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一篇关于LMS和RLS算法应用于噪声抵消的matalb仿真论文,值得一看。-An article on the LMS and RLS algorithm is applied to noise cancellation of matalb simulation papers, worth a visit.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 81kb Publisher : niu

This code is used for RLS channel estimation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 113kb Publisher : Md. Masud Rana

DL : 0
RLS算法在MATLAB上仿真实现的程序,用于通信信道估计。-RLS algorithm is implemented in MATLAB on a simulation program for the communication channel estimation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : madier

DL : 0
RLS Channel estimation of MIMO-OFDM System
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : kalapraveen

THis transceiver system simulation to display ber vs SNR. TRansceiver is about BER comparison between LMS-RLS and MLSE receiver to invers the rayleigh fading channel. The content of system is modulation, pilot adder, awgn and rayleigh fading channel, pilot removal and channel estimation and equalization by 3 method (LMS-MLSE-RLS) and demodulation.-THis is transceiver system simulation to display ber vs SNR. TRansceiver is about BER comparison between LMS-RLS and MLSE receiver to invers the rayleigh fading channel. The content of system is modulation, pilot adder, awgn and rayleigh fading channel, pilot removal and channel estimation and equalization by 3 method (LMS-MLSE-RLS) and demodulation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 124kb Publisher : gelar

DL : 0
给出了OFDM在卫星通信中的系统框图并 在Simulink中仿真实现,利用改进的CMA恒模算法进行盲均衡处理,来去除时变卫星信道对信号的影响,基于4阶累积量的方法 将OFDM信号与其他调制类型信号区分开来-OFDM is given in the satellite communication system block diagram and Simulation in Simulink using the modified constant modulus algorithm CMA for blind equalization, to remove the time-varying satellite channel on the signals, based on 4-order cumulant method OFDM signals and other types of signal modulation to distinguish
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.02mb Publisher : 赵亮

This paper compares performance of nite impulse response (FIR) adaptive linear equalizers based on the recursive least-squares (RLS) and least mean square(LMS) algorithms in nonstationary uncorrelated scattering wireless channels. Simulation results, in terms of steady-state mean-square estimation error (MSE) and average bit-error rate (BER) metrics, are found for the frequency selective Rayleigh fading wireless channel experienced in a mobile ad hoc network where nodes are lognormally shadowed from each other. For the nonstationary channel models considered, RLS is always found to outperform LMS.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 825kb Publisher : almoudamer3

RLS算法自适应信道估计的性能分析,详细介绍了RLS算法。-RLS adaptive channel estimation algorithm performance analysis, detailing the RLS algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 903kb Publisher : 王蕊

Different algorithm for channel estimation in OFDM system or PSK system: using Hilbert algorithm, LPF (Low Pass Filter), LMMSE, Zero forcing (ZF), rls,... and another result. Clear explaining & understanding
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher : Lonely Ghost

MIMO-OFDM系统中一种改进的递归最小二乘(RLS)信道估计方法可以在不需要任何信道统计信息的前提下,利用前导训练序列和自适应遗忘因子对信道状态参数进行估计。-The modified recursion lest squares (RLS) channel estimation method exploits preamble training sequences and adaptive forgetting factor to estimate channel state parameters without any prior statistics knowledge of channel in multiple input multiple outputorthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) systems.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 938kb Publisher : zhangjg

Performance comparison of RLS and LMS channel estimation techniques with optimum training sequences for MIMO-OFDM systems Performance comparison of RLS and LMS channel estimation techniques with optimum training sequences for MIMO-OFDM systems
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : MUHAMMAD SHAKIL

文章介绍了自适应均衡技术在MIMO OFDM系统中的应用研究。-In this paper, an adaptive channel estimation for MIMO OFDM is proposed. A set of pilot tones first are placed in each OFDM block, then the channel frequency response of these pilot tones are adaptively estimated by recursive least squares (RLS) directly in frequency domain not in time domain. Then
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 410kb Publisher : 王峰
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