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用VB写的从 DLL、EXE 或资源文件中解开 ICON(3KB),值得一看.-VB write from the DLL, EXE or resource documents untied ICON (3KB) overseas.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.91kb Publisher : Rick

多国语言支持的DLL,纯资源DLL,以及DLL中资源的调用例子代码.-multi-language support DLL, pure resource DLL, and DLL resources called code examples.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 552.6kb Publisher : 纪灵

Functions of eXeScope Below table lists functions which eXeScope supports. OK:Enable,-:Disable (*1)Can output as a text file. (*2)Can display and rewrite as a binary dump format. (*3)Can import and export as a binary or text file. (*4)Can display the rewritten contents. (*5)Required SHDocvw.dll which is included in Internet Explorer ================================================================ Item Display Import &Export Edit Log Create .rc ================================================================ 1.Header OK (*1) - - - 2.Import OK (*1) - - - 3.Export OK (*1) - - - 4.Resource 4.1 Cursor OK OK OK OK - 4.2 Bitmap OK OK OK OK - 4.3 Icon OK OK OK OK - 4.4 Menu OK (*3) OK OK OK 4.5 Dialog OK (*3) OK(*4) OK OK 4.6 String OK (*3) OK OK OK 4.7 MessageTable OK (*3) OK OK - 4.8 Accelerator OK (*3) OK OK - 4.9 Version OK (*3) OK OK - 4.10 Delphi Form OK OK OK - - 4.11 WAVE OK OK OK - - 4.12 MIDI OK OK OK - - 4.13 AVI OK OK OK - - 4.14 GIF (*5) (*5) (*5) - - 4.15 HTML (*5) (*5) (*5) - - 4.16 JPEG OK OK OK - - 4.17 TYPELIB OK OK - - - 4.18 DialogData OK OK OK OK - 4.19 Toolbar OK - - - - 4.20 Other resources (*2) (*3) (*2) - - ================================================================
Update : 2009-04-15 Size : 492.29kb Publisher : youlinge

Update : 2011-03-30 Size : 638.99kb Publisher :

多国语言支持的DLL,纯资源DLL,以及DLL中资源的调用例子代码.-multi-language support DLL, pure resource DLL, and DLL resources called code examples.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 552kb Publisher : 纪灵

AppFace 支持三种皮肤加载方式,从磁盘文件加载,从资源加载,从内存加载。下面我就说说如何从资源加载URF皮肤文件:   首先,要确保你下载了AppFace for VC 开发包,我们要用到其中的三个文件: "appface.h", "appface.dll" ,"gtclassic.urf" 。   接着,创建一个 VC 可执行文件工程, MDI/SDI/DIALOG/WIN32 类型的都可以,我以创建一个DIALOG 工程 ResSkin 进行说明 。将"appface.h" 拷贝到该工程目录下,将"Appface.dll"拷贝到该工程的输出目录下,例如:"debug\",将"gtclassic.urf"拷贝到资源所在目录下 。在VC 的项目管理器中进入资源管理项,在右键菜单中选择"Import",将"gtclassic.urf"添加进工程,资源类型设定为: "MYRESTYPE",资源ID设定为"IDR_MY_URF"。注意:资源ID 前面一定要加双引号 -AppFace supports three skin loading from the disk loading, loading resources from the memory load. Now, I would talk about how to load resources from the URF skin document : first, to ensure that you downloaded AppFace for VC development kits, we have to use th ree documents : "appface.h", "appface.dll", "gtclassic.urf." Next, create an executable file VC, MDI/SDI/DIALOG/WIN32 types of can, I would like to create a DIALOG project ResSkin explanation. "Appface.h" copy to the project directory, "Appface.dll" copied to the output of the project directory, for example : "debug \", "gtclassic.urf" copy of the directory containing the resources. VC in the project manager to enter the resource management, and in the right me
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 576kb Publisher : 钱博

Delphi资源文件生成工具 我经常要在程序中加入许多资源,比如:声音、位图、光标等,这样可以使自己 软件更具特色。可以自己建立一个.RC的文件,然后再用Delphi\Bin\Brcc32.EXE来 编译生成一个.RES的文件,有了这个文件才能把资源编译到软件中去。 可是如果要加入一大批资源,要加入30个位图和20个光标的话,就要在.RC文件中一 行行加入要用的资源,比较麻烦。我是个懒人,所以自已写了这个能自动批量帮你完 成这个任务的工具,可以非常方便的生成.RES资源文件。 注意:由于Borland的Brcc32.EXE不能识别包含有空格和汉字的路径,所以你的资源来 源路径和保存路径不要带有空格和汉字,否则不能建立.RES的文件。-Delphi resources to generate tool I often join in the proceedings of many resources, for example : voice, bitmaps, cursors, etc., can make more software features. One can establish their own. RC paper, and then spend the Delphi \ bin \ Brcc32.EXE to build a generation. RES document, the document can have the resources to build software. But if a large number of resources to join, to join the 30-bit map and the cursor 20, then we should. RC paper lines to join with the resources, and trouble. I was lazy, so own writing this volume will automatically help you complete this task tool, it is easy generation. RES resource files. Note : Due to Borland's Brcc32.EXE not include recognition of Chinese characters and spaces are the path, so you Source path and not to preserve trails and spaces w
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 232kb Publisher : akay

用VB写的从 DLL、EXE 或资源文件中解开 ICON(3KB),值得一看.-VB write from the DLL, EXE or resource documents untied ICON (3KB) overseas.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : Rick

众所周知,在资源管理中双击一个VC工程文件,如果这时至少有一个VC在运行,系统总是用一个已打开的VC窗口来打开这个工程,这可能不是我们所希望的。使用这个COM组件可以解决这个问题。组件注册之后,当右键点击*.dsw文件时,弹出的菜单中多出 "Open With new VC" 这个菜单项,选择它就会启动新的VC并打开工程。-As we all know, in resource management projects VC double-click a document, then at least one VC in operation, the system has always used an open window to open the VC of this project, which might not be what we want. The use of the COM can solve this problem. Component registration later, when the Right click*. DSW paper, the pop-up menu over "Open With new VC" menu item, select it will launch a new VC and open the project.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 48kb Publisher : 江健

in the RES subdirectory. This file can be directly edited in Microsoft Visual C++. ver10.clw This file contains information used by ClassWizard to edit existing classes or add new classes. ClassWizard also uses this file to store information needed to create and edit message maps and dialog data maps and to create prototype member functions. res\ver10.rc2 This file contains resources that are not edited by Microsoft Visual C++. You should place all resources not editable by the resource editor in this file. ver10.def This file contains information about the DLL that must be-subdirectory in the RES. This file can be di rectly edited in Microsoft Visual C. ver10.clw This file contains information used by ClassWi Zard to edit existing classes or add new classes . ClassWizard also uses this file to store infor mation needed to create and edit maps an message d dialog data to create maps and prototype Membe r functions. res \ ver10.rc2 This file contains resources that are not edited by Microsoft Visu al C. You should not place all resources editabl e by the resource editor in this file. ver10.def This file contains information about the DLL th must be at
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 39kb Publisher : kkkk

DLL的远程注入技术是目前Win32病毒广泛使用的一种技术。使用这种技术的病毒体通常位于一个DLL中,在系统启动的时候,一个EXE程序会将这个DLL加载至某些系统进程(如Explorer.exe)中运行。这样一来,普通的进程管理器就很难发现这种病毒了,而且即使发现了也很难清除,因为只要病毒寄生的进程不终止运行,那么这个DLL就不会在内存中卸载,用户也就无法在资源管理器中删除这个DLL文件-DLL injection technique is widely used Win32 virus a technical. Use of this technology to the virus-usually in a DLL, the system boot time. EXE program a DLL loaded to the system of certain processes (such as Explorer.exe) Win OK. As a result, general manager of the process it will be very difficult for the virus was discovered, but even if they discover is very difficult to remove. As long as the virus parasitic process operation is not terminated, then the DLL will not be in memory and unloading, users will have no way to the resource manager to remove the DLL files
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 44kb Publisher : 豹仔

DL : 0
简单的扑克示例代码,借用了cards.dll资源库-Poker simple sample code, borrowed cards.dll resource library
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 35kb Publisher : CID

在上个PicView上改造的例子程序,多文档查看图片,支持BMP和JPEG两种;重载Openfile对话框实现了选择文件预览功能;利用纯资源DLL支持多语言界面。工程是 2008生成的,没办法公司不给2003用啊。-PicView on in the last example of the transformation process, multi-document view pictures, BMP and JPEG support two overloaded realize the openFile dialog box select the file preview feature the use of pure resource DLL to support multi-language interface. 2008 project is generated, no way the company does not use the 2003 ah.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 206kb Publisher : 杨锴

DL : 0
一个介绍纯粹资源的dll文件,希望能对大家有所帮助,很不错的资料-Purely an introductory resource dll files, hoping to be helpful to everyone, very good information
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : yuan

Visual C++ 创建纯资源 DLL 包含资源(如图标、位图、字符串和对话框)的 DLL。 纯资源 DLL 的应用程序应调用loadLibrary 来显式链接到 DLL。若要访问资源,请调用资源特定的函数之一:LoadBitmap,LoadImage,LoadCursor,LoadIcon,LoadString //资源ID不加 “”。使用完资源后,应用程序应调用 FreeLibrary。 LoadDllRes.rar 演示了全过程。 -Visual C++ to create pure resource DLL that contains resources [such as icons, bitmaps, strings, and dialog box] the DLL. Pure resource DLL application should call LoadLibrary to explicitly link to the DLL. To access resources, please call one of the resources specific function: LoadBitmap, LoadImage, LoadCursor, LoadIcon, LoadString// resource ID without " ." End the use of resources, the application should call FreeLibrary. LoadDllRes.rar demonstrated the entire process.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.7mb Publisher : xuyucheng

VB提取shell32.dll资源,提取图标资源做为程序图标标题-VB extract resources shell32.dll, extract icon resource as an icon title
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 1235534

DL : 0
纯资源DLL,很不错的,在实际应用中非常好-Pure resource DLL, very good, very good in practice
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 138kb Publisher : 张斌

把图片放在DLL中,再用EXE文件去调用它。-The picture on the DLL, EXE file and then to call it.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.02mb Publisher : sunnyes

vc++,dll,纯资源的DLL就是只包含资源的DLL,例如:图标,位图,字符串,声音,视频,对话框等。使用纯资源DLL可以节约可执行文件的大小,可以被所有的应用程序 所共享,从而提高系统性能。纯资源DLL的编写比普通的DLL要简单的多,-vc++, dll, pure resource DLL that contains only resource DLL, such as: icons, bitmaps, strings, voice, video, dialog boxes, and so on. Use pure resource DLL can save the executable file size, and can be shared by all the applications, thereby improving system performance.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 254kb Publisher : John Spring

dll解析工具,挺好用的,免安装,直接打开exe文件即可(DLL parsing tools, very good use)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 753kb Publisher : 赤砂
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