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[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsClusterValidator

Description: Cluster validation program including Dunn s index, Davies-Bouldin Index and Scat-Dis index.-Cluster validation program including Dunn s index, Davies-Bouldin Index and Scat-Dis index.
Platform: | Size: 2764800 | Author: lionking0000 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsscat

Description: To calculate the scattering by metal cylinder using MOM
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 陈波 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringscatNEOTEL35_08B_GEMINI

Description: scat file for NEOTEL35_08B_GEMINI_PCB01_GPRS_MT6235B_S01.B300_JM_IV_TY1G_JSTW_V001
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: Mildman | Hits:

[Special Effectshazelunwen

Description: 本文 通过位平面分解法分割天空区域并运用椭圆最小二乘法拟合日周光散射光圈,并自动确定日周光的中心,将中心点的亮度与天空区域平均亮度的加权值作为最终提取的天空亮度值 最后运用大气散射模型对雾天降质图像进行复原-In t his paper , we segment t he sky area by bit2plane decomposition , and fit circadian light scat tering ring using elliptical least squares , which could automatically determine t he cent ral brightness of the sky. Then we weight t his cent ral brightness value wit h t he average bright ness value of the segmented sky region as t he final sky region brightness. Finally , we use t he fog atmosp heric scattering model to recover degraded images.
Platform: | Size: 489472 | Author: liuqiaoling | Hits:


Description: 一种海底混响模型。详细分析了海底沉积物以及不同的掠射角条件对模型的影响-A bottom-scattering model based on sediment small scat- terers, single scattering approximation is presented, which is combined with a normal-mode-based reverberation model.
Platform: | Size: 269312 | Author: 王红 | Hits:

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