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Cooperative communication_power control a) Generate random binary sequence of +1’s and -1’s. (b) Given different Power to the source and the relay as well (c) Multiply the symbols with the channel and then add white Gaussian noise. (d) At any receiver(relay or destination), equalize (divide) the received symbols with the known channel (e) Perform hard-decision-decoding and count the bit errors (f) Plot the power given to both source(Ps) and relay(Pr) with both SNR and BER -Cooperative communication_power control a) Generate random binary sequence of+1’s and-1’s. (b) Given different Power to the source and the relay as well (c) Multiply the symbols with the channel and then add white Gaussian noise. (d) At any receiver(relay or destination), equalize (divide) the received symbols with the known channel (e) Perform hard-decision-decoding and count the bit errors (f) Plot the power given to both source(Ps) and relay(Pr) with both SNR and BER
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 1kb Publisher : tafa
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