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JoyOA在业内首次提出“快乐办公”的概念,并具备业内领先的四大技术: 1、大文件上传技术 一般情况下通过Web方式上传文件,因技术的限制,只能上传下于4M甚至2M的文件,美特易通过自主研发的大文件上传组件,彻底打破这一局限,能够上传高大1000M的文件。 2、多角色管理技术 一个用户可同时具备多个权限,通过角色切换可以轻松完成不同部门的工作或管理任务。 3、指纹认证技术 为安全性有严格要求的企业或单位提供指纹识别登录系统,让你的系统像银行保险箱一样安全。 4、Web情报分析技术 监控竞争对手的产品、收集您感兴趣的财经信息、分析各大网络媒体上的热点消息,我们为您提供了强大的情报分析系统。 JoyOA 历经锤炼,吸取同类产品之精华,快乐办公,从JoyOA开始…… -JoyOA the first in the industry "Happy office" concept, and with the four industry-leading technology : one, file uploads technology under normal circumstances through Web upload documents, due to technical limitations, only under upload 2M to 4M or even the document meete through our own research and development of large file uploads components, a complete breakdown of this limitation, tall 1000M able to upload the document. Two more of a technical management role users may also have a number of powers, through role-switching can ease the efforts of various departments, or administrative tasks. 3, fingerprint authentication technology for the strict safety requirements of the business or agency to provide fingerprint identification system log, let your system as safe as bank saf
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.76mb Publisher : 熊森林

应用框架的设计与实现的源代码(SAF) 《应用框架的设计与实现》随书源码,在国外网站下的。-Application Framework Design and Implementation of the source code (SAF), "Application Framework Design and Implementation" with the source book, in the overseas sites.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2mb Publisher : 秦三

HIP 硬件设备管理标准接口,SAF定义的标准接口实现-HIP hardware device management standard interfaces, SAF definition of the standard interfaces
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.62mb Publisher : 朱海培

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2mb Publisher : ars

HIP 硬件设备管理标准接口,SAF定义的标准接口实现-HIP hardware device management standard interfaces, SAF definition of the standard interfaces
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.62mb Publisher : 朱海培

JoyOA在业内首次提出“快乐办公”的概念,并具备业内领先的四大技术: 1、大文件上传技术 一般情况下通过Web方式上传文件,因技术的限制,只能上传下于4M甚至2M的文件,美特易通过自主研发的大文件上传组件,彻底打破这一局限,能够上传高大1000M的文件。 2、多角色管理技术 一个用户可同时具备多个权限,通过角色切换可以轻松完成不同部门的工作或管理任务。 3、指纹认证技术 为安全性有严格要求的企业或单位提供指纹识别登录系统,让你的系统像银行保险箱一样安全。 4、Web情报分析技术 监控竞争对手的产品、收集您感兴趣的财经信息、分析各大网络媒体上的热点消息,我们为您提供了强大的情报分析系统。 JoyOA 历经锤炼,吸取同类产品之精华,快乐办公,从JoyOA开始…… -JoyOA the first in the industry "Happy office" concept, and with the four industry-leading technology : one, file uploads technology under normal circumstances through Web upload documents, due to technical limitations, only under upload 2M to 4M or even the document meete through our own research and development of large file uploads components, a complete breakdown of this limitation, tall 1000M able to upload the document. Two more of a technical management role users may also have a number of powers, through role-switching can ease the efforts of various departments, or administrative tasks. 3, fingerprint authentication technology for the strict safety requirements of the business or agency to provide fingerprint identification system log, let your system as safe as bank saf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.76mb Publisher : 熊森林

DL : 0
应用框架的设计与实现的源代码(SAF) 《应用框架的设计与实现》随书源码,在国外网站下的。-Application Framework Design and Implementation of the source code (SAF), "Application Framework Design and Implementation" with the source book, in the overseas sites.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2mb Publisher : 秦三

DL : 0
然后右击左窗格中准备 配置的Web服务器栏,在 打开的菜单选择“属性”命 令,这时将打开“Web站点 属性”对话框 SAF  ASDF SDF -Right-click the left pane and then ready to configure the Web server field, in the open menu and select Properties command, then will open the Web Site Properties dialog box SAF ASDF SDF
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 朱小平

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《应用框架的设计与实现-.NET实现》的配套源代码,即SAF.- Application Framework Design and Implementation of-. NET realization of supporting the source code, or SAF.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2mb Publisher : ars

DL : 0
链表的实现初始化,完整代码,用C++编写。-this is a text.sdfj js saf aff fsajf safs,jsdf.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 166kb Publisher : sjf

DL : 0
应用框架的设计与实现——.net平台完整的源代码程序-Developing Application Frameworks in .NET
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.96mb Publisher : 吴皓

saf资源提取工具(SafExtractor) 1.打开SafExtractor.exe,在编辑框中输入.saf文件名(全路径),然后单击[提取]按钮即可提取出文件中的资源。 2.[资源]目录下是“大鱼吃小鱼”游戏的资源文件,供游戏设计时提供资源素材使用。 by softsing 2009-6-10-saf resource extraction tool (SafExtractor) 1. Open SafExtractor.exe, in the edit box. Saf file name (full path), and then click [extract] button to extract the resource document. 2. [Resources] directory is "大鱼吃小鱼" game of the resource file for the game design used to provide material resources. by softsing 2009-6-10
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.86mb Publisher : 斯蒂夫

The code is the simulation program for 2 band SAF in VisualDSP for BF5-The code is the simulation program for 2 band SAF in VisualDSP for BF533
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 87kb Publisher : koumyou

SAF机制处理,完成超时交易的自动重发,tuxedo 的tpacall调用方式-SAF mechanism to deal with
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : d41

DL : 0
saf框架源码。基于.net平台,vs2003开发-saf Framework source code. Based on. Net platform, vs2003 development
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.03mb Publisher : kele558

OGI样例文件,讲述如何实现OGI方式.这种方式是eclipse的核心功能之一-OGI sample code,descript OGI model in JAVA,afss afsd f affds dsaf fas affdsa afa afds assd fsa saf fsaaf afs fa fdsa aff fs fs fsa saf saf saf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 964kb Publisher : 破风客

银行核心系统,银行综合业务系统,iso8583的97与93自动识别,unix窗口菜单文件编写,勾对处理,报表打印,系统管理,数据维护,台帐管理,系统角色管理,操作员管理,卡类表管理,稽核查询,台帐查询,unix下c语言银行程序。中国北京亚大通讯网络有限责任公司,缺省主菜单为SMenu,打开附加菜单项定义文件。系统柜员签到,多级菜单。卡号检查,收单通知,金卡收单,SAF文件中的信息由系统自动完成。对交易流水表的处理。内部路由模块,根据卡号和交易类型从内存卡段路由、交易路由、缺省路由、转账路由等路由表中查找交易路由。 运行管理(激活系统,暂停系统,运行状态)。 用于安徽信用卡借记卡清算函数 审计处理,同时处理上下传 数据备份与恢复(backup_proc,rescovery_proc) 全辖交易平衡报表(bal_rpt) 商户交易入帐汇总(bank_shdz) 信用卡全省对帐报表(c_qsdz_rpt) 中心对帐错帐报表,日终对账,日终处理 成功率分析,发卡行,成功笔数,失败笔数,总笔数,成功率 核对交易明细(check_mx),总行,消费、退货、取现、存款、转账、代收、授权消费、调账,预授权,预授权完成 设置系统联行状态 UNIX界面编程,菜单,窗口,多级菜单,下级菜单,弹出窗口,综合业务处理系统。popmenu-Core banking system, banking integrated business system, iso8583, 97 and 93 automatic identification, unix window, menu preparation of documentation, hook to deal with, report printing, system management, data maintenance, accounting management, system role management, operator management, cards table management.UNIX programming interface, menus, windows, multi-level menu, lower-level menu, pop-up window, integrated business processing system. popmenu
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 688kb Publisher :

OpenHPI 是一个开源的 SA Forum 硬件平台接口的实现。SA Forum 全称是 Service Availability Forum (服务可用性论坛)。-OpenHPI provides an open source implementation of the Service Availability Forum (SAF) Hardware Platform Interface (HPI).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.97mb Publisher : ozb

应用二值图像信息隐藏技术实现彩色图像中的安全隐写.pdf-Application of binary image data hiding in the safety of Image Steganography. Pdf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 309kb Publisher : 方城

《Developing Application Frameworks in .NET》的读书笔记。SAF 是书中的一个范例框架,意为 Simple Application Framework(简单应用程序框架),SAF 中缓存服务的实现方式。-"Developing Application Frameworks, the study notes in the. NET. SAF is an example of a framework of the book, meaning Simple Application Framework (Simple Application Framework), the cache service in the SAF implementation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 59kb Publisher : boloves
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