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Description: 本文根据发表在CUJ Expert Forum上的两篇文章编译而成。C/C++ User s Journal是目前最出色的C/C++语言专业杂志,特别是在C++ Report闭刊之后,CUJ的地位更加突出。CUJ Expert Forum是CUJ主办的网上技术专栏,汇集2000年10月以来C++社群中顶尖专家的技术短文,并免费公开发布,精彩纷呈,是每一个C/C++学习者不可错过的资料。由Jim Hyslop和Herb Sutter主持的Conversation系列,是CUJ Expert Forum每期必备的精品专栏,以风趣幽默的对话形式讲解C++高级技术,在C++社群内得到广泛赞誉。译者特别挑选两篇设计模式方面的文章,介绍给大家。设计模式方面的经典著作是GoF的Design Patterns。但是那本书有一个缺点,不好懂。从风格上讲,该书与其说是为学习者而写作的教程范本,还不如说是给学术界人士看的学术报告,严谨有余,生动不足。这一点包括该书作者和象Bjarne Stroustrup这样的大师都从不讳言。实际上Design Pattern并非一定是晦涩难懂的,通过生动的例子,一个中等水平的C++学习者完全可以掌握基本用法,在自己的编程实践中使用,得到立竿见影的功效。这两篇文章就是很好的例证。本文翻译在保证技术完整性的前提下作了不少删节和修改,以便使文章显得更紧凑。 -Based on the published in CUJ Expert Forum on the two articles from compiler. C/C User's Journal is the most excellent C/C language magazine, especially in the C Report to be closed, the status of CUJ more prominent. CUJ CUJ Expert Forum is sponsored by the online technology column Survey October 2000 C community has been the top technical expert appeared, and free public release, brilliant, Each is a C/C learners should not miss the information. By Jim Hyslop and Herb Sutter auspices of the Conversation series, CUJ Expert Forum is an essential quality each column a humorous forms of dialogue on the High C technology, the C community has been widely acclaimed. Translator selected two design patterns of articles introducing to you. Design patterns of the classics is GoF Design Pat
Platform: | Size: 134144 | Author: | Hits:

[Delphi VCLDelphi8--dog

Description: 1、 图形设计:静态、移动、睡觉时的形态,各种物品的形状; 2、 清洁:使宠物实现洗澡和刷马桶的功能; 3、 状态:宠物的身体各种状况有饥饿、口渴、劳累、生病等; 4、 自由活动:宠物玩各种游戏; 5、 上厕所:即大小便。 -1, Graphic Design : static, moving, sleeping form, the shape of various items; 2, clean : make pet a bath and brush to achieve the functional toilets; 3, state : pet various physical situation of hunger, thirst, exhaustion, illness, etc.; 4, the free activities : pets playing games; 5, the toilet : the urine.
Platform: | Size: 781312 | Author: 阎玲 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackipmsg

Description: 1. 软件简介 - IPMsg 是一款局域网内即时通信软件, 基于 TCP/IP(UDP). 可运行于多种操作平台(Win/Mac/UNIX/Java), 并实现跨平台信息交流. - 不需要服务器支持. - 支持文件/文件夹的传送 (2.00版以上) - 通讯数据采用 RSA/Blofish 加密 (2.00版以上) - 十分小巧, 简单易用, 而且你可以完全免费使用它-1. Software- IPMsg is a LAN instant messaging software, based on TCP/IP (UDP). Can be run on multiple operating platforms (Win/Mac/UNIX/Java), and to achieve cross-platform exchange of information.- Do not need to server support.- Support for file/folder transfer (version 2.00 and above)- communication of data using RSA/Blofish encryption (version 2.00 and above)- very compact, easy-to-use, and you can be completely free to use it
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: 吴鸣仕 | Hits:


Description: 是一款局域网内即时通信软件, 基于 TCP/IP(UDP).可运行于多种操作平台(Win/Mac/UNIX/Java), 并实现跨平台信息交流. 不需要服务器支持. 支持文件/文件夹的传送 (2.00版以上) 通讯数据采用 RSA/Blofish 加密 (2.00版以上) 十分小巧, 简单易用, 而且你可以完全免费使用它. 目前已有的版本包括: Win32, Win16, MacOS, MacOSX, X11, GTK, GNOME, Java 等, 并且公开源代码.-Is a LAN instant messaging software, based on TCP/IP (UDP). Can be run on multiple operating platforms (Win/Mac/UNIX/Java), and to achieve cross-platform exchange of information. Do not need server support. Supporting documents/files transmission folder (version 2.00 and above) data communications using RSA/Blofish encryption (version 2.00 and above) are very compact, easy-to-use, and you can be completely free to use it. So far, including the version of: Win32, Win16, MacOS, MacOSX, X11, GTK, GNOME, Java, etc., and Open Source.
Platform: | Size: 402432 | Author: zy | Hits:

[CA authrsa

Description: RSA加密算法的源代码,VC环境编译后可运行,编译无错误-RSA encryption algorithm source code, VC environment to run after the compiler, the compiler error-free
Platform: | Size: 1969152 | Author: nichoals | Hits:

[Crack Hackopenssh-5.2p1.tar

Description: OpenSSH是一个免费(Free)版本的基于SSH协议的网络连接工具软件包。它将所有通信流量进行加密,可以有效地防范各种监听手段,杜绝网络连接的泄密。OpenSSH具备安全性高、可靠性高、可用性好、功能全面等特点。不仅如此,由于OpenSSH的开放性,用户还可以通过Internet得到广泛及时的技术支持。 OpenSSH目前支持支持SSH协议1.3版本、1.5版本和2.0版本,包括这样一些应用程序: sshd:服务器端的守护程序,监听来自客户机的连接,负责完成安全验证并提供服务。 Ssh:客户端程序,用于登录到远程机器或执行远程机器上的命令。 Scp:客户端程序,可以安全地将文件拷贝到其他机器。 Ssh-keygen:密钥管理程序,用来产生基于RSA或者DSA加密协议的密钥对,包括一个主机用公开密钥和一个客户用私有密钥。 Ssh-agent:安全验证的代理程序,用来管理本地密钥实现自动连接。 Ssh-add:与上面代理程序配合使用的应用程序,可以将特定的密钥加入到代理程序的管理之中。 Sftp-server:安全文件传输的服务程序。 -This is the port of OpenBSD s excellent OpenSSH[0] to Linux and other Unices. OpenSSH is based on the last free version of Tatu Ylonen s sample implementation with all patent-encumbered algorithms removed (to external libraries), all known security bugs fixed, new features reintroduced and many other clean-ups. OpenSSH has been created by Aaron Campbell, Bob Beck, Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt, and Dug Song. It has a homepage at http://www.openssh.com/ This port consists of the re-introduction of autoconf support, PAM support, EGD[1]/PRNGD[2] support and replacements for OpenBSD library functions that are (regrettably) absent from other unices. This port has been best tested on AIX, Cygwin, HP-UX, Linux, MacOS/X, NetBSD, OpenBSD, OpenServer, Solaris, Unicos, and UnixWare. This version actively tracks changes in the OpenBSD CVS repository. The PAM support is now more functional than the popular packages of commercial ssh-1.2.x. It checks "account" an
Platform: | Size: 1016832 | Author: liuliu | Hits:

[Crack Hackrsa-set-

Description: 高安全文件加密系统 可靠 实用 无错误 -High-security file encryption system, practical and reliable error-free high-security file encryption system is reliable and practical error-free
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: sdsdafdsf | Hits:

[File Operatesuper_xmlini

Description: TXmlIni支援以下功能(特征):         1. 具有压缩能力(使用ZLib)         2. 储存成其他程式语言看得懂得xml(在非压缩的情况下)         3. 具Stream串流载入与输出能力         4. 具字串载入与输出能力         5. 具Base64能力(当使用压缩时, 则输出字串将强迫为Base64格式)         6. 具自动存档能力         7. 支援压缩、AES加密、RSA加密。 范例: uses XmlIni proceduree ...() var XmlIni: TXmlIni Ret: string begin XmlIni := TXmlIni.Create try XmlIni.LoadFromFile( C:\...\sample.xi ) Ret := XmlIni[ section ][ key ] XmlIni[ section ][ key ] := Value XmlIni.SaveToFile( C:\...\sample.xi ) finally XmlIni.Free end end -TXmlIni supports the following functionality (features): 1. Has compressed capacity (ZLib) Saved as other programming languages ​ ​ to see to know how to xml (in the case of non-compressed) 3 with Stream streaming load output capability 4 with string loaded with output capacity 5 the Base64-capacity (when using compressed output string will be forced to Base64 format) 6 with automatic archiving capabilities Support compression, AES encryption, RSA encryption. Example:         uses                 XmlIni         proceduree ... ()         var             XmlIni: TXmlIni             Ret: string         begin             XmlIni: = TXmlIni.Create             try                 XmlIni.LoadFromFile ( C: \ ... \ sample.xi )   &nbs
Platform: | Size: 4029440 | Author: 刘孟雄 | Hits:


Description: Free an RSA key for Linux Driver.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: leneino | Hits:


Description: 用C语言实现教科书式的RSA加密算法,无错版-C language textbook RSA encryption algorithm, error-free version
Platform: | Size: 260096 | Author: Echo Luo | Hits:

[Crack HackRSA

Description: RSA对任意数据进行加解密,用C-FREE编写的小程序,根据书本的具体流程编写-RSA encryption on arbitrary data, small programs written in C- FREE, according to the specific process of book writing
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: duan | Hits:

[Crack Hack07406880RSA-file-encode

Description: rsa加密 免费的 赶快进来下载吧 最近自己刚做的-this title is free
Platform: | Size: 1062912 | Author: dwt | Hits:

[Software Engineeringcrypt_tool

Description: 加/解密测试助手,空闲时间弄出的一个小软件,把平时项目上用到的加\解密算法整合,方便测试,现打包分享。 目前支持的加\解密算法有:AES,DES,RC,BLOWFISH,TWOFISH,CAMELLIA,KEELOQ,XTEA 还不支持:mdx,sha,rsa等,将在后面陆续增加。 如在使用过程中,软件出现各种BUG,可联系反馈,将在空闲时间里修改。-Encryption/decryption test assistant, came up with a little free time software, the use of the usual items plus \ decryption algorithm integrated, easy to test, now packaged to share. Currently supported plus \ decryption algorithms: AES, DES, RC, BLOWFISH, TWOFISH, CAMELLIA, KEELOQ, XTEA not support: mdx, sha, rsa, etc., will continue to increase later. As in the course, the emergence of various software BUG, ​ ​ contact feedback will be modified in the spare time.
Platform: | Size: 762880 | Author: 黄山 | Hits:

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