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Description: This my implementation for linear programming-This is my implementation for linear programming
Platform: | Size: 408576 | Author: Doan Chien Thang | Hits:


Description: 文章主要讨论了视频会议系统中基于 电子白板的图形会话系统的通讯机制, 以及采用W inSock 技术实现系统的主要技术和编程方法-Th is paper int ro2 duces the communicat ion mechanism of graph system based on w h iteboard, and discusses the im2 p lementat ion w ith w indow s socket.
Platform: | Size: 197632 | Author: 珊迪 | Hits:

[Windows CEWinCE_NET_BootLoader

Description:  Boot Loader 是嵌入式系统开发的重要环节之一。通过博创公司的嵌入式产品UP2NETARM24102S ,详细介 绍了在移植Windows CE 嵌入式操作系统之前Boot Loader 的开发步骤和烧写过程。重点分析了Boot Loader 的原理、启 动、编译过程,编译环境,并给出了Boot Loader 的编程模型和算法框架。有利于全面正确地了解Boot Loader- Boot L oader is one of t he key p a rts in embedded system development . U P2N ETARM24102S which is p ro2 duced by Bochuang comp any is taken f or example . Bef ore t ransplanting embedded op e rating system —WinCE. N ET , t he de2 velopment step of Boot L oade r and p rogramming p rocess a re described , and t he p rinciple of Boot L oade r 、compilation p rocess and compilation environment a re analysed. The p rogramming mode and t he a rit hmetic f rame a re given. The p ap er are used t o understand Boot L oader comp rehensively and cor rectly.
Platform: | Size: 288768 | Author: 谢开明 | Hits:


Description: Saga 762是RO2游戏的源代码,很好学习C#的范例!-Saga 762 is RO2 game source code, a very good example to learn C#!
Platform: | Size: 5193728 | Author: simon | Hits:

[OS programRO2_R75

Description: ro2,功能登陆 ro2, functional landing-ro2, functional landing
Platform: | Size: 827392 | Author: woaini | Hits:


Description: 提出了正交频分复用(O FDM ) 系统中一种新的载波频偏估计算法L 载波频偏估计过程可分 为获取和跟踪, 其中, 获取过程和时间同步是同时完成的L新算法可实现的最大载波频偏获取范围 是整个信号带宽的一半L新的跟踪算法是一个最大似然算法, 在加性白噪声高斯信道(AW GN ) 下, 当N (训练序列长度的一半) 等于128 时, 其性能比Schm idl 算法提高约7127 dB 在多经信道下, 当 信噪比不是很高时, 新算法仍具有优势L-new carrier f requency offset est imat ion scheme in o rthogonal f requency division mu lt ip lex ing (O FDM ) system is p ropo sed. The carrier f requency offset est i2 mat ion includes acqu isit ion and t rack ing, and acqu isit ion as w ell as t im ing synch ro2 n izat ion can be perfo rmed simu ltaneou sly w ith h igh accu racy. The max imum acqu i2 sit ion range can be up to one half of overall signal bandw idth. The p ropo sed t rack2 ing est imato r is a max imum 2likelihood est imato r, and in AW GN channel, abou t 7127dB imp rovemen t is ob tained compared to the Schm idl’s algo rithm w hen N = 128 in mu lt ipath channel, the p ropo sed algo rithm wo rk s w ell at moderate SNR.
Platform: | Size: 187392 | Author: 卫海宁 | Hits:

[Industry researchPersonalizedRecommendationsEbusiness

Description: 简要介绍了电子商务推荐系统的概念、作用及组成构件,给出了推荐技术分类标准,系统综述了协同 过滤推荐、基于内容推荐、基于人口统计信息推荐、基于效用推荐、基于知识推荐和基于规则推荐等6 种主要的推 荐技术。对这些推荐技术的优缺点进行了比较,介绍了推荐评价技术。重点评述了电子商务个性化推荐领域中的 研究热点问题,并分析了目前国内电子商务个性化推荐理论研究和应用现状,最后提出了电子商务个性化推荐领 域所面临的挑战。-To make E- business system actively recommend product s to users according to their interest s , re2 search on E- business recommended systems was firstly described. Concept s , functions and constituent s of E- business recommended system were briefly int roduced. The technical recommendation standard was given. Six main recommend technologies such as collaborative filtering recommendation , recommendation based on con2 tent s , population statistics , efficiency , information and rules were mentioned. Advantages and disadvantages of these above- mentioned technical recommendations were provided. Recommendation evaluation was also int ro2 duced. Hot topics in personalized E- business recommendation research were emphasized. Then , existing prob2 lems on personalized recommendation in China were analyzed. Future research challenges facing E- business personalized recommendation were presented at last.
Platform: | Size: 316416 | Author: ming | Hits:

[Game Server SimulatorRO2

Description: RO私服可用脚本2 压箱底的东西都拿出来了-Bottom pressure RO PW available script everything out
Platform: | Size: 177152 | Author: dongwei | Hits:

[Other Gamesro2

Description: RO2 webscript for RO@ gate of the world emulator :) enjoy
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Aeromesi | Hits:

[Other GamesDatabase

Description: MySQL Database for Legacy RO2 Gate of the world.
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: Aeromesi | Hits:

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