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The SaliencyToolbox is a collection of Matlab functions and scripts for computing the saliency map for an image, for determining the extent of a proto-object, and for serially scanning the image with the focus of attention. It has been cited in more than 100 papers.
Update : 2010-02-26 Size : 5.27mb Publisher :

视觉注意力模型,寻找感兴趣区域,模仿人眼找出最感兴趣的区域,再找出第二感兴趣的区域,以此类推-Visual attention model to find the region of interest, to imitate the human eye to identify the most interesting region, and then find the second region of interest, and so on
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.27mb Publisher : panda

Koch等人最新的注意力选择算法matlab工具箱2006版-Toolbox code of Attention Selection model by Koch 2006
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.93mb Publisher : 韩武

基于注意力机制,实现彩色图像显著区域提取.源于Dirk B. Walther-The SaliencyToolbox is a collection of Matlab functions and scripts for computing the saliency map for an image, for determining the extent of a proto-object, and for serially scanning the image with the focus of attention. It has been cited in more than 100 papers. System requirements: Any computer and operating system that runs Matlab Matlab Release 13 or later Image Processing Toolbox The toolbox contains pre-compiled binary mex files for MS Windows, Mac OS X (both Power PC and Intel Macs), and Linux (32 bit and 64 bit). The source code can be compiled on any system with the GNU C compiler gcc. The SaliencyToolbox is in part a reimplementation of the iNVT toolkit at Laurent Itti s lab at the USC. This toolbox complements the iNVT code in that it is more compact (about 5,000 versus 360,000 lines of code) and easier to understand and experiment with, but it only contains the core functionality for attending to salient image regions. Although time critical procedure
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.53mb Publisher : zgk

SaliencyToolbox 2.3 Itti模型工具箱 2013年版-SaliencyToolbox 2.3
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.87mb Publisher : Hu
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