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Plot your multichannel data despite of being real or complex in Matlab. Mreshape reshapes your 3d data by your desired arrangment. Mreshape4 reshape your 4d data
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : B

This library contains helper functions to read image frames into matlab from Video file using DirectShow. This library has borrowed codes from Ashwin Thangali s "DirectShow (DirectX) based AVI file reader", and it can read multiple video formats besides avi. Features: a) can read frames from rmvb, avi, etc. b) handles most codecs installed on the system d) its implementation is only based on the IMediaDet interface -- Depending on your Matlab version, the .mexw32 files may need to be renamed as .dll -- The library usage is as follows, [avi_hdl, avi_inf] = dxVideoOpen(avi_filename) pixmap = dxVideoReadMex(avi_hdl, frame_num) img = reshape(pixmap,[avi_inf.Height,avi_inf.Width,3]) dxVideoCloseMex(avi_hdl) -- recompile the library I have compiled the code with the DirectShow lib in Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (December 2004) -- known limitation a)only works for windows :( b)may be slow for big image frames and some codecs. -This library contains helper functions to read image frames into matlab from Video file using DirectShow. This library has borrowed codes from Ashwin Thangali s "DirectShow (DirectX) based AVI file reader", and it can read multiple video formats besides avi. Features: a) can read frames from rmvb, avi, etc. b) handles most codecs installed on the system d) its implementation is only based on the IMediaDet interface -- Depending on your Matlab version, the .mexw32 files may need to be renamed as .dll -- The library usage is as follows, [avi_hdl, avi_inf] = dxVideoOpen(avi_filename) pixmap = dxVideoReadMex(avi_hdl, frame_num) img = reshape(pixmap,[avi_inf.Height,avi_inf.Width,3]) dxVideoCloseMex(avi_hdl) -- recompile the library I have compiled the code with the DirectShow lib in Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (December 2004) -- known limitation a)only works for windows :( b)may be slow for big image frames and some codecs.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17kb Publisher : marwa

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时间序列分解,时间序列重构,时间延迟的计算。-the disjiont of time series,reshape the time series,calculate the time delay.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 孙玉珍

一个Matlab图像处理的程序,能够将一个破碎的图像进行拼接。-A Matlab image processing program, a broken image stitching.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 是的

这个文件实现了Matlab/Simulink中的三维查找表,对要用到查表的人有帮助,里面用到Reshape函数-This file implements the Matlab/Simulink in a three-dimensional look-up table for use to help people look-up table, which used Reshape function
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : jerry

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modem.qammod对象实现M-QAM调制器,本示例中M为16。其输入参数是从0到15的整数而不是4bits二进制数据。因此,在利用此对象的modulate方法之前需要对二进制数据序列x进行预处理。特别地, 先采用MATLAB中的reshape函数将x沿着矩阵的行方向重新整理成每行4bit数据,然后应用bi2de函数将4bit数据转换成相应的整数。-modem.qammod object implements M-QAM modulator M in this example is 16. Input parameter is an integer from 0 to 15 instead of 4bits binary data. Therefore, before using the method of this object needs to modulate the binary data sequence x pretreatment. In particular, the first use of MATLAB reshape function x 4bit rearranged into each row of data in the row direction of the matrix, and then apply bi2de 4bit function to convert the data into the corresponding integer.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : 任帅

matlab源码-重塑平衡的一维到二维 可以作为参考使用,在学习的过程中 -matlab source code- to reshape the balance of one-dimensional two-dimensional can use as a reference, in the learning process
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 肖均

matlab课程编程【谷速软件】重塑平衡的一维到二维-matlab programming courses [Valley] speed software to reshape the balance of one-dimensional two-dimensional
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : 彭金

一个Matlab程序,绘制一个3D心型图像,使用了axes,patch,reshape,contourc,pause这几个函数-A Matlab program,drawing a heart-shape picture figure in 3D,with function :axes,patch,reshape,contourc,pause etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 刘维克
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