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在一个图像中检测目标是图像分割的一个例子。为分割连通目标,时常用Watershed变换。如果把一幅图像看做一个具有山(高亮度)和低谷(低亮度)的表面,那么这个变换在一幅图像中找亮度低谷。-in an image detection of image segmentation is a case in point. Segmentation of connectivity, often used Watershed transform. If an image is seen as a Hill (high-brightness) and the bottom (low brightness) of the surface, Well, this transformation in an image brightness for a low ebb.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.08kb Publisher : 何子鸣

在一个图像中检测目标是图像分割的一个例子。为分割连通目标,时常用Watershed变换。如果把一幅图像看做一个具有山(高亮度)和低谷(低亮度)的表面,那么这个变换在一幅图像中找亮度低谷。-in an image detection of image segmentation is a case in point. Segmentation of connectivity, often used Watershed transform. If an image is seen as a Hill (high-brightness) and the bottom (low brightness) of the surface, Well, this transformation in an image brightness for a low ebb.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 何子鸣

使用regionprops中BoundingBox功能对图片进行处理获得X,Y的坐标值以及长宽度-Use regionprops the BoundingBox of the image processing functions to obtain X, Y coordinate values and long-width
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : wonderful

Igray = rgb2gray(I) Ibw = im2bw(Igray,graythresh(Igray)) Iedge = edge(uint8(Ibw)) se = strel( square ,3) Iedge2 = imdilate(Iedge, se) Ifill= imfill(Iedge2, holes ) [Ilabel num] = bwlabel(Ifill) Iprops = regionprops(Ilabel) Ibox = [Iprops.BoundingBox] Ibox = reshape(Ibox,[4 50]) Ic = [Iprops.Centroid] Ic = reshape(Ic,[2 50]) Ic = Ic Ic(:,3) = (mean(Ic.^2,2)).^(1/2) Ic(:,4) = 1:50 Extra lines compare to example2 to extract all the components into an cell array Ic2 = sortrows(Ic,2) for cnt = 1:5 Ic2((cnt-1)*10+1:cnt*10,:) = sortrows(Ic2((cnt-1)*10+1:cnt*10,:),4) end Ic3 = Ic2(:,1:2) ind = Ic2(:,4) for cnt = 1:50 img{cnt} = imcrop(Ibw,Ibox(:,ind(cnt))) end -Igray = rgb2gray(I) Ibw = im2bw(Igray,graythresh(Igray)) Iedge = edge(uint8(Ibw)) se = strel( square ,3) Iedge2 = imdilate(Iedge, se) Ifill= imfill(Iedge2, holes ) [Ilabel num] = bwlabel(Ifill) Iprops = regionprops(Ilabel) Ibox = [Iprops.BoundingBox] Ibox = reshape(Ibox,[4 50]) Ic = [Iprops.Centroid] Ic = reshape(Ic,[2 50]) Ic = Ic Ic(:,3) = (mean(Ic.^2,2)).^(1/2) Ic(:,4) = 1:50 Extra lines compare to example2 to extract all the components into an cell array Ic2 = sortrows(Ic,2) for cnt = 1:5 Ic2((cnt-1)*10+1:cnt*10,:) = sortrows(Ic2((cnt-1)*10+1:cnt*10,:),4) end Ic3 = Ic2(:,1:2) ind = Ic2(:,4) for cnt = 1:50 img{cnt} = imcrop(Ibw,Ibox(:,ind(cnt))) end
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 285kb Publisher : honey

regionprops函数详解,用于图像处理中获取目标的属性,包括位置、大小等参数-regionprops function Xiang Jie, for image processing for target attributes, including location, size and other parameters
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 皮皮

calculated the regionprops of a imagen
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : Aladarck

Tracking w/ blob detection, morphological operation (Togeather) frames = {avi.cdata} uses the cdata from the video file fg = extractForeground(frames) do foreground extraction cmap = colormap(gray) for i = 1:length(fg) temp0{i} = edge(fg{i}, canny , 0.99) + fg{i} temp2 = temp0{i} temp2 = cat(3,temp2,temp2,temp2) fgs = rgb2gray(temp2) sedisk = strel( square ,10) fgs = imclose(fgs, sedisk) fgs = imfill(fgs, holes ) RLL = bwlabel(fgs) stats = regionprops(RLL, basic , Centroid ) fig = figure(1),imshow(RLL) hold on for n = 1:length(stats) if(stats(n).Area > 100) plot(stats(n).Centroid(1), stats(n).Centroid(2), r* ) end end hold o-Tracking w/ blob detection, morphological operation (Togeather) frames = {avi.cdata} uses the cdata from the video file fg = extractForeground(frames) do foreground extraction cmap = colormap(gray) for i = 1:length(fg) temp0{i} = edge(fg{i}, canny , 0.99) + fg{i} temp2 = temp0{i} temp2 = cat(3,temp2,temp2,temp2) fgs = rgb2gray(temp2) sedisk = strel( square ,10) fgs = imclose(fgs, sedisk) fgs = imfill(fgs, holes ) RLL = bwlabel(fgs) stats = regionprops(RLL, basic , Centroid ) fig = figure(1),imshow(RLL) hold on for n = 1:length(stats) if(stats(n).Area > 100) plot(stats(n).Centroid(1), stats(n).Centroid(2), r* ) end end hold off
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : sivasankar

用regionprops中的Centroid属性来求得两幅图之间各个质点质心位移-Centroid with regionprops properties in between the two images obtained by each particle of mass displacement
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 131kb Publisher : 戴云彤

show regionprops in matlab
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : avand

灰度图像的属性计算:利用bwlabel和regionprops函数对度量二值图像中目标对象的属性。-Attribute gray image: Using bwlabel and regionprops function measure binary image of the target object attributes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : zhuzi

利用MATLAB中的regionprops函数求取二值化的图像的重心和面积。可以运行(Using the regionprops function in MATLAB, the center of gravity and area of the binary image are calculated. Can run)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 空天阔海
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