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Description: 简易幅频特性测量仪 系统产生10Hz至2KHz的可调正弦波(精度1Hz),输入被测网络,对该网络的幅频特性进行测量(电压有效值,精度1 )。量程分两档:20mV-2V和2mV-200mV。-Simple amplitude-frequency characteristic measurement system to 2KHz adjustable 10Hz sine wave (the accuracy of 1Hz), enter the test network, the network characteristics of the amplitude-frequency measurements (RMS voltage accuracy 1 ). Sub-two respectively range: 20mV-2V and 2mV-200mV.
Platform: | Size: 89088 | Author: Kelly | Hits:


Description: Script to design an IIR Filter low pass using Butterworth & lineal transformation to convert from analogic to digital a prototype filter. by actinio vjgonzalezg@gmail.com :) It plots: 1-Frecuency response of the filter impulse. 2-Magnitude response of the filter. 3-phase of the frecuency response. 4-Error of aproximation in bands. It determines error of máximun aproximation on each band and the RMS value for the reject and pass band respectively then, obtains plots of the first 50 samples for the following entries: a)An rectangular pulse as the half of the longitud of the filter in n=0 b)A senoidal wave with amplitude =1 & frecuency 0.2 Fs. c)A senoidal wave with amplitude = 1. & frecuency= 0.25 Fs. d)A senoidal wave with amplitude = 1. & frecuency= 0.375 Fs.-Script to design an IIR Filter low pass using Butterworth & lineal transformation to convert from analogic to digital a prototype filter. by actinio vjgonzalezg@gmail.com :) It plots: 1-Frecuency response of the filter impulse. 2-Magnitude response of the filter. 3-phase of the frecuency response. 4-Error of aproximation in bands. It determines error of máximun aproximation on each band and the RMS value for the reject and pass band respectively then, obtains plots of the first 50 samples for the following entries: a)An rectangular pulse as the half of the longitud of the filter in n=0 b)A senoidal wave with amplitude =1 & frecuency 0.2 Fs. c)A senoidal wave with amplitude = 1. & frecuency= 0.25 Fs. d)A senoidal wave with amplitude = 1. & frecuency= 0.375 Fs.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: actinio | Hits:

[Program docSimple-signa

Description: 可以测量输入信号的频率、幅度、峰峰值、和有效值。其中频率的测量范围为1HZ到100KHZ.-Can measure the input signal frequency, amplitude, peak to peak, and RMS. One frequency range of 1HZ to 100KHZ.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: zhongfeng | Hits:


Description: In Analog systems, the chief objective is the fidelity of reproduction of waveforms, hence, the suitable performance criterion is the output signal to noise ratio. The choice of this criterion stems from the fact that the signal to noise is related to ability of the listener to interpret a message. Matched filter is the optimum linear filter that maximizes the output signal to noise ratio. The Matched filter is optimum in the sense that it maximizes the signal amplitude to rms noise ratio at the decision-making instant. Although it is reasonable to assume that maximization of this signal to noise ratio will minimize the detection error probability, we have not proved that threshold detection is the optimum method from the detection error point of view. It will be shown that when the channel noise is white Gaussian, the matched filter receiver is indeed the optimum receiver that minimizes the detection error probability.- In Analog systems, the chief objective is the fidelity of reproduction of waveforms, hence, the suitable performance criterion is the output signal to noise ratio. The choice of this criterion stems from the fact that the signal to noise is related to ability of the listener to interpret a message. Matched filter is the optimum linear filter that maximizes the output signal to noise ratio. The Matched filter is optimum in the sense that it maximizes the signal amplitude to rms noise ratio at the decision-making instant. Although it is reasonable to assume that maximization of this signal to noise ratio will minimize the detection error probability, we have not proved that threshold detection is the optimum method from the detection error point of view. It will be shown that when the channel noise is white Gaussian, the matched filter receiver is indeed the optimum receiver that minimizes the detection error probability.
Platform: | Size: 2206720 | Author: nani | Hits:


Description: 求取正弦信号的幅频谱图、均方根谱、功率谱、对数谱等-To strike the amplitude of the sinusoidal signal frequency spectrum, the rms spectrum, power spectrum, the number of spectral
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 窦豆 | Hits:


Description: labview 数字电压表 功能描述:实现仿真信号的电压测量,显示信号频率、标准频率、相位、幅值、直流偏置、峰值、平均值和有效值,并以图形方式显示仿真信号。-labview digital voltmeter Description: Implementation of the simulated signal voltage measurement, display the signal frequency, standard frequency, phase, amplitude, DC offset, peak, average and RMS, and graphically display the simulation signal.
Platform: | Size: 438272 | Author: zheng yue | Hits:


Description: 比较全的信号统计特征的调用程序,包括均值MV, 均方根值RMS, 方根幅值RA, 绝对平均值AA, 偏斜度SKEW, 峭度KV, 方差VAR, 最大值maxW, 最小值minW, 峰-峰值PPV-Compare all the statistical characteristics of the signal caller, including mean MV, RMS value RMS, root amplitude RA, absolute average AA, skewness SKEW, kurtosis KV, variance VAR, max maxW, minimum minW , peak- PPV
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 孟浩 | Hits:


Description: 对机械类振动信号处理,时域内特征值得提取,均值、均方根、绝对平均幅值、峭度等-For mechanical vibration signal processing, time domain feature extraction worth, mean, RMS, mean absolute amplitude, kurtosis, etc.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 陈为 | Hits:


Description: 自谱分析就是对一个信号进行频谱分析,包括幅值谱(PEAK)、幅值谱(RMS)、功率谱和功率谱密度等。-Since spectral analysis is performed on a signal spectrum analysis, including amplitude spectrum (PEAK), amplitude spectrum (RMS), power spectrum and power spectral density.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wangzixin | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developharans

Description: 基于AVR单片机的电力谐波分析系统本设计采用ATMEL公司的ATmega32L单片机完成一个电能质量检测系统。电压信号经过变压器隔离降压,幅值较低的交流信号再通过运算放大器构成的加法器变成可供A/D转换电路转换的直流信号。单片机使用内部的定时器每1/3200秒对电压信号采样一次,用片内自带的10位精度A/D转换器对每周波的电压信号采样64个点后,进行FFT运算,FFT的运算过程采取查表法进一步提高运算速度,分析出小于21次的各次谐波的含量,并计算出电压信号的有效值(RMS),将谐波分析结果通过RS-232串行接口上传到上位机并显示存储。- This design uses ATMEL Corporation ATmega32L MCU to complete a power quality detection system. Voltage signal through a transformer-isolated buck, lower amplitude AC signal through another operational amplifier adders into a DC signal of A/D conversion circuit for conversion. After the MCU internal timer every 1/3200 second voltage signal is sampled once with chip comes with 10-bit precision A/D converter for sampling a voltage signal per cycle of 64 points, the FFT computation, FFT calculation uploaded to the host process to take up table method further improve processing speed, analyze the content of less than 21 times each harmonic, and calculate the RMS voltage signal (RMS), harmonic analysis results via RS-232 serial interface storage and display machine.
Platform: | Size: 412672 | Author: yhs402 | Hits:


Description: matlab代码,轴承特征提取,包括rms、最大幅值、峰值因子、绝对平均值、平均值、峭度、脉冲因子、裕度因子、能量,小波包、经典模态分解等特征(Matlab code, bearing feature extraction, including rms, maximum amplitude, crest factor, absolute mean, mean, kurtosis, pulse factor, margin factor, energy, etc.)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: ljxbuaa | Hits:

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