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有m台不同的机器,n个不同的工件。每个工件有多道工序,每道工序由指定的机器在固定的时间内完成。一道工序一旦开始处理,就不能中断。每台机器一次只能处理一道工序。一个调度就是决定每台机器上工序的处理顺序,使得机器完成所有工件的时间最短。具体的,该问题就是要求在满足(1)、(2)两个约束条件的前提下,确定每台机器上工序的顺序,使加工的时间跨度(从开始加工到全部工件都加工完所需要的时间)达到最小。其中,(1)表示工件约束条件:对每个工件而言,机器对它的加工路线是事先确定的;(2)表示机器约束条件:对每台机器而言,一次只能对一道工序进行加工。 任给一个输入实例,能输出最短时间以及每台机器上工序的加工顺序。 能设计出一个用户界面。 -m Taiwan different machines, n different workpiece. Each have a process workpiece, and each procedure specified by the machine in a fixed time. A process once started, it can not be interrupted. Each machine can only handle one time processes. Scheduling is a decision each machine processes the order processing, machinery parts to complete all the shortest time. Specifically, the problem is meeting the requirements (1), (2) 2 restrictive conditions on the premise that each machine to determine the order of the manufacturing process, so that the processing time span (from the beginning of the processing of all jobs have been finished.Chen the time required) to a minimum. Among them, (1) workpiece restrictive conditions : for each workpiece, the machine's processing line it is determined
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.51kb Publisher : chen

DL : 0
完成流水线安排问题的解决,具体问题描述如下: 有m台不同的机器,n个不同的工件。每个工件有多道工序,每道工序由指定的机器在固定的时间内完成。一道工序一旦开始处理,就不能中断。每台机器一次只能处理一道工序。一个调度就是决定每台机器上工序的处理顺序,使得机器完成所有工件的时间最短。具体的,该问题就是要求在满足(1)、(2)两个约束条件的前提下,确定每台机器上工序的顺序,使加工的时间跨度(从开始加工到全部工件都加工完所需要的时间)达到最小。其中,(1)表示工件约束条件:对每个工件而言,机器对它的加工路线是事先确定的;(2)表示机器约束条件:对每台机器而言,一次只能对一道工序进行加工。 解决方案用图形界面画出。-pipeline completed arrangements for the settlement of this problem, the specific issues described as follows : m Taiwan different machines, n different workpiece. Each have a process workpiece, and each procedure specified by the machine at a fixed time. Once a process started, it can not be interrupted. Each machine can handle only one a process. Scheduling is a decision each machine processes the order processing, machinery parts to complete all the shortest time. Specific, the issue is meeting the requirements of (1), (2) 2 binding conditions on the premise that identify each machine processes the order, so that the processing time span (from the beginning of the processing of all parts are needed to complete the processing time) to achieve the smallest. Which, (a) the workpiece constra
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 404.43kb Publisher : 荣平

M/M/1单服务台排队系统仿真(用事件调度法实现离散事件系统仿真) 顾客到达模到达时间间隔和顾客服务时间均服从负指数分布,单服务台系统,按照单队排队,按FIFO方式服务。考察服务n个顾客(n=1000,2000,3000,5000)后的顾客平均队长及平均排队等待时间。-M/M/1 single-server queuing system simulation (using Event Scheduling Method Discrete Event Simulation System) to customers Da-mo arrival time interval and customer service time are negative exponential distribution, single-desk system, in accordance with the single-team queue, by FIFO mode services. N inspection services customers (n = 1000,2000,3000. 5000) the average customer captain, and the average queue time.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.46kb Publisher : 麦麦

多机调度问题要求给出一种作业调度方案,使所给的n个作业在尽可能短的时间内由m台机器加工处理完成。 这个问题是NP安全问题,到目前为止还没有有效的解法。对于这一类问题,用贪心选择策略有时可以设计出较好的近似算法。-machine scheduling problems required to give a scheduling program, so as to the n operations in the shortest possible time by the m-machine processing completed. The problem is NP security issues, so far no effective solution. For this type of issue, greedy strategy can sometimes choose to design a better approximation algorithm.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.48kb Publisher : 姚翊

多机调度问题要求给出一种作业调度方案,使所给的n个作业在尽可能短的时间内由m台机器加工处理完成。 这个问题是NP安全问题,到目前为止还没有有效的解法。对于这一类问题,用贪心选择策略有时可以设计出较好的近似算法。-machine scheduling problems required to give a scheduling program, so as to the n operations in the shortest possible time by the m-machine processing completed. The problem is NP security issues, so far no effective solution. For this type of issue, greedy strategy can sometimes choose to design a better approximation algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 姚翊

有m台不同的机器,n个不同的工件。每个工件有多道工序,每道工序由指定的机器在固定的时间内完成。一道工序一旦开始处理,就不能中断。每台机器一次只能处理一道工序。一个调度就是决定每台机器上工序的处理顺序,使得机器完成所有工件的时间最短。具体的,该问题就是要求在满足(1)、(2)两个约束条件的前提下,确定每台机器上工序的顺序,使加工的时间跨度(从开始加工到全部工件都加工完所需要的时间)达到最小。其中,(1)表示工件约束条件:对每个工件而言,机器对它的加工路线是事先确定的;(2)表示机器约束条件:对每台机器而言,一次只能对一道工序进行加工。 任给一个输入实例,能输出最短时间以及每台机器上工序的加工顺序。 能设计出一个用户界面。 -m Taiwan different machines, n different workpiece. Each have a process workpiece, and each procedure specified by the machine in a fixed time. A process once started, it can not be interrupted. Each machine can only handle one time processes. Scheduling is a decision each machine processes the order processing, machinery parts to complete all the shortest time. Specifically, the problem is meeting the requirements (1), (2) 2 restrictive conditions on the premise that each machine to determine the order of the manufacturing process, so that the processing time span (from the beginning of the processing of all jobs have been finished.Chen the time required) to a minimum. Among them, (1) workpiece restrictive conditions : for each workpiece, the machine's processing line it is determined
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : chen

DL : 0
完成流水线安排问题的解决,具体问题描述如下: 有m台不同的机器,n个不同的工件。每个工件有多道工序,每道工序由指定的机器在固定的时间内完成。一道工序一旦开始处理,就不能中断。每台机器一次只能处理一道工序。一个调度就是决定每台机器上工序的处理顺序,使得机器完成所有工件的时间最短。具体的,该问题就是要求在满足(1)、(2)两个约束条件的前提下,确定每台机器上工序的顺序,使加工的时间跨度(从开始加工到全部工件都加工完所需要的时间)达到最小。其中,(1)表示工件约束条件:对每个工件而言,机器对它的加工路线是事先确定的;(2)表示机器约束条件:对每台机器而言,一次只能对一道工序进行加工。 解决方案用图形界面画出。-pipeline completed arrangements for the settlement of this problem, the specific issues described as follows : m Taiwan different machines, n different workpiece. Each have a process workpiece, and each procedure specified by the machine at a fixed time. Once a process started, it can not be interrupted. Each machine can handle only one a process. Scheduling is a decision each machine processes the order processing, machinery parts to complete all the shortest time. Specific, the issue is meeting the requirements of (1), (2) 2 binding conditions on the premise that identify each machine processes the order, so that the processing time span (from the beginning of the processing of all parts are needed to complete the processing time) to achieve the smallest. Which, (a) the workpiece constra
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 404kb Publisher : 荣平

DL : 0
M/M/1单服务台排队系统仿真(用事件调度法实现离散事件系统仿真) 顾客到达模到达时间间隔和顾客服务时间均服从负指数分布,单服务台系统,按照单队排队,按FIFO方式服务。考察服务n个顾客(n=1000,2000,3000,5000)后的顾客平均队长及平均排队等待时间。-M/M/1 single-server queuing system simulation (using Event Scheduling Method Discrete Event Simulation System) to customers Da-mo arrival time interval and customer service time are negative exponential distribution, single-desk system, in accordance with the single-team queue, by FIFO mode services. N inspection services customers (n = 1000,2000,3000. 5000) the average customer captain, and the average queue time.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 麦麦

M/M/1单服务台或M/M/S(n)排队系统仿真 (用事件调度法实现离散事件系统仿真) -M/M/1 single desk or M/M/S (n) Queuing System Simulation (Event Scheduling Method using Discrete Event System Simulation)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 80kb Publisher : 布布

机器调度是指有m台机器要处理n个作业,设作业i的处理时间为ti,则对n个作业进行机器分配,使得: (1)一台机器在同一时间内只能处理一个作业; (2)一个作业不能同时在两台机器上处理; (3)作业i一旦运行,则需要ti个连续时间单位。 设计算法进行合理调度,使得在m台机器上处理n个作业所需要的处理时间最短。 -Machine scheduling is the m-machine has to deal with n-operations, set up the processing time for operation i for ti, while operations on the n-machine allocation, makes: (1) a machine at the same time one can only deal with operations (2) an operation at the same time should not deal with the two machines (3) operating i once run, you need ti consecutive time units. Rational design of scheduling algorithm, making the m machine n-deal operation required the shortest processing time.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 48kb Publisher : lq

设有n项独立的作业{1,2,…, n},由m台相同的机器加工处理。作业i所需要的处理时间为ti。约定:任何一项作业可在任何一台机器上处理,但未完工前不准中断处理;任何作业不能拆分更小的子作业。多机调度问题要求给出一种调度方案,使所给的n个作业在尽可能短的时间内由m台机器处理完。设计算法。 -Stand-alone operation with n items (1,2, ..., n), by m units the same machine processing. Job i the processing time required to ti. Convention: any one job can be processed on any machine, but does not pre-completion are not allowed to interrupt processing any operation can not be split smaller sub-operations. Multi-machine scheduling problem requires paper, a scheduling program, so that given the n-operation in the shortest possible time processed by m machines. Design algorithms.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 周敏从

M/M/1单服务台派对系统,(用事件调度法实现离散事件系统仿真) 顾客到达模到达时间间隔和顾客服务时间均服从负指数分布,单服务台系统,按照单队排队,按FIFO方式服务。考察服务n个顾客后的顾客平均队长及平均排队等待时间-M/M/1 single desk party system (with the event scheduling system for discrete event simulation) model to reach customers arrival time and customer service have a negative exponential distribution, single-desk system, in accordance with the single-team line up, according to FIFO way service. N a customer service inspection after the average length and average customer waiting time
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : 飞龙

遗传算法车间调度,车间作业调度问题遗传算法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 输入参数列表 M 遗传进化迭代次数 N 种群规模(取偶数) Pm 变异概率 T m×n的矩阵,存储m个工件n个工序的加工时间 P 1×n的向量,n个工序中,每一个工序所具有的机床数目 输出参数列表 Zp 最优的Makespan值 Y1p 最优方案中,各工件各工序的开始时刻,可根据它绘出甘特图 Y2p 最优方案中,各工件各工序的结束时刻,可根据它绘出甘特图 Y3p 最优方案中,各工件各工序使用的机器编号 Xp 最优决策变量的值,决策变量是一个实数编码的m×n矩阵 LC1 收敛曲线1,各代最优个体适应值的记录 LC2 收敛曲线2,各代群体平均适应值的记录 最后,程序还将绘出三副图片:两条收敛曲线图和甘特图(各工件的调度时序图)-Genetic algorithm scheduling, job shop scheduling problems with genetic algorithms -------------------------------------------------------------------------- genetic evolution of the input parameter list, the number of iterations M N population size (taken even) Pm mutation probability T m × n matrix, stored m one piece n a process of processing time 1 × n vector, n a process in which each machine processes the number of Zp with the best value Y1p Optimal Makespan programs, the start time of each process the workpiece can be drawn based on its optimal solution Gantt Y2p, each time the workpiece end of the process, according to its draw Gantt Y3p optimal solution, each piece of the processes using machine code Xp optimal decision variable, decision variable is a real m × n matrix encoded LC1 convergence curve 1, the generation of the best individual record of LC2 fitness convergence curve 2, the average fitness value on behalf of groups record Finally, the program will draw three pict
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王龙隐

n个任务在流水线上进行m个阶段的加工 ,每一阶段至少有一台机器且至少有一个阶段存在多台机器,并且同一阶段上各机 器的处理性能相同,在每一阶段各任务均要完成一道工序,各任务的每道工序可以 在相应阶段上的任意一台机器上加工,已知任务各道工序的处理时间,要求确定所 有任务的排序以及每一阶段上机器的分配情况,使得调度指标(一般求Makespan)最 小。-n-m on the task in the pipeline processing stages, each stage has at least one machine there and at least one stage of multiple machines and each machine on the same stage of the processing performance of the same, at each stage required to complete each task a process, the task of each process in the corresponding stage of any one of the machine processing, known task processing time for each process, identify all tasks required for each stage of the sorting and distribution of the machine, making the scheduling Index (General requirements Makespan) minimum.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : guoxiangwang

设计程序模拟先来先服务FCFS,最短寻道时间优先SSTF,SCAN和循环SCAN算法的工作过程。假设有n个磁道号所组成的磁道访问序列,给定开始磁道号m和磁头移动的方向(正向或者反向),分别利用不同的磁盘调度算法访问磁道序列,给出每一次访问的磁头移动距离,计算每种算法的平均寻道长度。-Design program to simulate a first-come first-serve FCFS, shortest seek time first SSTF, SCAN and SCAN algorithms work cycle process. Suppose there are n number of tracks consisting of tracks access sequence for a given number m, and began to track the direction of head movement (forward or reverse), respectively, using a different track sequence to access the disk scheduling algorithm, given the head of each visit distance, calculate the average seek length for each algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.13mb Publisher : gst

使用CDS(一种基于John算法的拓展算法)和Palmer算法解决m-machine和n-job 的jobshop schedling问题,并对主要的功能指标进行比较。使用Matlab运行调用Drawchat()函数。-Use of CDS (algorithm based on the expansion of John algorithm) and Palmer algorithm to solve m-machine n-job and the jobshop schedling issues and the main features were compared. Run using the Matlab call Drawchat () function.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 32kb Publisher : ylh

将对n个独立作业如何分配在m台相同的机器加工处理的多机调度问题进行解决,这就是我们要解决的任务。 本程序编写目的为使得解决多机调度问题的过程以图形界面方式动态的展示出来,以让用户能够轻易的看出解决的方案以及过程。采用java开发。 -Will be n independent jobs on m machines how to allocate the same machine processing of multi-machine scheduling problem to solve, this is what we want to solve the task. The programming for the purpose of making multi-machine scheduling problem solving process in graphical interface dynamically displayed, so that the user can easily see the solution to the problem as well as process. Using java development.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 352kb Publisher : invest

本代码为算法导论中最佳调度问题的回溯算法。算法思想为:建立一棵深度为N的M叉树,从根结点出发,进行深度优先遍历。每搜索完一条路径则记录下besttime 和bestx[]序列开始结点就成为一个活结点,同时也成为当前的扩展结点。在当前的扩展结点处向纵深方向移至一个新结点,成为一个新的活结点,也为当前扩展结点。如果在当前的扩展结点处不能再向纵深方向扩展,则当前扩展结点就成为死结点。此时,应回溯至最近的一个活结点处,并使这个活结点成为当前的扩展结点,直至找到一个解或全部解。-Backtracking algorithm optimal scheduling problem
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : flxyd

多机任务调度算法[n个任务,m个机器] 该算法用C++语言描述,不错的源码-Multimachine scheduling algorithm (n, m machine] the algorithm described in c++ language, a good source
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : fatyikw

多机任务调度算法[n个任务,m个机器] 该算法用C++语言描述,不错的源码(Multimachine scheduling algorithm (n, m machine] the algorithm described in c + + language, a good source)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : waoibf
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