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使用薄板样条函数,完成点对的非刚体配准方法。此类提供算法的封装。-use thin-plate spline function, the completion point of the non-rigid registration method. Algorithm for such packaging.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.68kb Publisher : 方宝玉

非刚性强壮点匹配图像配准。用于医学图像配准。thin plate splines robust point matching.-nonrigid strong point matching image registration. For the medical image registration. Thin plate spline robust point matching.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 45.39kb Publisher : Jing Fan

The problem of image registration subsumes a number of problems and techniques in multiframe image analysis, including the computation of optic flow (general pixel-based motion), stereo correspondence, structure from motion, and feature tracking. We present a new registration algorithm based on spline representations of the displacement field which can be specialized to solve all of the above mentioned problems. In particular, we show how to compute local flow, global (parametric) flow, rigid flow resulting from camera egomotion, and multiframe versions of the above problems. Using a spline-based description of the flow removes the need for overlapping correlation windows, and produces an explicit measure of the correlation between adjacent flow estimates. We demonstrate our algorithm on multiframe image registration and the recovery of 3D projective scene geometry. We also provide results on a number of standard motion sequences.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 475.06kb Publisher : 刘长乐

使用薄板样条函数,完成点对的非刚体配准方法。此类提供算法的封装。-use thin-plate spline function, the completion point of the non-rigid registration method. Algorithm for such packaging.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 方宝玉

非刚性强壮点匹配图像配准。用于医学图像配准。thin plate splines robust point matching.-nonrigid strong point matching image registration. For the medical image registration. Thin plate spline robust point matching.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 45kb Publisher : Jing Fan

The problem of image registration subsumes a number of problems and techniques in multiframe image analysis, including the computation of optic flow (general pixel-based motion), stereo correspondence, structure from motion, and feature tracking. We present a new registration algorithm based on spline representations of the displacement field which can be specialized to solve all of the above mentioned problems. In particular, we show how to compute local flow, global (parametric) flow, rigid flow resulting from camera egomotion, and multiframe versions of the above problems. Using a spline-based description of the flow removes the need for overlapping correlation windows, and produces an explicit measure of the correlation between adjacent flow estimates. We demonstrate our algorithm on multiframe image registration and the recovery of 3D projective scene geometry. We also provide results on a number of standard motion sequences.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 475kb Publisher : 刘长乐

nonrigid_version10: Registration of two 2D images or 3D volumes both rigid and non-rigid with smooth b-spline grid without landmarks
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 496kb Publisher : zhangxq

非刚性图像配准算例,包括最速梯度下降优化、二次样条、2D/3D配准、互信息最小化、3D仿射等多种配准算法。 非刚性配准是当前应用最多的配准方法,用于处理有较大位移的配准问题-Non-rigid image registration examples, including the steepest gradient descent optimization, quadratic spline, 2D/3D registration, mutual information minimization, 3D affine registration algorithm, etc.. Non-rigid registration is currently the most widely used registration methods used to deal with a greater displacement of registration problems
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 240kb Publisher : zhangji

thin plate spline(薄板样条)模型,将已知图像通过非刚性变换得到所需要的图像,在图像配准中非常有用。-thin plate spline (thin plate spline) model, will be known through non-rigid image transformation to be necessary by the images of image registration in very useful.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44kb Publisher : 季全

Registration of two 2D/3D images, rigid and with smooth b-spline grid.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 589kb Publisher : yyz

基于b样条的弹性图像配准程序 matlab实现-B-spline-based elastic image registration procedures for the realization of matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 531kb Publisher :

利用自适应网格和B样条差值法实现图像配准,全英文版-The use of adaptive grid and B-spline difference method to achieve image registration, full English
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 895kb Publisher : 高雪

介绍如何使用薄板样条对图像进行分解和变形,对图像进行非刚性配准-Describes how to use the thin-plate spline decomposition and deformation of the image, the image is non-rigid registration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 337kb Publisher : 丁呈

使用薄板样条函数,完成点对的非刚体配准方法。此类提供算法的封装。-Use of Thin plate spline, the completion point of the non-rigid registration method. Such packages provide the algorithm.-
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 45kb Publisher : tzj

。 该文提出了多项式法、 样条函数法等基于空间变换的配准方法, 以及弹性模型、 粘性流体模型和光流场 模型等基于物理模型的配准方法两大类方法。-. This paper presents a polynomial, spline function method based on spatial transformation registration method, and an elastic model, viscous fluid model and optical flow models based on physical models of the registration method two broad approaches.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 121kb Publisher : 高嘉瑜

matlab code for B-spline Grid, Image and Point based Registration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.35mb Publisher : sswtechnology

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.36mb Publisher : v.r.s.mani

DL : 0
基于交叉累计剩余熵的图像配准中插值方法的改进 交叉累计剩余熵(CCRE)比传统互信息在配准强噪声图像时更具优势,但采用部分体积(PV)插值的CCRE在网格点容易产生局部极值,不利于变换参数的优化。针对该问题,研究基于3阶B样条函数的PV插值(BPV)、哈宁窗sinc函数的PV插值(HPV)和Blackman-Harris窗sinc函数的PV插值(BHPV)方法在CCRE中的应用,提出一种新的插值方法。该方法采用灵活的邻域中心,将插值点对联合直方图贡献的权重分散到临近的9个点上,并使用高斯函数作为PV插值的核函数,避免权重突变。实验结果表明,与BPV,HPV和BHPV插值方法相比, -Improved cross cumulative residual entropy (CCRE) image registration interpolation method based on cross cumulative residual entropy of information advantage when strong noise image registration than traditional mutual, but with partial volume (PV) grid point interpolation CCRE prone to local extreme, is not conducive to transformation parameter optimization. To solve this problem, based on 3-order B-spline interpolation function PV (BPV), Hanning window sinc interpolation function PV (HPV) and Blackman-Harris window sinc interpolation function PV (BHPV) Application of CCRE, a new interpolation method. The method uses a flexible center of the neighborhood, the interpolation point joint histogram contribution weights dispersed to nine points nearby and use the Gaussian function as a PV interpolation kernel function, avoid weight changes. Experimental results show that compared with BPV, HPV and BHPV interpolation method,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 319kb Publisher : fangsm

基于B样条的demons弹性图像配准,可用于2D/3D弹性图像配准。-Demons based elastic image registration B-spline, can be used in 2D/3D image registration elasticity.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.26mb Publisher : yxy200530210

根据2D或3D图像生成平滑的B样条网格,可用于表征图像(B-spline registration of two 2D / 3D images or corrsp. points, affine and with smooth b-spline grid.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.36mb Publisher : 洪天昊
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