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SVM用于模式识别 整理别人的代码(原来的是英文)所得: kernel.m用于内积矩阵的计算 svcplot.m用于绘图 svm168.m是主程序 testlin.m是采用线形内积函数的支持向量机应用的 文件 testrbf.m是采用RBF内积函数的支持向量机应用 的 文件 每个文件中都有说明。 仿真平台matlab7.0, 仿真全部通过 将所有文件拷贝到work目录下(注意不要直接将上层文件夹直接拷贝到work目录下,若那样操作,必须在matlab的file菜单中的set path中设置相应的路径)。 打开matlab,在命令窗口中输入 testlin或testrbf 即可查看结果。 -SVM pattern recognition for collating other people's code (the original is in English) from : kernel.m plot within the matrix for the calculation svcplot.m for graphics is the main svm168.m testlin.m procedure is used linear plot function within the SVM application documents testrbf.m RBF is using plot function within the SVM applications each file documents were described. Matlab7.0 simulation platform, all through the simulation of all the documents copied to the work directory (not directly to the attention of the upper folder directly copied to w contex directory, as if the operation, Matlab in the file menu on the set path corresponding set the path). Open Matlab, in the command window or imported testlin testrbf can see the results.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.89kb Publisher : 郑军

可以用C++语言开发各种神经网络:BP,RBF,HOP~…………,使用前请看看说明文档,然后建立一个自己的项目文件,只要能明白作者的思路就能很方便地进行各种神经网络的设计,本人现在就在一个系统中使用它,目前这个开发包的版本已进入0.7了,但功能差不多,本人认为0.5这个版本用着也很方便,所以把他发来,大家共享。-C language can be used to develop a variety of neural networks : BP, RBF, HOP ~ ... ... please look at the use of pre-documented, and then the establishment of a project document, you will be able to understand the author's ideas will be very convenient for the various neural network design, I in a system in which to use it, the current version of the development kit has entered 0.7, but the function almost, I think that this version of 0.5 is also very convenient, so he made to share.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 413.02kb Publisher : 李洋

可以用C++语言开发各种神经网络:BP,RBF,HOP~…………,使用前请看看说明文档,然后建立一个自己的项目文件,只要能明白作者的思路就能很方便地进行各种神经网络的设计,本人现在就在一个系统中使用它,目前这个开发包的版本已进入0.7了,但功能差不多,本人认为0.5这个版本用着也很方便,所以把他发来,大家共享。-C language can be used to develop a variety of neural networks : BP, RBF, HOP ~ ... ... please look at the use of pre-documented, and then the establishment of a project document, you will be able to understand the author's ideas will be very convenient for the various neural network design, I in a system in which to use it, the current version of the development kit has entered 0.7, but the function almost, I think that this version of 0.5 is also very convenient, so he made to share.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 413kb Publisher : 李洋

自适应(Adaptive)神经网络源程序 The adaptive Neural Network Library is a collection of blocks that implement several Adaptive Neural Networks featuring different adaptation algorithms.~..~ There are 11 blocks that implement basically these 5 kinds of neural networks: 1) Adaptive Linear Network (ADALINE) 2) Multilayer Layer Perceptron with Extended Backpropagation algorithm (EBPA) 3) Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Networks 4) RBF Networks with Extended Minimal Resource Allocating algorithm (EMRAN) 5) RBF and Piecewise Linear Networks with Dynamic Cell Structure (DCS) algorithm A simulink example regarding the approximation of a scalar nonlinear function of 4 variables -Adaptive (Adaptive) The neural network source adaptive Neural Network Library is a collection of blocks that implement several Adaptive Neural Networks featuring different adaptation algorithms .~..~ There are 11 blocks that implement basically these five kinds of neural networks : a) Adaptive Linear Network (ADALINE) 2) 102206 with Multilayer Layer Extended Backpropagation algorithm (EBPA) 3) Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Networks, 4) RBF Networks with Extended Minimal Resource Allocating algorithm (EMRAN) 5) RBF and Piecewise Linear Dynamic Networks with the Cell Structure (DCS) algorithm A Simulink example regarding the approximation of a scalar nonlinear function of four variables
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 196kb Publisher : 周志连

SVM用于模式识别 整理别人的代码(原来的是英文)所得: kernel.m用于内积矩阵的计算 svcplot.m用于绘图 svm168.m是主程序 testlin.m是采用线形内积函数的支持向量机应用的 文件 testrbf.m是采用RBF内积函数的支持向量机应用 的 文件 每个文件中都有说明。 仿真平台matlab7.0, 仿真全部通过 将所有文件拷贝到work目录下(注意不要直接将上层文件夹直接拷贝到work目录下,若那样操作,必须在matlab的file菜单中的set path中设置相应的路径)。 打开matlab,在命令窗口中输入 testlin或testrbf 即可查看结果。 -SVM pattern recognition for collating other people's code (the original is in English) from : kernel.m plot within the matrix for the calculation svcplot.m for graphics is the main svm168.m testlin.m procedure is used linear plot function within the SVM application documents testrbf.m RBF is using plot function within the SVM applications each file documents were described. Matlab7.0 simulation platform, all through the simulation of all the documents copied to the work directory (not directly to the attention of the upper folder directly copied to w contex directory, as if the operation, Matlab in the file menu on the set path corresponding set the path). Open Matlab, in the command window or imported testlin testrbf can see the results.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : 郑军

DL : 0
This program demonstrates some function approximation capabilities of a Radial Basis Function Network. The user supplies a set of training points which represent some "sample" points for some arbitrary curve. Next, the user specifies the number of equally spaced gaussian centers and the variance for the network. Using the training samples, the weights multiplying each of the gaussian basis functions arecalculated using the pseudo-inverse (yielding the minimum least-squares solution). The resulting network is then used to approximate the function between the given "sample" points. -This program demonstrates some function a pproximation capabilities of a Radial Basis Fu nction Network. The user supplies a set of train ing points which represent some "sample" point s for some arbitrary curve. Next, the user specifies the number of equally spaced Response centers and the variance for the netwo rk. Using the training samples, the weights multiplying each of the Gaussian ba sis functions arecalculated using the pseudo- inverse (yielding the minimum least-squares s middleware). The resulting network is then used to approximate the function between the given "sa mple "points.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 18kb Publisher : 陈伟

DL : 0
基本遗传算法,RBF神经网络算法,BP神经网络算法,一共5个源代码.程序可移植性强.-Basic genetic algorithm, RBF neural network algorithm, BP neural network algorithm, a total of 5 source code. Program portability strong.(
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 王永超

DL : 0
RBF神经网络用s函数编程的,主要功能是用作控制器-RBF neural network with programming function s main function is used as a controller
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : feiyu

DL : 0
Three function for RBF neural network, using OLS,Rand and SGA function [newcenter,sigma,W,yh,rmse]=rbfols(p,t,tol) p 為輸入資料點,N×K矩陣,N是輸入資料維度,K是資料點數 t 為目標輸出值,1×K矩陣 tol 為指定容忍度或正確率 centers選定中心點,N×nc矩陣 sigma為 ? 值 W為輸出層權重,nc×1矩陣 yh為網路輸出值,1×K矩陣 rmse 為目標輸出值與網路輸出值之RMSE-Three function for RBF neural network, using OLS,Rand and SGA function [newcenter,sigma,W,yh,rmse]=rbfols(p,t,tol) p 為輸入資料點,N×K矩陣,N是輸入資料維度,K是資料點數 t 為目標輸出值,1×K矩陣 tol 為指定容忍度或正確率 centers選定中心點,N×nc矩陣 sigma為 ? 值 W為輸出層權重,nc×1矩陣 yh為網路輸出值,1×K矩陣 rmse 為目標輸出值與網路輸出值之RMSE
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : aaronwu

基于PSO算法的故障诊断分析-简单算例 script file:gzzd1_PSO.m 找出最能解释警报信号的故障假说 目标函数E(s),4维函数-PSO algorithm based fault diagnosis- A simple example script file: gzzd1_PSO.m find the best hypothesis to explain the failure warning signal objective function E (s), 4-dimensional function
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 李智

 -s svm类型:SVM设置类型(默认0)   0 -- C-SVC   1 --v-SVC   2 – 一类SVM   3 -- e -SVR   4 -- v-SVR   -t 核函数类型:核函数设置类型(默认2)   0 – 线性:u v   1 – 多项式:(r*u v + coef0)^degree   2 – RBF函数:exp(-r|u-v|^2)   3 –sigmoid:tanh(r*u v + coef0)   -d degree:核函数中的degree设置(针对多项式核函数)(默认3)   -g r(gama):核函数中的gamma函数设置(针对多项式/rbf/sigmoid核函数)(默认1/ k)   -r coef0:核函数中的coef0设置(针对多项式/sigmoid核函数)((默认0)   -c cost:设置C-SVC,e -SVR和v-SVR的参数(损失函数)(默认1)   -n nu:设置v-SVC,一类SVM和v- SVR的参数(默认0.5)   -p p:设置e -SVR 中损失函数p的值(默认0.1)   -m cachesize:设置cache内存大小,以MB为单位(默认40)   -e eps:设置允许的终止判据(默认0.001)   -h shrinking:是否使用启发式,0或1(默认1)   -wi weight:设置第几类的参数C为weight*C(C-SVC中的C)(默认1)   -v n: n-fold交互检验模式,n为fold的个数,必须大于等于2--s svm_type : set type of SVM (default 0) 0-- C-SVC 1-- nu-SVC 2-- one-class SVM 3-- epsilon-SVR 4-- nu-SVR -t kernel_type : set type of kernel function (default 2) 0-- linear: u *v 1-- polynomial: (gamma*u *v+ coef0)^degree 2-- radial basis function: exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2) 3-- sigmoid: tanh(gamma*u *v+ coef0) 4-- precomputed kernel (kernel values in training_instance_matrix) -d degree : set degree in kernel function (default 3) -g gamma : set gamma in kernel function (default 1/k) -r coef0 : set coef0 in kernel function (default 0) -c cost : set the parameter C of C-SVC, epsilon-SVR, and nu-SVR (default 1) -n nu : set the parameter nu of nu-SVC, one-class SVM, and nu-SVR (default 0.5) -p epsilon : set the epsilon in loss function of epsilon-SVR (default 0.1) -m cachesize : set cache memory size in MB (default 100) -e epsilon : set tolerance of termination criterion (default 0.001) -h shrinking: whether to use the shrinking heuristics, 0 or 1 (default 1) -b
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17kb Publisher : little863

DL : 0
在MATLAB中使用,S函数现实RBF-PID控制程序。 -S function of the reality on RBF-PID control
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王作祥

机器人神经网络控制之RBF网络的逼近,内有mdl模型和s-fun函数。-Robot neural network control of RBF network approximation within mdl model and s-fun function.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 林青

DL : 0
给予模型分块逼近的机器人RBF网络自适应控制,内有mdl模型和s-fun函数。-The approximation given model block robot RBF network adaptive control within mdl model and s-fun function.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 林青

DL : 0
位置指令为幅值为1.0的阶跃信号,r(k)=1.0。网络结构为1-4-1,高斯函数的参数值取Cj=[-2 -1 1 2]T ,B=[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]T 。 网络权值学习参数为η=0.30,α=0.05 。PID控制各参数的初RBF网络控制,被控对象为G(s)= 取采样时间为1ms,采用Z变换进行离散化,离散化后的被控对象为 y(k)=-den(2)*y(k-1)-den(3)*y(k-2)+num(2)*u(k-1)+num(3)*u(k-2) 始值为,kp=20, kd=0.3, ki=0.1。 -Position command for the step signal amplitude of 1.0, r (k) = 1.0. The network structure is 1-4-1, the Gaussian function parameters taken Cj = [-2-1 1 2] T, B = [0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5] T. Weight learning parameter η = 0.30, α = 0.05. PID control parameters at the beginning of each RBF network control, the controlled object is G (s) = take the sampling time is 1ms, using the Z transform discrete, discretized controlled object is y (k) =-den (2)* y (k-1)-den (3)* y (k-2)+num (2)* u (k-1)+num (3)* u (k-2) initial value, kp = 20, kd = 0.3, ki = 0.1.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 刘晓

DL : 0
关于S函数编写的RBF网络的仿真模型,书上的例程,希望对大家有用啊-About routines written simulation model S function RBF network, the book, I hope useful for ah
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : 邵玲

DL : 4
MATLAB 代码 第1章 BP神经网络的数据分类——语音特征信号分类 第2章 BP神经网络的非线性系统建模——非线性函数拟合 第3章 遗传算法优化BP神经网络——非线性函数拟合 第4章 神经网络遗传算法函数极值寻优——非线性函数极值寻优 第5章 基于BP_Adaboost的强分类器设计——公司财务预警建模 第6章 PID神经元网络解耦控制算法——多变量系统控制 第7章 RBF网络的回归--非线性函数回归的实现 ....等58章(MATLAB code The first chapter is BP neural network data classification -- speech characteristic signal classification The second chapter is the nonlinear system modeling of BP neural network nonlinear function fitting The third chapter, genetic algorithm optimization BP neural network - nonlinear function fitting The fourth chapter, neural network, genetic algorithm, function extreme value optimization nonlinear function extremum seeking The fifth chapter is based on BP_Adaboost's strong classifier design -- the company financial early-warning model The sixth chapter is PID neural network decoupling control algorithm multivariable system control The seventh chapter is the regression of RBF network the realization of nonlinear function regression .........the last is 58 chapters)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12.28mb Publisher : ddd121

DL : 0
基于RBF径向基网络的pid参数整定s函数程序(PID parameter tuning s function program based on RBF radial basis function network)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : swqmj

DL : 0
RBF-PID自整定S函数编写;可以使用,欢迎大家来学习。(RBF-PID self tuning S function writing)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : hu2017

RBF网络的高斯基函数及逼近器S函数设计仿真(Gaussian Function and Approximator S Function Design and Simulation of RBF Network)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : hunterFM
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