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图象的插值缩放 图象的插值旋转 图象的剪切 在图象的几种几何操作中,图象的缩放和旋转都要用到插值操作。插值算法的好坏直接关系到图象的失真程度,插值函数的设计是插值算法的核心问题。因此,在具体介绍这几种几何操作前,有必要先介绍一下插值的基本原理。 -image interpolation zoom image interpolation rotary shear image in the image of several geometric operation, image scaling and rotation should be used interpolation operation. Interpolation algorithm directly related to the distortion of images, interpolation function interpolation algorithm design is the core of the problem. Therefore, the specific details of these types of geometric pre-operational, it is necessary to first explain the basic tenets of interpolation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 深蓝

本文主要叙述的是利用MATLAB软件实现图像的几何操作。利用imresize() imrotate() imcrop() 等函数实现图像的缩放,选转,剪切。 在对图像的几种几何操作中,图像的缩放和旋转都要用到插值操作。-This paper describes the use of MATLAB software images of geometric operations. Use imresize () imrotate () imcrop () Function Image Scaling , elected to the shear. In the image of several geometric operation, image scaling and rotation should be used interpolation operation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 624kb Publisher : 刘鎏

12.1 图像点的运算 12.1.1 线性点运算 12.1.2 非线性点运算 12.2 图像的算术运算 12.2.1 加法运算 12.2.2 减 法运算 12.2.3 乘法 运算 12.2.4 除法 运算 12.2.5 其它运算 12.3 图像的位逻辑运算 12.4 图像的几何运算 12.4.1 图像插值 12.4.2 图像缩放 12.4.3 图像旋转 12.4.4 图像剪切 12.5 空间变换 12.5.1 仿射变换( affine transformation ) 12.5.2 透视变换 (Perspective Transformation) 12.5.3 空间变换的 MATLAB 函数 12.5.4 空间变换实例 12.6 图像融合 12.7 邻域与块操作 12.7.1 邻域操作 12.7.2 图像块操作 12.8 区域处理 12.8.1 区域选择 12.8.2 区域滤波 12.8.3 区域填充-12.1 image point arithmetic 12.1.1 computing linear point 12.1.2 nonlinear point operations 12.2 image adder computing 12.2.1 Arithmetic 12.2.2 subtraction multiplication 12.2.3 computing division 12.2.4 computing 12.2.5 other computing 12.3 Image 12.4 Image-bit logic operations geometric computing 12.4.1 Image Interpolation 12.4.2 image scaling 12.4.3 image rotation 12.4.4 Shear Image 12.5 Space Conversion 12.5.1 affine transformation (affine transformation) 12.5.2 Perspective Transform (Perspective Transformation) 12.5.3 space transform space transform MATLAB function 12.5.4 Examples 12.6 Image Fusion 12.7 Neighborhood and Block Operation 12.7.1 Operation 12.7.2 neighborhood image processing block operation 12.8 Regional 12.8 area selection 12.8.1. 2 regional filtering area filling 12.8.3
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : tian

自己编写的程序,实现dicom文件显示,窗宽窗位调整;利用双线性插值完成图像的缩放。-I have written procedures, to achieve DICOM documents show that window-width window level adjustment the use of bilinear interpolation image scaling.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 43kb Publisher : lu

图像运算Matlab代码 12.1 图像点的运算 12.1.1 线性点运算 12.1.2 非线性点运算 12.2 图像的算术运算 12.2.1 加法运算 12.2.2 减 法运算 12.2.3 乘法 运算 12.2.4 除法 运算 12.2.5 其它运算 12.3 图像的位逻辑运算 12.4 图像的几何运算 12.4.1 图像插值 12.4.2 图像缩放 12.4.3 图像旋转 12.4.4 图像剪切 12.5 空间变换 12.5.1 仿射变换( affine transformation ) 12.5.2 透视变换 (Perspective Transformation) 12.5.3 空间变换的 MATLAB 函数 12.5.4 空间变换实例 12.6 图像融合 12.7 邻域与块操作 12.7.1 邻域操作 12.7.2 图像块操作 12.8 区域处理 12.8.1 区域选择 12.8.2 区域滤波 12.8.3 区域填充 -Image Computing 12.1 image point Matlab code computing 12.1.1 computing linear point operations 12.2 points 12.1.2 Nonlinear image adder computing 12.2.1 Arithmetic 12.2.2 subtraction multiplication 12.2.3 computing division 12.2.4 computing 12.2 .5 other computing 12.3 Image 12.4-bit logic operations geometric computing 12.4.1 Image Image Interpolation 12.4.2 image scaling 12.4.3 image rotation 12.4.4 Shear Image 12.5 Space Conversion 12.5.1 affine transformation (affine transformation) 12.5.2 Perspective Transform (Perspective Transformation) 12.5.3 space transform space transform MATLAB function 12.5.4 Examples 12.6 Image Fusion 12.7 Neighborhood and Block Operation 12.7.1 Operation 12.7.2 neighborhood image processing block operation 12.8 regional 12.8.1 12.8.2 regional area selection filtering area filling 12.8.3
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 王万国

基于傅立叶-梅林变换的matlab编写的配准系统,运行fm_gui.m后即出现演示界面,左侧的两个图形框选择待配准的两幅图像,图像可以进行缩放旋转变换。右侧的列表框"Window"下可以选择滤波窗,"Rotation"、"Scale"、"Log-polar"可分别选择旋转、缩放、以及对数极坐标变换所用的插值方法,按键"REGISTER"下的滑动 键可选备选的峰值点总数,点击"REGISTER"按键, 对应的下方图形框即显示配准后的两幅图像,最下方的"Translation"、"Rotation"和"Scale"文本框分别显 示待配准图像间的偏移、旋转、缩放参数。-Based on the Fourier- Mellin transform matlab prepared with System, after having run the demo fm_gui.m interface, the left side of the box to choose the two graphics to be matching the two images, the image can zoom in and out rotation. The list on the right box " Window" under the option of filtering window, " Rotation" , " Scale" , " Log-polar" can choose to rotate, zoom, as well as the number of polar coordinate transform of the interpolation method used, button " REGISTER" sliding under the optional options key points of the total number of peaks, click on " REGISTER" button below the corresponding graphic box that is displayed after the registration of two images, the bottom of the " Translation" , " Rotation" and " Scale" text box Registration to be, respectively, show the offset between images, rotation, scaling parameters.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 520kb Publisher : 刘子木

HU不变矩程序代码很多,但是没找到一个完整准确的代码。本人对其中的某些代码修正后,和matlab计算结果进行比较,结果是一致的。本程序没有利用Opencv计算Hu矩的函数,好像opencv计算的M03和M30应该对调,否则,和matlab计算不一样!对旋转、缩放的图像进行测试,HU矩也是一样的,不信可以利用提供的图片对比一下。由于HU矩比较小,程序对HU矩取对数便于查看比较。总之,程序绝对安全可靠,可直接调用。-HU moment invariants code a lot, but could not find a complete and accurate code. I am, some of which code amendments, and matlab calculation results are compared, the result is the same. This procedure did not take advantage Opencv a function of the calculation Hu moments, like the M03 and M30 calculate opencv should be reversed, otherwise, and not the same as matlab calculations! Right rotation, scaling the image to test, HU is the same moment, and you do not believe you can compare the use of the images. HU moment due to a relatively small program HU moment logarithmic relatively easy to see. In short, the program is absolutely safe and reliable, can be directly invoked.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.73mb Publisher :

\常用的图像处理工具(用MATLAB所编)Matlab Toolbox for Image Processing:梯度锐化,图像镜像,图像平移,图像缩放,图像细化,图像旋转,维纳滤波处理,用Canny算子提取边缘,阈值变换,直方图均衡,中值滤波等。-\ Common image processing tools (using MATLAB, ed) Matlab Toolbox for Image Processing: gradient sharpening, image mirroring, image translation, image scaling, image thinning, image rotation, Wiener filtering, edge extraction with Canny operator, threshold transform, histogram equalization, median filtering.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.35mb Publisher : youxia

DL : 0
Image Scaling transaltion rotation codes in matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Santosh Chowhan

基于傅立叶梅林变换的图像配准算法可以控制旋转缩放参数实现配准-Fourier Mellin transform based image registration algorithm can control the rotation scaling parameters to achieve registration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 521kb Publisher : 程森

MATLAB中证图像缩放、旋转等对Hu矩和Zernike矩的影响-MATLAB in the card image scaling, and rotation of the Hu moments and Zernike moments of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 143kb Publisher : 王曼琵

基于PCNN的特征提取,PCNN用于特征提取时,具体平移、旋转、尺度、扭曲等不变性,这正是许多年来基于内容的图像检索系统追求的目标,同时PCNN用于特征提取时,有很好的抗噪性。而且PCNN直接来自于哺乳动物视觉皮层神经的研究,具有提取图像形状,纹理,边缘的属性。用PCNN能很好地对图像进行签名,将二维的图像的特征提取成一维矢量签名。-Feature extraction of specified object is an important preprocessing stage in machine vision systems. In this paper, we present a novel hybrid feature extraction method using PCNN (Pulse Coupled Neural Network) and shape information. First, we use PCNN firing map train to formulate object’s time signature, then we use roundness of each firing map to formulate object’s shape information vector, the final feature matrix we got is combined time signature and roundness. We take correlations as our judge criteria in our experiments. It has been proved that the algorithm is not sensitivity with the rotation, scaling and translation of the object and is a useful method for target recognition applications.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : wangxiaofei

用灰度投影的方式,求取两幅图像的位移,要求缩放和旋转较小-With gray projection method to obtain the displacement of two images require less scaling and rotation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : liushengxia

使用matlab的gui界面实现图像缩放旋转功能,FFT,DCT,等图像变化变换,并绘出直方图-Use the matlab gui interface for image scaling rotation, FFT, DCT, and other changes in the image transformation, and draw the histogram
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 544kb Publisher : jason

matlab设计的图形图像处理窗口,支持图片读入,另存,旋转,缩放,灰度化,-Matlab design graphics, image processing window, support for rotation, scaling, gray, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.61mb Publisher : 尤云

matlab gui实现三维图形的旋转,平移及缩放-matlab gui to achieve rotation, translation and scaling of 3D graphics
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 27kb Publisher : 朱志玲

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采用邻近插值法和双线性插值法图像进行缩放和旋转-In neighbor interpolation and bilinear interpolation image scaling and rotation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : wang

编写matlab的gui函数进行图像处理的代码,基本上包括图像处理里面的最基本处理,比如读取文件,几何变换中的垂直镜像,平移,旋转,缩放;正交变换的DFT,FFT,temp ,DWashT;灰度处理中的反色,直方图均衡,全局线性变换,分段线性变换,指数非线性变换,对数非线性变换;图像增强里面的加噪声,temp1方法,锐化,伪彩色增强;图像分割里面的灰度阈值法,调试可以运行的。 -Write the gui matlab image processing function code, basically including the most basic image processing inside the process, such as reading the file, the geometric transformation of the vertical mirroring, translation, rotation, scaling orthogonal transformation DFT, FFT, temp, DWashT anti-gray color processing, histogram equalization, global linear transformation, piecewise linear transformation, a nonlinear transformation index, the number of non-linear transform image enhancement which increases the noise, temp1 method, sharpening, pseudo-color enhancement image segmentation inside the gray threshold, debugging can run.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : mqhm1r

编写matlab的gui函数进行图像处理的代码,基本上包括图像处理里面的最基本处理,比如读取文件,几何变换中的垂直镜像,平移,旋转,缩放;正交变换的DFT,FFT,vRwacM,DWashT;灰度处理中的反色,直方图均衡,全局线性变换,分段线性变换,指数非线性变换,对数非线性变换;图像增强里面的加噪声,rfzARFS方法,锐化,伪彩色增强;图像分割里面的灰度阈值法,调试可以运行的。 -Write the gui matlab image processing function code, basically including the most basic image processing inside the process, such as reading the file, the geometric transformation of the vertical mirroring, translation, rotation, scaling orthogonal transformation DFT, FFT, vRwacM , DWashT anti-gray color processing, histogram equalization, global linear transformation, piecewise linear transformation, a nonlinear transformation index, the number of non-linear transform image enhancement which increases the noise,rfzARFS method, sharpening, pseudo-color enhancement image segmentation inside the gray threshold, debugging can run.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 7szqjw

(1)图像基本操作:不同格式(大于3种)图像的读入与存盘、文字叠加、不同彩色空间的转换、图像的DCT及FFT变换等; (2)图像增强:包括直方图拉升(线性和非线性)、直方图均衡、平滑与锐化(采用不同的滤镜),美颜(加分项); (3)图像恢复:几何操作(如旋转、缩放、投影校正等)、模糊恢复(如运动模糊消除等,加分项); (4)图像合成(加分项):实现换头、换背景、图像拼接等功能。((1) Basic operation of image: reading and saving of images in different formats (more than 3 kinds), text superposition, conversion of different color spaces, DCT and FFT transformation of images, etc; (2) Image enhancement: including histogram lifting (linear and non-linear), histogram equalization, smoothing and sharpening (using different filters), beauty (bonus item); (3) Image restoration: geometric operations (such as rotation, scaling, projection correction, etc.), blur restoration (such as motion blur elimination, etc., plus points); (4) Image synthesis (Bonus): realize the functions of head changing, background changing, image splicing, etc.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22.08mb Publisher : ISSING
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