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国外淘的利用驱动来实现极速屏幕传输的代码。很多先进的远控工具就是利用的这份代码。速度可以和Radmin媲美-the use of foreign Amoy drive to achieve super-screen transfer of the code. Many advanced remote control tools is the use of this code. Speed and comparable Radmin
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37.51kb Publisher : 屁狐狸

国外淘的利用驱动来实现极速屏幕传输的代码。很多先进的远控工具就是利用的这份代码。速度可以和Radmin媲美-the use of foreign Amoy drive to achieve super-screen transfer of the code. Many advanced remote control tools is the use of this code. Speed and comparable Radmin
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 37kb Publisher : 屁狐狸

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传统的屏幕传输采用的是这样的方法: 抓取屏幕--à传输--à显示图像,此为完成传输一幅的过程.不断重复此过程即可实现屏幕监控.但是这种方法因为图像数据容量大,而网络实际信道容量是有限的,所以效果很不理想,具体表现就是每幅图像之间间隔时间长.后来发展到抓取屏幕-à压缩数据-à传输-à解压缩-à显示图像.这样做速度的确有所提高.但是在INTENET上面效果仍然不好-Traditional transmission screen is used in this way: capture screen- à transmission- à display images, this piece for the completion of transfer process. This process can be repeated to monitor the achievement of the screen. However, this approach because the image data large capacity, and network the actual channel capacity is limited, so the effect is not ideal, is a concrete manifestation of spacing between each image a long time. subsequently developed to capture screen-à compression data-à transmission-à-à extract showed image. do indeed increase the speed. However, the effect is still not above intenet
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 94kb Publisher : wwwhhhggg

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delphi编写的屏幕傳輸程序 (分塊+隔行掃描)-delphi prepared screen transfer procedures (sub-block+ interlaced scanning)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.15mb Publisher : 李鹏

完整的国外屏幕传输,原来本网上的都不完整或者不整齐,这是原版~~ 希望多多的相关源代码交流-Full-screen transfer abroad, the original of this web are not complete or irregular, this is the original ~ ~ I hope a lot of exchange of the relevant source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 26kb Publisher : 黑石头

远程控制,通过在目标主机上运行配置好的server程序连接到客户端,有屏幕监控,文件传输,远程进程管理等功能 -Remote control, through the run in the target host server configured to connect to the client, have the screen control, file transfer, remote process management and other functions
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.23mb Publisher : 高南

使用DELPHI编写逐行扫描屏幕传输程序,对了解套接字编程和屏幕传输都有帮助-DELPHI prepared to use progressive scan screen transfer procedures, the understanding of socket programming and transmission screen help
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 943kb Publisher : 91yuan

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DELPHI远程屏幕传输程序,顾名思义,就是可以实现远程屏幕通信的程序,转换图片格式,压缩。-DELPHI Remote Screen Transfer program, the name suggests, is that you can remote screen communication program, convert image formats, compression.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 909kb Publisher : 豪杰

广度优先搜索变化的屏幕传输算法,就是小牛所谓的正态分布算法 算法很简单,去掉注释,自己冥想吧-Breadth-first search algorithm changes in the screen transfer, that is, the so-called normal distribution algorithm Mavericks algorithm is very simple, remove the comments, his meditation Bar
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher :

屏幕传输的源代码,改进了算法,传输效率更高。 D7反向連接方式,服務端采用精簡VCL,程序體積比較小 D7正向連接方式-Screen Transfer the source code to improve the algorithm, the transmission more efficient. D7 reverse connection, the server uses to streamline the VCL, program size is relatively small positive connection D7
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 702kb Publisher : anchengw

一款远程控制程序的源代码,能够远程控制被控端的机器,包括查看进程,屏幕监视,文件传输等常用功能-A remote control program' s source code, the ability to remotely control the Host machines, including see the process, screen monitoring, file transfer and other common functions
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.36mb Publisher : 张启航

使用java实现的屏幕共享程序,包括客户端和服务器端,使用多线程传输屏幕截图-Implemented using the java screen sharing process, including client and server side, using multi-threaded transfer Screenshots
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 31kb Publisher : 张磊

屏幕传输ScreenSpy.pas单元加光标版-Screen Transfer ScreenSpy.pas unit plus the cursor version
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : xing

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简单的屏幕传输-Simple Screen Transfer
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : nicoatming

屏幕传输时远程控制软件的一项重要功能,现搜集了网上的一些屏幕传输理论文章-Transmission of remote control software screen is an important function, is an online collection of some of the screen transfer of theoretical articles
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.61mb Publisher : wangjun

远程软件IOCP源码 屏幕传输不错 可以学习学习-Remote Screen Transfer Software IOCP source can learn from good
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.66mb Publisher : hjsk

高速屏幕传输演示代码.rar 使用delphi开发-High-speed screen transfer demo code. Rar development using delphi
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : bobo

屏幕传输隔行取样版本,低CPU占用,速度快,应该是目前开源最好的了^.^ 这个版本还有小bug,并且这个并不是Release版,希望自己考虑如何再优化,我想我能想到的你也能想到; 声明:哪位朋友如果使用此份源码,请保留版权信息,强烈BS那些拿别人的东西不留版权的人。-Interlaced sampling version of the screen transfer, low CPU occupancy, speed, should be the best source is a ^. ^ This version also a small bug, and this is not a Release version, want to consider how to further optimize, I think I can think you can think of statement: Which friend if you use the copy source, leave the copyright information, strong BS things that get other people who do not leave the copyright.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 477kb Publisher : eason_wit

DELPHI开发屏幕传输程序经典代码DELPHI development transfer program screen classic code -DELPHI development transfer program screen classic code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 542kb Publisher : kx

屏幕传输sdk -remote screen transfer sdk
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35kb Publisher : eejin
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