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Description: 根据导弹仿真数据,绘制可直观显示弹道特性的理想弹道曲线。给出了比例导引法的差分方程,建立了 比例导引法的三维弹道仿真模型。在对比例导引法进行三维弹道仿真的基础上,分别对增量比例导引、基于二次 型的最优制导律和考虑动态特性的二次型最优制导律进行了三维弹道仿真,绘制出了可直观显示弹道特性的理想 弹道,计算了导弹与目标的遭遇时间,并对结果进行了比较分析。最后得出考虑弹体动态特性的二次型最优制导 律具有最优性。-According to the missile simulation data, mapping can be visual display characteristics of an ideal ballistic ballistic curve. Proportional navigation law gives the differential equation, proportional navigation law established a three-dimensional trajectory simulation model. Proportional navigation in the three-dimensional trajectory simulation method, based on the respective proportion of the incremental guidance, based on quadratic optimal guidance law and consider the dynamic characteristics of quadratic optimal guidance law for a three-dimensional trajectory simulation, rendering a visual display may be the ideal ballistic trajectory characteristics, calculated the missile with the target
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: 特步 | Hits:


Description: 倒立摆系统是研究控制理论的实验平台,它的行为与火箭飞行以及两足机器人行走有很大相似性,因而对其研究具有重大的理论和实践意义,一直是控制界关注的焦点。以直线单级倒立摆作为研究对象,采用最优控制策略实现对其平衡控制,进行仿真实验设计。-Inverted pendulum control theory is to study the experimental platform, its behavior and the rocket s flight and walking biped robot is very similar, and thus their study is of great theoretical and practical significance, has been the focus of attention control. Inverted Pendulum on a straight line as the object of study, the optimal control strategy to achieve their balance control, a simulation design
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 导弹六自由度的仿真,matlab编写,实现导弹飞行仿真-Six degrees of freedom missile simulation, matlab write to achieve the missile flight simulation
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 杨魁 | Hits:


Description: 三级火箭弹道仿真,基于matlab环境对多级火箭的弹道进行六自由度的仿真,进而预测出每一级脱落后的落区-Three rocket trajectory simulation, matlab environment based on multistage rocket trajectory simulation conducted six degrees of freedom, and thus predict a fall off after each drop zone
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 涂丫 | Hits:


Description: Rocket simulation in matlab
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: navid | Hits:


Description: 火箭仿真的matlab 程序, 具有很好的参考价值, 有文档(rocket simulation matlab code,)
Platform: | Size: 468992 | Author: chenpeng3361 | Hits:

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