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Bayesian-machine-learn-data for robot
Update : 2012-07-05 Size : 296.73kb Publisher : yhaald

这是我们计算机控制的一个上机题,希望大家的学习有所帮助-This is a computer-controlled machine on that, I wish you all a learning help
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : 真希

μC/OS-Ⅱ读做"micro C O S 2",意为"微控制器操作系统版本2"。世界上已有数千人在各个领域使用μC/OS,例如,照相机行业、医疗器械、音响设施、发动机控制、网络设备、高速公路电话系统、自动提款机、工业机器人等等。很多高等院校将μC/OS用于实时系统教学- Mu C/OS- II reads makes "micro C O S 2", Italy is "micro controller operating system edition 2". In the world had several thousand people in each domain use mu C/OS, for example, photographic camera profession, medical instrument, acoustic facility, engine control, network equipment, highway telephone system, automatic money withdrawal machine, industry robot and so on. Very many institutions of higher learning mu C/OS will use in the real time system teaching
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 360kb Publisher : 杨杰

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CMAC网络最初主要用来求解机械手的关节运动。W.T.Miller等人把CMAC网络成功的运用到机器人的控制上,S.Cetinkunt等又将其运用到高精度机械工具的伺服控制。-CMAC initially used primarily for the manipulator joint movement. W. T. Miller and others CMAC network used successfully in the control of the robot, S. Cetinkunt etc. will use its high-precision machine tools to the servo control.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 115kb Publisher : 东方云

微软Vision SDK开发包,程序并不复杂,但非常实用,不只是提供动态链接库,所有源文件代码都可以看到。非常适合研究图像操作和图像分析的人员,以及在工程中的应用(机器视觉、机器人视觉导航规划等),对我们的帮助很大,能学到很多东西。建议大家一起学习提高。真的不错的东东。里面有详细的使用文档。-Microsoft Vision SDK development kits, procedures are not complicated, but very practical. not only provide dynamic link library, and all source code documents can be seen. Very suitable for the operation of study images and image analysis staff, and in engineering applications (machine vision, Robot Visual navigation planning, etc.), with the help of our great, a lot of things can be learned. Propose that we work together to improve learning. Eastern is really good. There are detailed user documentation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.94mb Publisher : 闫林

机器人上位机程序,配合PMAC运动控制卡下位机运行-robot PC procedures meet PMAC under control card machine running
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 111kb Publisher : 胡朋

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机器鼠走迷宫是机器人比赛的常设项目之一, 要求机器鼠用最短的时间走出迷宫或者用最短路 径走出迷宫。我们提出的用PIC16F877 单片机制作 的机器鼠实现走迷宫的优化路径的一种方案,非常 适合高校进行机器人制作和竞赛。-Rat Maze robot machine is one of the game standing item requires machines mice with the shortest possible time out of the maze or the shortest path out of the maze. We propose the use of PIC16F877 Singlechip machines produced by rat Maze realize the optimization of a program path, is ideal for colleges and universities to carry out production and robot competitions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 44kb Publisher : shirley

斯坦福大学网络视频课程之机器人系统设计学讲义,这门课在斯坦福只有不到1万人学习过,计算机水平要求很高,这门课涉及到机器学习及机械设计等重要领域-Stanford University Network Video Course Materials robot system design, the course at Stanford less than 10,000 people studied, the computer level is demanding, the course involves machine learning and the important areas of mechanical design
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 626kb Publisher : 薛佟佟

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舞蹈机器人步进机仿真,已经用C51程序通过了-Dance robot stepper machine simulation, the procedure has been adopted by C51
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 49kb Publisher : 肖利华

David Vernon is the Coordinator of the European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems and he is a Visiting Professor of Cognitive Systems at the University of Genoa. He is also a member of the management team of the RobotCub integrated working on the development of open-source cognitive humanoid robot. Over the past 27 years, he has held positions at Westinghouse Electric, Trinity College Dublin, the European Commission, the National University of Ireland Maynooth, Science Foundation Ireland, and Etisalat University College. He has authored two and edited three books on computer vision and has published over eighty papers in the fields of Computer Vision, Robotics, and Cognitive Systems. His research interests include Fourier-based computer vision and enactive approaches to cognition. He is currently a Professor at Etisalat University College in Sharjah-United Arab Emirates, focusing on Masters programs by research in Computing fields.".[1]
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28.91mb Publisher : surajs

一个简单的刷票机器人。一个验证码可以刷20次。大家可以利用它改写成其他的刷票机-Brush a simple robot vote. Verification code can be a brush 20 times. We can use it to rewrite the brush into the other ticket machine
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.87mb Publisher : 赵国昊

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机电一体化实用手册,本书为“OHM handbook”系列之一。该系列共4册,分别对电工、电子、机械及机电一体化等专业领域的基础理论知识、典型应用以及最新发展动态进行介绍。本系列特点是内容丰富但精炼、重点突出、插图丰富、有重点名词提示,并在书末附有中文索引。   本书共10章126节,主要以机器人为主线来介绍机电一体化技术,主要内容包括机电一体化的基础知识、机械零件与机构、传感器技术、执行装置技术、计算机技术、机械电子系统控制技术,以及机器人技术、机电一体化的实践和机器人竞赛等。为便于读者理解,书中引用约640幅插图,内容循序渐进、叙述精练、易读易懂。   本书既可以作为机电一体化的实用工具书,也可以作为机器人的入门书,同时也是机器人竞赛参考书。读者对象主要为从事或学习机电一体化和机器人技术的读者即企事业单位的科研、技术人员,以及大专院校的师生。 -The integration of machinery practical guide, this book is “OHM handbook” one of series. This series altogether 4 volume, separately to the electrician, the electron, the machinery and the integration of machinery and so on professional field s basic theory knowledge, the model application as well as the most recent development dynamic carry on the introduction. This series characteristic is the full of meat, but the fining, key prominent, the illustration rich, has the key term prompt, and attaches Chinese index in the book end.   This book altogether 10 chapters of 126, mainly introduce the integration of machinery technology take the robot as the master line, primary coverage including integration of machinery elementary knowledge, machine parts and organization, sensor technology, director technology, computer technology, mechanical electronic systems control technology, as well as robot technology, integration of machinery practice and robot competition and so on. In order to be a
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.88mb Publisher : 吴真

coin3d实现的 卡通机器人 主要是学习机器人复杂曲面的绘制 该程序是一个教学程序-coin3d cartoon robot to achieve the robot is mainly to learn complex surface rendering of the program is a teaching program
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 成点

实用GA算法进行,机器人运功规划,算法很经典,美国人写的-We present an ongoing research work on robot motion plan- ning using genetic algorithms. Our goal is to use this technique to build fast motion planners for robot with six or more degree of freedom. After a short review of the existing methods, we will introduce the genetic al- gorithms by showing how they can be used to solve the invers kinematic problem. In the second part of the paper, we show that the path planning problem can be expressed as an optimization problem and thus solved with a genetic algorithm. We illustrate the approach by building a path planner for a planar arm with two degree of freedom, then we demon- strate the validity of the method by planning paths for an holonomic mobile robot. Finally we describe an implementation of the selected ge- netic algorithm on a massively parallel machine and show that fast plan- ning response is made possible by using this appro
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 399kb Publisher : xiaofang

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msn机器人原码,很不错的应用,可以做自己的msn小秘书115157716MsnRobot.rar 飞龙 QQ 316118740 人机智能对话文章 C8 CB BB FA D6 C7 C4 DC B6 D4 BB B0-msn robot source, very good application, they can do their own little secretary 115157716MsnRobot.rar dragon msn QQ 316118740 intelligent man-machine dialogue article C8 CB BB FA D6 C7 C4 DC B6 D4 BB B0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.51mb Publisher : QQ316118740

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舞蹈机器人步进机仿真,C51程序通过,8步式步进电机脉冲序列,-Dance robot stepper machine simulation, C51 program through, 8-step sequence of stepper motor pulses,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 林煌

根据口令机器人对语音命令进行识别,延后发出相应的动作-According to the password of the voice command the robot to identify, postponed the action to issue the corresponding
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.6mb Publisher : 飞龙

灭火机器人源程序。该灭火机器人实现的功能是:在一个3m×1.5m的区域内,从安全区出发,自动寻找火源并不断调整路线靠近火源,然后启用风扇吹灭火源后结束,此外,该灭火机器人可以依次找到若干个火源并灭火。-Fire-fighting robot source. The fire-fighting robot to achieve the function is: in a 3m × 1.5m in the region, starting from the security zone, automatically find the source and adjust the fire line near the fire, and then enable the fan blowing after the end of the fire source, in addition, the fire-fighting machine number of people can turn to find the source of fire and fire fighting.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 64kb Publisher : 王琦

包含客户端和服务器端两个程序,实现了移动服务机器人人机耦合控制,主要由视频通信、OpenGL三维建模、激光雷达三维图像、环境几何地图等分模块。-Client and server-side includes two procedures, the mobile service robots human-machine coupling control, mainly by video communications, OpenGL three-dimensional modeling, three-dimensional laser radar images, geometric environment map decile module.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.66mb Publisher : 江济良

一本关于机器人的教材,很精典的,全英文的教材-In the last three decades robotics and walking made dramatic progresses, and especially robots are in the meantime applied not only in industry and surgery, but also in many service areas under water, on earth and in space, with increasing significance. Robots and walking machines are typical products not being realizable before the computer age with all its electronic, sensory and drive train possibilities, necessary to realize such machines. Figure 7.1 gives a characteristic example of robotics, namely robots from the KUKA-company, in action and not in action. KUKA is one of the great producers of industry robots. Figure 7.2 depicts a famous Japanese walking machine with an advanced performance. (
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.27mb Publisher : 江山
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