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ArcBall Rotation,for openGL, you can rotate the object in your 3d view, such as to apply this in draging the object with mouse NeHe
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 11.82kb Publisher : seam

ArcBall Rotation,for openGL, you can rotate the object in your 3d view, such as to apply this in draging the object with mouse NeHe
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher :

关于OpenGL 3D编程,实现摄像机漫游。实现以鼠标的转向来使整个场景旋转漫游,对3D游戏编程者有很好的借鉴作用。-About OpenGL 3D programming, realize roaming camera. In order to realize the mouse turned to rotate the entire scene roaming, on the 3D game programmers have a very good reference.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 755kb Publisher :

通过mfc制作的3d机械手臂,可以通过1-6不同数字键来移动或旋转手臂不同位置,通过q和e来左右移动屏幕,通过鼠标滑鼠来改变屏幕图像大小.-3d robot hand made by mfc. use 1-6 number to move or rotate different position of it, q and e to move the scene left or right, mouse slip to change the size of it
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 242kb Publisher : AliasX

一个3D的魔方游戏; 鼠标左键 - 旋转魔方 鼠标右键 - 选取某个立方体,并提供一个旋转方向 D - 切换 F - 旋转 C - 取消选择 选中某个立方体时,可进行切换。 旋转以后不可再切换。-A 3D magicbox: The left mouse button- rotate cube The right mouse button- select a cube, and to provide a rotation direction             D- Switch             F- Rotary             C- de-select Select a cube, they can switch. After the switch can no longer rotate.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.01mb Publisher : rony

Draw a space with rotate by mouse
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 809kb Publisher : dis me trung quoc

opengl 3d立方体,随鼠标拖动而旋转.-opengl 3d cube, with the mouse to drag and rotate.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 28kb Publisher : leto

3D方式演示欧拉角 通过鼠标就可以更改欧拉角的方位,其中代码适用于欧拉角方向余弦矩阵的转换。-findEulerAngs generates Euler angle sets and animates rotations in response to user manipulation of a 3D rigid body (a box). Use the mouse to change the orientation of the box. A wireframe of the original box position will appear. The Euler Axis button animates the rotation about the Euler Axis between the original and new box positions. The Rotate button calculates a set of Euler angles for the rotation type currently selected ( Body or Space ) and the axis set selected in the dropdown menu to orient the axes to the new box position. Derotate reverses this process and brings the axes back to their previous position. Once the axes have been rotated, subsequent rotations are calculated from this new orientation. This means that Space rotations use the coordinate system associated with the previous cube orientation (i.e. the axes of the wireframe cube). Axes DCM is the direction cosine matrix of the current axes orientation in the unrotated inertial frame. Box DCM (in
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher : 沈博

Opengl实现茶壶随着鼠标移动从而3D旋转-Opengl realize the teapot with the mouse to rotate 3D
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 300kb Publisher : pl

HTML5模板 3D画展,可以用鼠标自由旋转来展示不同方位的画册 对里面代码稍作修改即可-HTML5 Template 3D exhibition, you can use the mouse to rotate freely to show the different orientations of the album with some slight modifications to the code on the inside
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : 周鹏辉

Drawing 3D Cube in C++ by OpenGL library and rotation with mouse draging
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 826kb Publisher : yaya
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