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3D Space Coordinate Transformations This folder contains 3 files (m-functions) : - t2x.m Transformation Matrix to Generalized Position Vector. - x2t.m Generalized Position Vector to Transformation Matrix. - m2m.m Mass/Inertia Tensor transformation with coordinate change. In the Generalized Position Vector the orientation can be expressed with: - unit quaternion, - Euler angles xyz (roll, pitch, and yaw), - Euler angles zyz (rotation, precession, and mutation), - unit vector and rotation angle, - Denavitt-Hartemberg parameters. Conversion between the above orientation systems can be easily achieved. The three files work independently on each other, but since they work on the same objects it is somewhat useful to keep them in the same folder. - 3D Space Coordinate Transformations This folder contains 3 files (m-functions) : - t2x.m Transformation Matrix to Generalized Position Vector. - x2t.m Generalized Position Vector to Transformation Matrix. - m2m.m Mass/Inertia Tensor transformation with coordinate change. In the Generalized Position Vector the orientation can be expressed with: - unit quaternion, - Euler angles xyz (roll, pitch, and yaw), - Euler angles zyz (rotation, precession, and mutation), - unit vector and rotation angle, - Denavitt-Hartemberg parameters. Conversion between the above orientation systems can be easily achieved. The three files work independently on each other, but since they work on the same objects it is somewhat useful to keep them in the same folder.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : kiyoung
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