s60系统程序,请参考我的另外一个上传资源。实现了wm6.1系统手机接收s60系统手机发回摄像头实时视频并且回传控制字符的功能,基于sourceforge上面的一个开源项目-The phone receiver Bluetooth mobile phone video program, which is a host computer program wm6.1 system, lower computer program for the s60 system program, refer to my other upload resources. Wm6.1 system phone reception s60 phone system to send back real-time video camera and return control the function of the character, based on the the sourceforge above an open source project
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.44mb Publisher : truman

提出了一种基于移动通信网的多机器人遥操作方案,榔决了在恶劣的移动环境中如何保证系统稳定性,并 进行具有实时力觉、视觉反馈的双向遥操作等问题。其中通过比较现存的各种视频压缩标准,结合关键帧提取、帧 分割等技术,提出了一种移动网中的实时视频传输方案。一系列室外机器人群编队行进实验验证了方案的有效性-Abstract:A prototype system for controlling multi-robot via the mobile communication networks was pmsented.In spite of severe network environment,the proposed project guarantees the stability of the system first and bilateral teleoperation with real—time haptic and video feedback was provided.Based on experimental investigation and comparison of existing video codec standards,a me~od using key flame extraction。frame split,etc,had been developed to trans~r smoo~ video stream through mobile networks.Experiments of multi—robot formation have be en carried out to demonstrate usefulness of the developed system.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 488kb Publisher : caowenming8

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HLS最新文档,HLS之http live streaming 开发必备,Apple的动态码率自适应技术。主要用于PC和Apple终端的音视频服务。包括一个m3u(8)的索引文件,TS媒体分片文件和key加密串文件。 常用的流媒体协议主要有 HTTP 渐进下载和基于 RTSP/RTP 的实时流媒体协议,这二种基本是完全不同的东西,目前比较方便又好用的使用 HTTP 渐进下载的方法。在这个中 apple 公司的 HTTP Live Streaming 是这个方面的代表。它最初是苹果公司针对iPhone、iPod、iTouch和iPad等移动设备而开发的流.现在见到在桌面也有很多应用了,HTML5 是直接支持这个。-HLS latest documentation HLS http live streaming the development of the necessary, Apple' s dynamic bit rate adaptation techniques. Audio and video services for PC and Apple terminal. Including a m3u (8) of the index file the TS media sub-pieces of files and key encryption string file. HTTP progressive download, RTSP/RTP-based real-time streaming protocol, these two kinds of basic is something completely different, more convenient and easy to use HTTP progressive download streaming protocol. HTTP Live Streaming in the apple company representatives. It was originally developed by Apple for mobile devices such as iPhone, iPod, iTouch and iPad streaming. Now see on the desktop for many applications, HTML5 is direct support for this.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 24kb Publisher : yhchen

本项目是一个基于安卓的视频直播项目源码,编译安装到手机上后,在电脑上安装vlc播放器,在vlc播放器(媒体-打开串流)里面输入安卓客户端生成的rstp地址点击播放就可以串流你手机摄像头实时看到的东西。-This project is an android based video broadcast program source code, compile the installation after the mobile phone, on my computer to install VLC player, in VLC player (media- open streaming) enter the android client generated RSTP address click play can streaming your cellphone cameras see in real time.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.9mb Publisher : tang

1.音频视频模块 基于web的音视频聊天终于推出,大家对Echat的支持是我们不断改进的原动力! 新的功能模块加入使系统结构做了变化,用插件的方式来扩展音频、视频、移动 语音聊天首创支持实时混音、声音编辑、实时变声、点对点文件共享等功能 看到演示效果后,国内的两大聊天门户立刻放弃了以前的软件平台,跟Echat合作 2.端口机制 以前的Echat为每一个房间开放了一个socket端口,这样做有两大坏处:1.端口太 多,防火墙对这些的端口都要设定;-1 audio and video module Audio and video chat based on Web finally launched, we support the Echat is our continuous improvement of the original power! The new function module is added to make the system structure change, and the way to expand the audio, video, mobile The first real-time voice chat support, sound editing, sound mixing, real-time peer-to-peer file sharing and other functions After seeing the demonstration effect, the two major domestic chat portal immediately abandoned the previous software platform, with Echat cooperation 2 port mechanism The previous Echat for each room to open a socket port, so do have two disadvantages: 1 Port too More, the firewall on these ports should be set
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 351kb Publisher : zzpudn91

本项目是一个基于安卓的视频直播项目源码,编译安装到手机上后,在电脑上安装vlc播放器,在vlc播放器(媒体-打开串流)里面输入安卓客户端生成的rstp地址点击播放就可以串流你手机摄像头实时看到的东西。前提条件:手机和电脑的ip在同一个网段亲测有效。pydroid-ipcamera这个项目能够将Android设备变成一个漂亮的网络摄像机 ip camera。-This project is a Android based video living broadcast program source code, compile and install to the phone, VLC player installed on the computer, in VLC player (media- Open streaming) inputs inside the Android client generates the RSTP address, click on the broadcast will be able to stream your camera phone in real time to see things. Prerequisite: mobile phone and computer IP pro test in the same network. Pydroid-ipcamera this project will be able to turn the Android device into a beautiful network camera camera ip.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.92mb Publisher : 苗非

DL : 0
详细介绍 - [ 手机实时视频监控源码 ] 手机实时视频监控源码是基于Socket的Android手机视频实时传输附带客户端代码。-Mobile real-time video surveillance source code Mobile real-time video surveillance source code is based on the Android Socket mobile video real-time transmission with client code.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1mb Publisher : 冯浩

基于Socket的Android手机视频实时传输。能连接电脑和 手机,将电脑图片显示到手机上-Socket-based real-time transmission of video Android phone. Can connect computers and mobile phones, computer image displayed on a mobile phone
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 580kb Publisher :

APICLoud云控制系统是一个基于APICloud云平台的远程控制和监控系统,主要功能是通过移动终端轻易的查看远程实时视频图像,获取各种传感器状态,发送控制设备命令等。该系统的底层设计以每一个树莓派作为一个监控单元,完成了对各类传感器、视频、图像等数据的采集,通过GPIO引脚控制电机、继电器等外接硬件设备,中间层以APICloud云平台作为数据服务端,为底层和终端提供数据服务。该系统的主要特点是“云端一体”,基于APICloud提供的“云API”和“端API”,开发者甚至可以忘记繁杂的服务端编码,也可以忘记复杂的Object-C和Java,更可以忘记那数不清的屏幕适配,帮助开发者快速实现移动应用的开发、测试、发布、管理和运营的全生命周期管理,而且还摆脱了局域网小范围控制的局限,整个系统通过APICloud云轻易的接入互联网,并且该系统支持多个监控设备同时查看,新增传感器类型、开关设备,同时通过集群卡片大小的树莓派能够快速轻易的搭建成监控网络,并且可以根据现场环境位置灵活调整监控区域,整个系统实用性很强,适合高校实验室安全管理、农业大棚管理、智能家居等多个领域的管理需要,基于树莓派的强大功能,该系统未来会有更多的功能可以实现和拓展,使其应用范围更加广泛。-APICLoud cloud is a control system based on remote control and monitoring system of APICloud cloud platform, the main function is through the mobile terminal to view remote real-time video image, to obtain the status of various sensors, send control commands. The equipment design of the system to a raspberry pie as a monitoring unit, the video of all kinds of sensors, image data acquisition, motor control via the GPIO pin, relays and other external hardware devices, the middle layer is based on the APICloud cloud platform as a data server to provide data service for the bottom layer and the terminal. The main feature of the system is one cloud , cloud APICloud API and API based on, developers can even forget the server encoding complex, can forget the complexity of Object-C and Java, can forget the countless screen adaptation, to help developers quickly. The mobile application development, testing, release, life cycle management and operation, but also to get rid of the limitation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 53kb Publisher : chenhu

本系统结合Internet,GPRS以及嵌入式相关技术,实现了通过网络对家中情况进行实时监控; 项目有linux服务器、Android客户端,web客户端组成;服务器利用C语言的多线程操作,实现了视频采集,温度湿度监测,灯光控制;短信报警;通过socket实现与Android客户端远程通讯和实时传输视频和温湿度数据;安卓客户端通过多线程与服务器进行数据交换。Web客户端可以在PC上通过浏览器登录服务器查看监控视频和温湿度数据;对于温度超过预设值,服务器通过GPRS发送提示短息给客户手机,客户通过安装在手机上的安卓客户端可以接受实时监控画面,并通过客户端上的控制对家里温度的调节(通过M0上的风扇来模拟开空调),控制开关灯(通过M0上的LED点亮来实现)。- his system combined with Internet, GPRS and embedded technology, has realized the real-time monitoring of home through the network Projects have a Linux server, the Android client, web client Server using multithreaded operations of C language, has realized the video acquisition, temperature humidity monitoring, lighting control SMS alarm Through the socket and the Android client remote communications and real-time video transmission and temperature and humidity data The android client with multithreading server for data exchange.The Web client can log in the server on the PC via a browser view the surveillance video and temperature and humidity data For temperature than the preset value, the server through GPRS send prompt mobile phone short messages to customers, clients by installing the android mobile phones the client can accept real-time monitoring, and control on the client to adjust the temperature in the home (by means of the fan to simulate air conditioning M0), control turn
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.77mb Publisher : du
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