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[OpenGL programrotate

Description: 用opengl编写的一个简单的由颜色变换组成的立方体,可以旋转的功能,已经调试!-use opengl prepared by a simple color change of cube, can rotate function, Debugging already!
Platform: | Size: 21010 | Author: litang | Hits:

[Special Effectsrotate

Description: 对yuv图像顺时针旋转90°的代码,一次只能旋转一个分量,例如,对于yuv420图像,采用 rotate( m_image_w,m_image_h, y, NULL ) rotate( m_image_w/2,m_image_h/2, u, NULL ) rotate( m_image_w/2,m_image_h/2, v, NULL ) 如果dstdata为NULL,哪么程序会将输入srcdata当作输出
Platform: | Size: 866 | Author: 陈航 | Hits:

[Graph programVOXEM.ZIP

Description: will generate a voxel terrain map and place this data in a 2d array rotate the terrain map data about x,y,z
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[OpenGL programNeHeGL

Description: 这是一个简单的OpenGL程序:旋转的三维几何图形-This is a simple OpenGL program for rotate 3D geometry graph
Platform: | Size: 1226752 | Author: 戴少伟 | Hits:

[Graph programtony rotate bmp

Description: 自己在学位图操作时,所作的一个训练题目-degree plan in operation, the subject of a training
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 李德守 | Hits:

[Graph Drawing44757463

Description: 丰富的图形类型(直线,平行四边形,矩形,多边形,圆角矩形,圆,椭圆,二次均匀B样条曲线,三次参数样条曲线,贝齐埃曲线)      丰富的图形操作(属性设置,拖动,放大/缩小,删除,拷贝,旋转,图形切割,图形填充,编辑等)软件通用功能(撤消/恢复,打印,文件操作)架构较好,欢迎试用!-rich graphics types (linear, parallelogram, rectangle, polygon, rounded rectangle, circle, oval, secondary uniform B-spline curves, the three parameters spline curves, curve gemfibrozil Egypt) rich graphics operations (attribute settings, drag and enlarge/reduce, to delete, copy, rotate, graphics cutting, filling graphics, editing, etc.) common software functions (withdrawal/recovery, printing, and file manipulation) architecture better, welcomed the trial!
Platform: | Size: 353280 | Author: | Hits:

[3D Graphic3dchange

Description: 用vc编的一个三维图形转换的小应用程序,实现了“旋转”,“缩放”,“平移”的功能。-This little 3D changing graph application is progammed by VC, which realized "rotate", "zoom"and "move" function.
Platform: | Size: 3624960 | Author: 刘潇 | Hits:

[Graph programJava图像处理

Description: 用Java实现的图像教学程序,涵盖大部分基本图像处理技术:(1)图像几何变换(图像翻转、旋转、缩放);(2)色彩变换(灰度直方图,RGB->YSH变换,对比度调整,色彩增强,灰度均衡);(3)卷积(锐化、柔化、边缘提取、中值滤波);(4)频率变换(快速傅立叶fft,小波分解重构)-A teaching program which implements in Java. It includes most essential image processing technology. 1. Geometry Transform(Flip, Rotate, Scale) 2. Color Transform(Histogram, RGB-YSH Translate, Contrast, Level, Equalize in gray) 3. Convolve (Sharpness, Smooth , Edge enhancement, Mean) 4.Frequence Transform (FFT, wavelet reconstruct)
Platform: | Size: 54272 | Author: 徐林 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopRotate a Bitmap transparency

Description: 对bitmap图像旋转的一个程序,可以做成动画 -right bitmap image of a rotating procedures can create animation EXPLOSIVE
Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: mrx | Hits:

[3D Graphic3dM

Description: 用directdraw实现的3d程序,能读x文件,可以旋转,功能上就这些了。-with DirectDraw achieve the 3d procedures can read x, can rotate function on these.
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: 吴晟 | Hits:


Description: 计算机图形学中的平移,对称,旋转,缩放变化。-of computer graphics translation, symmetric, rotate, zoom changes.
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 巫丙亮 | Hits:

[Special Effectsrotate

Description: 对yuv图像顺时针旋转90°的代码,一次只能旋转一个分量,例如,对于yuv420图像,采用 rotate( m_image_w,m_image_h, y, NULL ) rotate( m_image_w/2,m_image_h/2, u, NULL ) rotate( m_image_w/2,m_image_h/2, v, NULL ) 如果dstdata为NULL,哪么程序会将输入srcdata当作输出-Yuv images of 90 ° clockwise rotation of the code, one can only rotate a component, for example, for YUV420 images, using rotate (m_image_w, m_image_h, y, NULL) rotate (m_image_w/2, m_image_h/2, u, NULL) rotate (m_image_w/2, m_image_h/2, v, NULL) if dstdata for NULL, which you will enter the program as output srcdata
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 陈航 | Hits:

[Special Effectsrotate

Description: 能以任意角度旋转图像的vb源码,可以左旋,也可以右旋-Able to rotate images at any angle vb source code, you can L can also be dextral
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 周俊 | Hits:

[Special Effectsrotate

Description: matlab程序,用于实现对给定图像做的任意角度旋转-rotate a picture by any angle
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李逵 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developrotate

Description: 对图像进行旋转操作(转动任意角度),精度较高-rotate image for any angle,with high accuracy
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 生子 | Hits:

[Special EffectsRotate

Description: 使用MFC编写的图像旋转算法,利用临近插值的方法实现图像旋转,并且旋转后的图像自适应窗口。-Written using the MFC image rotation algorithm, near the interpolation method used to achieve image rotation, and rotate the image after the adaptive window.
Platform: | Size: 2291712 | Author: | Hits:

[Graph programrotate

Description: 提供opengl中选择的功能,可以控制物体的任意选择,有很好的接口控制绕各个轴的旋转-opengl rotate
Platform: | Size: 93184 | Author: 刘刘 | Hits:

[Special Effectsrotate

Description: 实现图像的旋转,根据旋转矩阵进行旋转,并对结果进行调整-rotate picture
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 张福华 | Hits:


Description: 利用OPENCV对灰度图像按一定角度进行旋转-In OPENCV, rotate the gray image using a certain angle
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 杨剑 | Hits:

[Special Effectsrotate

Description: 图像的旋转与缩放 用opencv环境对图像进行旋转和缩放-Image rotation and scaling using opencv environment rotate and zoom the image
Platform: | Size: 1409024 | Author: 吴婵 | Hits:
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