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基于调和平均数方法分析瑞利信道多点两跳中继合作分集性能-Based on Harmonic Analysis of the average Rayleigh channel multi-point two-hop relay cooperative diversity performance
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 杨婷婷

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基于调和平均数方法分析瑞利信道多点两跳中继合作分集性能-Based on Harmonic Analysis of the average Rayleigh channel multi-point two-hop relay cooperative diversity performance
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 杨婷婷

两篇最新的介绍MIMO中继信道容量的文章Capacity Bounds for Gaussian MIMO relay channel with Channel State Information 与 Amplify-Forward and Decode-Forward The Impact of Location and Capacity Contour-2, introduced the latest MIMO channel capacity relay article Capacity Bounds for Gaussian MIMO relay channel with Channel State Information and Amplify-Forward and Decode-Forward The Impact of Location and Capacity Contour
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.45mb Publisher : doublesun

(书)现代通信系统使用MATLAB第一章-ALLIANCES is a recently proposed cooperative random access protocol for wireless networks. In this paper we modify the original model to include user location information. We also derive pair-wise error probability (PEP) under Rayleigh flat fading channel and a power-law attenuation environment. Based on the PEP analysis we propose an optimal relay selection scheme, which achieves significant throughput gains as compared to the random relay selection scheme in the original ALLIANCES.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 史志举

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(书)现代通信系统使用MATLAB第二章-ALLIANCES is a recently proposed cooperative random access protocol for wireless networks. In this paper we modify the original model to include user location information. We also derive pair-wise error probability (PEP) under Rayleigh flat fading channel and a power-law attenuation environment. Based on the PEP analysis we propose an optimal relay selection scheme, which achieves significant throughput gains as compared to the random relay selection scheme in the original ALLIANCES.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 史志举

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(书)现代通信系统使用MATLAB第三章-ALLIANCES is a recently proposed cooperative random access protocol for wireless networks. In this paper we modify the original model to include user location information. We also derive pair-wise error probability (PEP) under Rayleigh flat fading channel and a power-law attenuation environment. Based on the PEP analysis we propose an optimal relay selection scheme, which achieves significant throughput gains as compared to the random relay selection scheme in the original ALLIANCES.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20kb Publisher : 史志举

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(书)现代通信系统使用MATLAB第四章-ALLIANCES is a recently proposed cooperative random access protocol for wireless networks. In this paper we modify the original model to include user location information. We also derive pair-wise error probability (PEP) under Rayleigh flat fading channel and a power-law attenuation environment. Based on the PEP analysis we propose an optimal relay selection scheme, which achieves significant throughput gains as compared to the random relay selection scheme in the original ALLIANCES.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : 史志举

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LDPC码在AWGN信道下的译码程序(c语言)-ALLIANCES is a recently proposed cooperative random access protocol for wireless networks. In this paper we modify the original model to include user location information. We also derive pair-wise error probability (PEP) under Rayleigh flat fading channel and a power-law attenuation environment. Based on the PEP analysis we propose an optimal relay selection scheme, which achieves significant throughput gains as compared to the random relay selection scheme in the original ALLIANCES.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 史志举

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matlab实现16QAM调制解调 matlab实现16QAM调制解调-ALLIANCES is a recently proposed cooperative random access protocol for wireless networks. In this paper we modify the original model to include user location information. We also derive pair-wise error probability (PEP) under Rayleigh flat fading channel and a power-law attenuation environment. Based on the PEP analysis we propose an optimal relay selection scheme, which achieves significant throughput gains as compared to the random relay selection scheme in the original ALLIANCES.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 史志举

现代通信系统书籍仿真程序,不错的程序 供初学习者使用-The Slepian-Wolf (SW) cooperation proposed in [1] is probably the first practical cooperative scheme that implements the idea of compress-and-forward. Through the exploitation of efficient distributed source coding (DSC) technology, the authors of [1] demonstrate the effectiveness of Slepian-Wolf cooperation in combating inter-user channel outage in wireless environment. In this paper, we discuss the general framework of Slepian-Wolf cooperation using the two most popular DSC technologies: the binning/syndrome approach and the parity approach. We show that the latter is particularly useful in SW cooperation, since it is conceptually simpler, provides certain performance advantages, and enables any (system) linear channel code to be readily exploited. Examples using convolutional codes, low-density generator-matrix codes and low-density paritycheck codes are demonstrated and practical algorithms for estimating the source-relay correlation and for decoding the compound packets
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 史志举

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MATLAB下的瑞利多径信道仿真,经过验证,可以使用-MATLAB under the multipath Rayleigh channel simulation, after verification, you can use
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 艳艳

Cooperative communication_power control a) Generate random binary sequence of +1’s and -1’s. (b) Given different Power to the source and the relay as well (c) Multiply the symbols with the channel and then add white Gaussian noise. (d) At any receiver(relay or destination), equalize (divide) the received symbols with the known channel (e) Perform hard-decision-decoding and count the bit errors (f) Plot the power given to both source(Ps) and relay(Pr) with both SNR and BER -Cooperative communication_power control a) Generate random binary sequence of+1’s and-1’s. (b) Given different Power to the source and the relay as well (c) Multiply the symbols with the channel and then add white Gaussian noise. (d) At any receiver(relay or destination), equalize (divide) the received symbols with the known channel (e) Perform hard-decision-decoding and count the bit errors (f) Plot the power given to both source(Ps) and relay(Pr) with both SNR and BER
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : tafa

文章简要的介绍了目前较新的压缩转发技术,compress-and-forward技术在现今研究较热门,相关的人员可以看看。-This paper addresses cooperative Time Division Duplex (TDD) relaying in the multiple-antenna case with full Channel State Informatio(CSI),assuming perfect knowledge of all channels.The main focus of the paper is on the Compress-and-Forward (CF) strategy, for which an achievable rate on the Gaussian MIMO relay channel can be derived by applying distributed vector compression techniques.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 243kb Publisher : xiongjun

一种中继系统中,信道估计算法的训练序列设计以及信道估计算法仿真-Channel Training and Estimation in Distributed Space-Time Coded Relay Networks with Multiple Transmit/Receive Antennas
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 214kb Publisher : 倩倩

时域信道估计在中继系统中的应用,能够有较低的复杂度和较好的性能-Time Domain Channel Estimation for Amplify-and- Forward Relay in OFDM Systems
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 261kb Publisher : 倩倩

本书是“移动通信前沿技术系列”之一,全书共分18个章节,主要对协作通信及网络知识作了介绍,具体内容包括空时分集和编码、空时频分集与空时频编码、中继信道及协议、单中继协作通信、多节点协作通信等。全书内容分为三部分,第一部分回顾传统的MIMO系统,介绍空间、时间、频率分集的概念。第二部分主要考虑协作通信物理层的关键问题,并对其提出了行之有效的解决方案,比如针对协作通信的分布式特点,提出分布式空时(频)码;针对协作通信的频谱效率问题,提出了新颖和有效的协作方案。第三部分介绍协作通信对物理层之上的MAC层、网络层及应用层产生的影响,内容涉及如何协作路由,如何通过协作使网络覆盖范围增大,如何延长网络寿命等。-This book is one of the "cutting edge mobile communication technology series". The book is divided into 18 chapters, mainly on cooperative communications and network knowledge and specific content including the empty hours of collection and coding, space-time-frequency diversity and space-time frequency coding, relay channel and protocols, single-relay cooperative communication, multi-node cooperative communications.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.55mb Publisher : 郑永钊

三节点无线高斯中继信道容量分析 三节点无线高斯中继信道容量分析-Three-node wireless relay channel capacity of Gaussian three-node wireless relay channel capacity of Gaussian
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 869kb Publisher : 离散

two way relay channel channel estimation-two way relay
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : JiangQi

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Origin can be traced back to “Capacity theorems for the relay channel” by T Cover and AE Gamal. Found the theoretical upper limit of the achievable data rate of a channel with a helper node called “relay”. Relay has found its utility in modern communication systems Relays will manifest themselves as a reality in the IEEE 802.16j standard. This is still under evolution. Motivation was to study the transformation of the relay concepts and research results in this area into a practical standard implemented by a system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 657kb Publisher : sagarcctv

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噪声补偿张量模式的中继转发式室内可见光通信系统信道估计(Channel Estimation of Relay-and-Forward Indoor Visible Communication System with Noise Compensation Tensor Mode)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : wangqingzhu
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