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json-rpc是和DWR类似的ajax-rpc实现。我比较细化,因为他很简单,而且只作rpc。如果你要实现自己特定的rpc的话,可以参考一下他。-json - rpc and DWR is similar to the ajax - rpc achieve. I am more details, because he was very simple, but only rpc. If you want to realize their own specific rpc, then he can take a look.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 624.95kb Publisher : 一农

Java & XML应用(IBM曹小强)-Java XML applications (IBM Cao Xiaoqiang)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 338kb Publisher : 行云

Bindows是一个用来创建功能强大的瘦客户端应用程序的框架。Bindows应用程序运行于现代的Web浏览器中。在其中,它们使用DHTML来呈现丰富的可以包含很多不同窗体小部件(widget)的图形用户界面(GUI)。Bindows应用程序可以使用很多方法与服务器端进行交互。其中大多数方法是基于XML的。它同样支持XML-RPC和基于SOAP的Web Services。程序设计语言是JavaScript。 所有windows控件的模拟。按钮,标签,列表,文本框,对话框,颜色,样式,等等,一个典型桌面应用应该有的控件、样式都具备 新版本1.30beta,增加了千呼万唤的Theme支持。Erik&Emil不愧为世界水平的JavaScript高手,原本仅用做浏览器脚本支持的这个小东西如今被发挥得淋漓尽致,几乎到了浏览器JavaScript所能表现的最高境界-Bindows is a framework for B/S application. it works with morden exploer, use DHTML show GUI composed by lots of different widgets, and support many way to communicate with server base on XML,support XML-RPC and web services(SOAP).Bindows developed use JavaScript, implement all widgets in windows( button,tag,list-box, editbox,dialog) with same color and style etc. which enough to build a classic desktop application. New 1.30beta version, add Theme support. Erik&Emil is famous JavaSrcipt developer,they let the JavaScript on the top of the world.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.16mb Publisher : shen java程序,主要用语开发 by java ,it is used to develop rpc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 519kb Publisher : 付学宝

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delphi与JSP通过xml-rpc协议交换数据的例子-through xml-rpc agreement to exchange data example
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1013kb Publisher : 吕建欣

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< J2EE应用开发详解>>一书全部的源代码. 本书基于J2EE 1.4平台,从基本开发实例入手,以实用为目标,以实践为指导,深入浅出地讲解了 J2EEl.4平台的各种技术;同时,本书以当今流行的Eclipse作为开发工具,详细介绍了使用Eclipse开发 JSP、Servlet、EJB、Web服务的各个细节;JSP 2.0的发布,使得非Java程序员都能编写JSP,本书将介 绍怎么让非Java程序员使用表达式语言和标准标签库编写JSP;EJB 2.1技术同样做了许多改动,如增加 了定时器功能、EJB-QL增强功能、直接发布成Web服务,本书将详细介绍这些新技术,并且提供具体实 例;JAX-RPC是J2EE1.4平台Web服务的核心技术,书中用详细实例深入剖析了它。随书光盘内容为书 中范例源文件。 本书适合于专业J2EE应用开发人员和准专业的开发人员,对于要了解J2EE1.4最新技术的系统构架人员,本书也可以作为其参考。 -err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19.33mb Publisher : 罗冬

本程序是java网络编程,包含常用的网络服务,rpc和rmi等网络高级程序。-java programming networks, including commonly used network services, rmi rpc and networks such as senior program.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5mb Publisher : lim

Bindows 1.01 完全版 Bindows 框架提供给你: 基于类的面向对象 API; 一个完整的窗口系统,带有一组广泛支持的窗体小部件,包括菜单、表单、表格、滑块、量表以及更多; 开发零接触 SOA 客户端应用程序的最好的工具包; 内置 XML,SOAP 和 XML-RPC 支持; 从单用户到企业级的支持。 将现代 PC 桌面程序般的界面与基于 Internet 的构架相结合,使得通过 Internet 浏览器访问到的程序拥有桌面软件一样的功能。-Bindows 1.01 full version Bindows framework for you : Class-based object-oriented API; a complete window system with a broad support group Form small parts, include the menu, forms, tables, slider, scale and more; Development of zero contact with the client SOA application of the best tool kit; built-in XML, SOAP and XML-RPC; from the single user to enterprise-level support. Modern desktop PC-like interface procedures with the Internet-based architecture combined made through the Internet browser to visit the procedures for desktop software have the same capabilities.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 762kb Publisher : li li

java 实现 phprpc 服务器端,个人认为比较好.-achieve phprpc java server, I think is good.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 张涛

java实现的PPRPC客户端程序,比较好的代码.-realized PPRPC java client, and better code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 张涛

作者是Ajaxian.com的创始人,JavaOne、TheServerSide等诸多高级别会议的演讲者。本书作为Pragmatic系列之一,从实践出发,通过实例展示Ajax的诸多特性,手把手教你实现Google Map的绚丽效果。不仅教会你Ajax的技术细节,同时还带你了解各种功能强大的主流Ajax工具包(Dojo、Prototype、、DWR、Backbase、SmartClient、Ajax.NET、SAJAX、JSON-RPC),掌握Ajax实时查看源代码的方法以及进行代码调试的相应方法,学习Ajax的开发模式和框架。本书后半部分共用了五个章节,从服务器端编程的角度,详细讲述了Ajax同PHP、Ruby On Rails、Java和.NET等语言的融合,最后还介绍了与Ajax相类似的其他RIA技术以及Ajax的精彩未来(E4X, Canvas, SVG,的相关应用)。本书的全部代码下载地址: 本书秉承了《程序员修炼之道》的特点—— “从小工到专家”,各个层次的web开发人员都能从本书中获益匪浅。 -author is the founder of, JavaOne, TheServerSide and many other high-level meeting of the speaker. Pragmatic the book as one of the series, starting from practice, Ajax examples demonstrate the many characteristics Shoubashoujiao you realize the splendor Google Map results. Ajax church you not only technical details, also take you to understand the powerful mainstream Ajax Kit (Dojo, Prototype,, DWR, Backbase, SmartClient, Ajax.NET, SAJAX, JSON-RPC). Real-time master Ajax View the source code for the methods and the corresponding code debugging methods, Learning Ajax development model and the framework. The latter part of the book spent five chapters from the server side programming point of view, described in detail by Ajax with PHP, Ruby On Rails, Java and. NE
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.46mb Publisher : zoujian

json-rpc是和DWR类似的ajax-rpc实现。我比较细化,因为他很简单,而且只作rpc。如果你要实现自己特定的rpc的话,可以参考一下他。-json- rpc and DWR is similar to the ajax- rpc achieve. I am more details, because he was very simple, but only rpc. If you want to realize their own specific rpc, then he can take a look.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 625kb Publisher : 一农

RPC的使用,远程方法调用,很好的,却-The use of RPC, Remote Method Invocation, very good, but
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : caobo

由浅到深!不管对初学者还是程序员都有一定的帮助-From shallow to deep! Whether for beginners or programmers have some help
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 625kb Publisher : 孙洪健

XML-RPC的一个测试工具,也就是示范如何使用XML-RPC访问远端的服务器的程序。-XML-RPC, a testing tool, that is, demonstrate how to use the XML-RPC server remote access procedures.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 顾萍

Java Web Services shows you how to use SOAP to perform remote method calls and message passing how to use WSDL to describe the interface to a web service or understand the interface of someone else s service and how to use UDDI to advertise (publish) and look up services in each local or global registry. Java Web Services also discusses security issues, interoperability issues, integration with other Java enterprise technologies like EJB the work being done on the JAXM and JAX-RPC packages, and integration with Microsoft s .NET services.-Java Web Services shows you how to use SOAP to perform remote method calls and message passing how to use WSDL to describe the interface to a web service or understand the interface of someone else s service and how to use UDDI to advertise (publish) and look up services in each local or global registry. Java Web Services also discusses security issues, interoperability issues, integration with other Java enterprise technologies like EJB the work being done on the JAXM and JAX-RPC packages, and integration with Microsoft s .NET services.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.62mb Publisher : armin

DL : 0
实现RPC的文件操作,即一台机可以创建、读写和删除另外一台机的文件-RPC file operations to achieve that one machine can create, read and write, and delete the other one paper machine
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher :

xml-rpc 的java使用简单案例 -xml-rpc in java to use a simple case
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 150kb Publisher : gm

This library helps when you are woking JSON
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 627kb Publisher : edchav

gRPC-java 1.9.0 已发布,gRPC-java 是谷歌 RPC 框架 gRPC 的 Java 实现。gRPC 是一个高性能、开源、通用的 RPC 框架,面向移动和 HTTP/2 设计,是由谷歌发布的首款基于 Protocol Buffers 的 RPC 框架。 gRPC 基于 HTTP/2 标准设计,带来诸如双向流、流控、头部压缩、单 TCP 连接上的多复用请求等特性。这些特性使得其在移动设备上表现更好,更省电且节省空间占用。(GRPC-java 1.9.0 has been released, and gRPC-java is a Java implementation of the Google RPC framework gRPC. GRPC is a high-performance, open source and universal RPC framework, which is designed for mobile and HTTP/2. It is the first RPC framework based on Protocol Buffers released by Google. GRPC is based on HTTP/2 standard design, which brings features such as bidirectional flow, flow control, head compression, multiple reuse requests on a single TCP connection. These features make it better to perform on mobile devices, save electricity and save space.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.64mb Publisher : 抗压的咸鱼
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