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基于边缘和马儿可夫自由场的车辆跟踪算法,东京大学,2006,algorithm of vehicle tracking based on edge and S-T MRF from university of Tokyo,2006
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 553.25kb Publisher : 李鑫

基于边缘和马儿可夫自由场的车辆跟踪算法,东京大学,2006,algorithm of vehicle tracking based on edge and S-T MRF from university of Tokyo,2006 -Based on Edge and horse free Markov field vehicle tracking algorithm, the University of Tokyo, 2006, algorithm of vehicle tracking based on edge and ST MRF from university of Tokyo, 2006
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 553kb Publisher : 李鑫

DL : 0
马尔科夫随机场简介,适合初学者学习参考,非常有用的。-An introduction to Markov random fields,which is very useful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.63mb Publisher : Michal

针对合成孔径雷达(SAR) 图像含有大量斑点噪声的特点,基于Contourlet 的多尺度、局部化、方向性和各向 异性等优点,并结合隐马尔科夫树( HMT) 模型和隐马尔科夫场(MRF) ,提出了一种基于Contourlet 域持续性和聚 集性的SAR 图像模糊融合分割算法。该算法有效捕获了Contourlet 子带的持续性和聚集性,并分别用HMT 和 MRF 来刻画,再依据模糊测度,将多尺度HMT 和MRF 有机融合,建立Contourlet 域HMT2MRF 融合模型,并导 出新模型下的最大后验概率(MAP) 分割公式。对实测SAR 图像进行了仿真,仿真结果和分析表明:与小波域上的 HMT2MRF 融合分割及Contourlet 域上HMT 和MRF 分割算法相比,该算法在抑制斑点噪声的同时,有效地提高 了SAR 图像的分割精度- In view of the speckle noise in the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images , and based on the Contourlet′s advantages of multiscale , localization , directionality , and anisot ropy , a new SAR image fusion segmentation algorithm based on the pe rsis tence and clustering in the Contourlet domain is p roposed. The algorithm captures the pe rsis tence and clus tering of the Contourlet t ransform , which is modeled by hidden Markov t ree (HMT) and Markov random field (MRF) , respectively. Then , these two models are fused by fuzzy logic , resulting in a Contourlet domain HMT2MRF fusion model . Finally , the maximum a poste rior (MAP) segmentation equation for the new fusion model is deduced. The algorithm is used to emulate the real SAR images . Simulation results and analysis indicate that the p roposed algorithm effectively reduces the influence of multiplicative speckle noise , imp roves the segmentation accuracy and p rovides a bet te r visual quality for SAR images ove r the
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 876kb Publisher : 周二牛

提出了一种基于非下采样 Contourlet变换 ( NSCT)和马尔科夫随机场 (MRF)相结合的纹理图像分割算法。算法包括两 个步骤, 首先通过 NSCT实现对图像纹理特征的提取, 并使用模糊 C-均值完成对图像的初始分割 然后将初始分割结果用 MRF模型 表示, 通过贝叶斯置信传播得到图像的最终分割结果。实验结果表明, 对于纹理图像,该方法在分割错误率、 区域一致性以及边缘的 准确性方面都比传统小波变换的方法有了明显的改善。-A tex ture i m age seg m entation a l go rithm based on comb i nati on of non-down sa m pling Contourlet transfor m ( NSCT) andM arkov rando m fi e l d model is proposed . The algorithm consists o f t wo steps . F ir st , the tex t u re f ea t ure of i m ag e is ex trac ted by NS CT, and the i m age is seg m ented i n itia lly by fuzzy c- m eans Second , the pr i m aril y seg m ented results are expressed byMRF mode, l and the fi nal seg m entati on re- s u lts are ga i ned v i a Bayes beli e f propag ati on . The exper i menta l resu lts show tha t this a l gor it hm is effecti ve fo r tex t ure i m age , it prov i desm uch better res u lts i n erro r ra te o f segm enta tion , reg ion ho m ogene ity and edge accuracy than tho se of trad iti onal w ave let transf o r m ing m ethods
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 211kb Publisher : jjdjjf
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