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mp3 record player 規格-mp3 record player size
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 557.51kb Publisher : 正 名

mp3 record player 規格-mp3 record player size
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 557kb Publisher : 正 名

附件中是我编写的监控录像播放代码源程序,其中DSpack和Bussinessskin 是两个必要的控件包,请先安装,其中DSpack231的安装方法可按照压缩包内readme.html 的提示进行,Bussinessskin 只需点击BSFDx.dpk(x是您的delphi版本号),编译安装即可。 -Annex I prepared a video showing the control source code. DSpack and Bussinessskin which is the necessary controls two packages, post installation, DSpack231 which method of installation in accordance with the compressed within ReadMe.html tips, Bussinessskin clicking BSFDx.dpk (x is your version of delphi ), the compiler can be installed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.26mb Publisher : 高羽

语音录制和播放系统,带有G729A和ILBC编解码-Voice record and playback system, with G729A and ILBC codec
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 122kb Publisher : 刘SIR

录制pcm 实现了录制 播放 快速播放 反过来播放-Pcm recording quickly realize the record player to play in turn, play
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 562kb Publisher : 吴kh

wave录制播放程序,mini系列函数的使用方法-wave record player, mini series function to use
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 207kb Publisher : carl

Samples\AsfCreate --- -- Creates an Asf or WMV file from a collection of bitmaps Samples\AsfNet -------------------- Sends the output of DirectShow capture graphs to a network port to be read by Windows Media Player Samples\AudioPlayer -------------------- Play the audio portion of a windows media file Samples\DESCombine -------------------- Join and split files, outputting data to a WM file. Samples\DrmHeader -------------------- Show the DRM attributes of a file Samples\ReadFromStream -------------------- Walk the samples in a file where the source is an IStream Samples\RecordWav -------------------- Record audio data from a microphone to a .wav file Samples\WMProp -------------------- Show file properties for WM files Samples\WMVCopy -------------------- Code to copy a file -SamplesAsfCreate------- Creates an Asf or WMV file from a collection of bitmapsSamplesAsfNet-------------------- Sends the output of DirectShow capture graphs to a network port to be read by Windows Media PlayerSamplesAudioPlayer-------------------- Play the audio portion of a windows media fileSamplesDESCombine-------------------- Join and split files, outputting data to a WM file.SamplesDrmHeader-------------------- Show the DRM attributes of a fileSamplesReadFromStream-------------------- Walk the samples in a file where the source is an IStreamSamplesRecordWav-------------------- Record audio data from a microphone to a. wav fileSamplesWMProp-------------------- Show file properties for WM filesSamplesWMVCopy-------------------- Code to copy a file
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 128kb Publisher : zhangz

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 439kb Publisher : 张青

1)给出菜单选项,并在程序中预先设计3幅迷宫图(m×n)(m、n不超过15),用户可以自由选择其中一幅。3幅地图的复杂性不同,为容易、一般、较难。 2)可以随意选择玩家的初始位置,也可由计算机随机产生(菜单中由用户选择); 3)记录玩家的旅行记录,即每一幅迷宫的碰壁次数,走了多少步才走出迷宫等。 4)设定悔步功能,即按指定键可以悔一步,连带的这一步记录也将删除掉。 -1) given menu option, and in the process of three pre-designed maze map (m × n) (m, n not exceeding 15), the user can freely choose which site. Three maps of different complexity for easy general, it is rather difficult. 2) The player can choose the initial position, the computer can also be randomly generated (menu selection by the user) 3) record player s travel records, that is, each wall of a maze the number of how many go out of the maze, such as step-by-step before. 4) set features step-by-step regret, that regret can be specified key step, the associated record this step will also be removed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 340kb Publisher : 一心

DL : 0
ASP开发的搬运工游戏源代码,除了实现基本功能外,可以保存游戏者的战绩等其他功能。-ASP to develop the game source code of the porters, in addition to the realization of the basic functions, can be preserved for the record player and other functions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 61kb Publisher : lishaoyuan

这个一个小型猜数字游戏软件,依据猜数字游戏的基本规则,给用户提供一个方便友好的游戏界面,具有用户计分功能,对每一个参与游戏的用户进行成绩排名,在排行榜中列出前五名玩家的游戏记录,并可以随着用户的游戏记录进行更新,使用户于能够按照特定的目标提高自己的成绩,并且提供相应的帮助功能。-A small guess number game software, according to the basic rules of the game guess number to provide users with a convenient and friendly game interface, with users scoring function, for each user to participate in the game performance rankings are listed in the top five record-player game and can play with the user to update records so that users in accordance with the specific objective to improve their performance, and help provide the corresponding functionality.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 208kb Publisher : 陈军

Wave player with list of files saved in database. It displays start time, end time and time of progress of current played file in eye catching different color. You have to manually add record to tblCall table, consist of link to your wave file and date-time info. Or you can do it automatically by your recording software.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 326kb Publisher : arf

声音播放程序,可以用来录音,和播放音频文件,音频文件用BIN文件保存-Audio player can be used to record and play audio files, audio files, save the file with the BIN
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 184kb Publisher : 周胜

DL : 0
Record player of video of files. Code with the detailed comments.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 266kb Publisher : evgeniuss07

DL : 0
Location based sensing. Using BLuetooth, GSP, record player.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53kb Publisher : aj

DL : 0
说明:运行此文件需要安装jre1.4以上,如果呢双击 “运行游戏.jar” 文件打开了 WinRaR,请将jar文件的打开方式改为javaw.exe sankegame.db 保存玩家记录 snake.gif 为游戏图片 sankegame.db、snake.gif、运行游戏.jar 这三个文件必须在同一个目录下游戏才能正常运行。-Explanation: the operation of this document jre1.4 need to install, if double-click running game. Jar "file opened WinRaR, please open the way to jar file javaw instead Sankegame. Db kept record player Snake game, GIF images for Sankegame. Db, snake, GIF, running game. The three documents must jar in the same directory game to normal operation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 158kb Publisher : weidong297

最炫的俄罗斯方块游戏,自己写的!游戏可以实现方块变形,加速,升级,记录玩家分数等~!-Most unusual Tetris game, write your own! Games can block deformation, acceleration, promotion, record player scores ~!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 91kb Publisher : 赵飞燕

比较简单的录音\播放程序,供入门者学习,-Simple recording \ player for entry are learning
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : 雷雷

单片机实现百分段测速,使用串口无线模块通信,并用12864液晶屏显示,记录运动员的各段速度,并有12c887时钟,和18B20温度采集部分。-MCU one hundred sub-speed, wireless modules use serial communications, and use 12864 LCD display, all-speed record player, and a 12c887 clock, and 18B20 temperature acquisition section.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 星星点灯

DL : 0
功能更为全面的录音播放器,可以探测sdcard,添加录音文件列表,设置的输出格式为amr-A more comprehensive record player, can detect sdcard, add the recording file list, set the output format for amr
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.23mb Publisher : sunkun
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