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可以查看你的网站在搜索引擎搜索关键中排第几名,可以在数十个搜索引擎中快速找到你网站的位置,含ASP版和ASP+ASP.net两个版本 -can check your website in search engine key ranked number, the number of 10 quick search engine to find your site location, including ASP and ASP version 2 version
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 31.02kb Publisher : 林新

可以查看你的网站在搜索引擎搜索关键中排第几名,可以在数十个搜索引擎中快速找到你网站的位置,含ASP版和ASP+ASP.net两个版本 -can check your website in search engine key ranked number, the number of 10 quick search engine to find your site location, including ASP and ASP version 2 version
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 29.18kb Publisher : jun

可以查看你的网站在搜索引擎搜索关键中排第几名,可以在数十个搜索引擎中快速找到你网站的位置,含ASP版和ASP+ASP.net两个版本 -can check your website in search engine key ranked number, the number of 10 quick search engine to find your site location, including ASP and ASP version 2 version
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 29kb Publisher : jun

可以查看你的网站在搜索引擎搜索关键中排第几名,可以在数十个搜索引擎中快速找到你网站的位置,含ASP版和ASP+ASP.net两个版本 -can check your website in search engine key ranked number, the number of 10 quick search engine to find your site location, including ASP and ASP version 2 version
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 31kb Publisher : 林新

ReadyGo全能搜索引擎--一网在手,天下全掌握整合各大搜索引擎,优化关键字,用户体验更佳。全源码奉送。很不错-ReadyGo almighty search engine-- a net in hand, grasp the world-wide integration of the major search engines, Optimization of keywords, the user experience better. Complimentary entire source. Quite
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 99kb Publisher : 师山

DL : 0
首先把基本站点体系结构建立起来,确定应用程序的各个部分如何一起工作,接着把商品类目内置到这个体系中。①建立一个数据库来存储商品类目,其中包含主类目、子类目和其中商品。②编写SQL和VB.NET代码,访问这些数据。③数据库提供一个免费文本搜索引擎。④为站点管理员提供一个站点的私有区域,在该区域中他们可以在线修改类目。 第二阶段:①建立我们自己的ASP.NET购物篮。②添加一个数据库表,存储完整的订单。把完整的订单传送给Paypal进行信用卡处理。 -First of all, the basic site architecture set up to determine the application how the various parts work together, then the commodity categories built into the system. ① the establishment of a database to store merchandise categories, which includes the main categories, sub-categories and one commodity. ② prepared SQL and VB.NET code, access the data. ③ database to provide a free text search engine. ④ for site administrators to provide a site private area in the region, they can be modified online categories. The second stage: ① to establish our own ASP.NET shopping cart. ② add a database table, storing the complete orders. The integrity of the orders sent to Paypal for credit card processing.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 86kb Publisher : wq57

.NET写的中文分词组件, 适用于小型搜索引擎中文分词。-. NET to write the Chinese word segmentation components, applicable to small search engine in Chinese word segmentation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 54kb Publisher : 白水

Full-Text Search for Your Intranet or Website DotLucene is a .NET port of Jakarta Lucene search engine maintained by George Aroush et al. Here is a quick list of its features: It can be used in ASP.NET, Win Forms or console applications. Very good performance. Ranked search results. Search query highlighting in results. Searches structured and unstructured data. Metadata searching (query by date, search custom fields...). Index size approximately 30 of the indexed text. Can also store full indexed documents. Pure managed .NET in a single assembly (244 KB). Very friendly licensing (Apache Software License 2.0). Localizable (support for Brazilian, Czech, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, Japanese, Korean and Russian included). Extensible (source code included). -Full-Text Search for Your Intranet or Website DotLucene is a .NET port of Jakarta Lucene search engine maintained by George Aroush et al. Here is a quick list of its features: It can be used in ASP.NET, Win Forms or console applications. Very good performance. Ranked search results. Search query highlighting in results. Searches structured and unstructured data. Metadata searching (query by date, search custom fields...). Index size approximately 30 of the indexed text. Can also store full indexed documents. Pure managed .NET in a single assembly (244 KB). Very friendly licensing (Apache Software License 2.0). Localizable (support for Brazilian, Czech, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, Japanese, Korean and Russian included). Extensible (source code included).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 364kb Publisher : Yu-Chieh Wu

BISM菁搜FTP搜索引擎web前台源码 已经发布 里面有详细源码 visual c# 2005 2.0 (开源信息和相关帮助信息) 有相关问题可以联系我们: BISM软件工作组 余文锋 陈鸿雏 吴侃侃 Search BISM cyanine front-source web search engine which has been published in detail source visual c# 2005 2.0 (Open-source information and the related help information) There are related issues can contact us: BISM Software Working Group E-MAIL: 余文锋 E-MAIL: Wolf child E-MAIL: Miss Kan-Kan E-MAIL:
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.16mb Publisher : 余文锋

DL : 0 c#编写的搜索引擎程序,很值得研究。 c# written in search engine program, it is worth studying.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.87mb Publisher : jason

搜索引擎(开发实例 -Search engine ( instance of search engine development ( Development Example
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 365kb Publisher :

ASP.NET+ACCESS一个搜索引擎程序,有分词法,带有爬虫器。想了解搜索引擎的可以下载尝试改下代码!-ASP.NET+ ACCESS a search engine program, took part in morphology, with reptiles device. Would like to know the search engine can be downloaded under the code attempts to change!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.54mb Publisher : 周勉励

MVC3 Razor实现Ajax数据分页源码 项目描述: MvcPager分页控件是在ASP.NET MVC Web应用程序中实现分页功能的一系列扩展方法,该分页控件的最初的实现方法借鉴了网上流行的部分源代码,尤其是ScottGu的PagedList类和相关方法,经过不断完善和改进后推出的比较成熟而且功能强大的ASP.NET MVC分页解决方案。 MvcPager主要功能有: 1.实现最基本的url route分页; 2.支持手工输入或选择页索引并对输入的页索引进行有效性验证; 3.支持使用ASP.NET MVC Ajax默认的MicrosoftAjax和MicrosoftMvcAjax客户端脚本库实 现Ajax分页; 4.支持使用jQuery实现Ajax分页,生成的Html代码更精简; 5.支持Ajax分页模式下,若客户端浏览器不支持或禁用Javascript功能时安全降级为普通 分页 6.搜索引擎友好,无论是普通分页还是Ajax分页,搜索引擎都可以直接搜索到所有页面。 7.支持ASP.NET MVC 1.0、2.0和3.0 版本; 8.支持IE、Firefox、Opera、Chrome及Safari等常用浏览器; -MVC3 Razor for Ajax data page source Project Description: MvcPager paging controls in ASP.NET MVC Web application, a series of extensions to achieve paging method, the paging controls the initial implementation of some of the popular online reference source code, especially ScottGu s PagedList classes and related approach, through continuous improvement and improved launch more mature and powerful solution for ASP.NET MVC page. MvcPager main functions are: 1 to achieve the most basic url route page 2 supports manual input or select the page index and page index input validation 3. Support the use of ASP.NET MVC Ajax default MicrosoftAjax and MicrosoftMvcAjax real client script library Ajax page now 4 support the use of jQuery for Ajax page, the generated Html code more concise 5 Ajax-page mode, if the client browser does not support Javascript enabled or disabled for the ordinary when security downgraded Page 6 search engine friendly, whether ordinary or Aja
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 838kb Publisher :

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九头鸭.net分页控件DataPage的主要功能: 1、支持通过Url进行分页: DataPage除提供默认的类似于DataGrid和GridView的PostBack分页方式外,还支持通过Url进行分页,象大多数asp程序中分页一样, Url分页方式允许用户通过在浏览器地址栏中输入相应的地址即可直接进入指定页面,也可以使搜索引擎搜索到所有分页的页面的内容,因此具有用户友好和搜索引擎友好的优点,关于Url分页与PostBack分页方式的差异,请参考Url与PostBack分页方式的对比。-Nine ducks the net paging controls DataPage function: 1, supported by Url paging: DataPage also support paging through Url except provide default like DataGrid and GridView PostBack pagination, like most asp program Url way paging allows users to enter the corresponding address in the browser address bar to go directly to the specified page, the search engine can also search all pages paged paging, and therefore has a user-friendly Url paging PostBack paging and search engine friendly advantages, differences, please refer to the Url, PostBack paging way of contrast.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 37kb Publisher : dsfgdsk

自主开发的友情链接源代码,完全免费。主要有以下功能: 1.建立一个适合外贸网站的组件,可以让访问者自己提交网址,在提交的时候自动检测是否已经加了您的我网站信息,为您带来访问者; 2.可以自行设计网站目录的分类,分类数以及层级没有限制; 3.可以自行设计模板(FrontPage),以便与您现有的网站风格一致;4.可以自行设置广告位; 5.后台一键检测友情链接方是否保持链接到您的网站,对于已经删除您的网站,您可以给予隐身或者直接删除; 6. 静态页面,方便搜索引擎爬虫; 要求:空间为UNIX/LINUX,支持PHP/MYSQL(如果ASP.NET空间支持也可以安装)-Links independently developed source code, and completely free. Mainly has the following features: 1. Establish a suitable component of foreign trade website allows visitors to submit their own website, has been added to automatically detect whether at the time of submitting your website information, to bring you visitors 2. design their own website directory classification no limit to the number of categories and level can design templates (FrontPage), in order to be consistent with your existing site style 4 can set up their own advertising 5. background key detection Links whether the parties maintain a link to your site, have deleted your website, you can give the stealth or directly deleted static pages, to facilitate the search engine crawlers requirements: space for UNIX/LINUX, support for PHP/MYSQL (if the ASP. NET space support can also be installed)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 517kb Publisher : sdqpie

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E-Cruitment Solutions is an ISO 9001:2008 certified HR & Software Development Company growing irreversibly in the field of Human Resource ,Web Design, Software Development, E-Commerce and Search Engine Optimization. We provide solutions for complete online presence using ASP.NET, HTML & PHP. We are an India’s Most Trusted Company with ISO 9001:2008 Certification. We also provide all the services that a company needs to get online, from web designing to development & to web hosting and above all website promotion in Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Bing and other search engines. We have highly satisfied clients that are being serviced 24x7 by our team of over 30+ experienced and dedicated professionals. So you can deal with just one supplier and leave the rest to us - freeing you to focus on your business. -E-Cruitment Solutions is an ISO 9001:2008 certified HR & Software Development Company growing irreversibly in the field of Human Resource ,Web Design, Software Development, E-Commerce and Search Engine Optimization. We provide solutions for complete online presence using ASP.NET, HTML & PHP. We are an India’s Most Trusted Company with ISO 9001:2008 Certification. We also provide all the services that a company needs to get online, from web designing to development & to web hosting and above all website promotion in Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Bing and other search engines. We have highly satisfied clients that are being serviced 24x7 by our team of over 30+ experienced and dedicated professionals. So you can deal with just one supplier and leave the rest to us - freeing you to focus on your business.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 18kb Publisher : pravin

E-Cruitment Solutions is an ISO 9001:2008 certified HR & Software Development Company growing irreversibly in the field of Human Resource ,Web Design, Software Development, E-Commerce and Search Engine Optimization. We provide solutions for complete online presence using ASP.NET, HTML & PHP. We are an India’s Most Trusted Company with ISO 9001:2008 Certification. We also provide all the services that a company needs to get online, from web designing to development & to web hosting and above all website promotion in Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Bing and other search engines. We have highly satisfied clients that are being serviced 24x7 by our team of over 30+ experienced and dedicated professionals. So you can deal with just one supplier and leave the rest to us - freeing you to focus on your business. -E-Cruitment Solutions is an ISO 9001:2008 certified HR & Software Development Company growing irreversibly in the field of Human Resource ,Web Design, Software Development, E-Commerce and Search Engine Optimization. We provide solutions for complete online presence using ASP.NET, HTML & PHP. We are an India’s Most Trusted Company with ISO 9001:2008 Certification. We also provide all the services that a company needs to get online, from web designing to development & to web hosting and above all website promotion in Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Bing and other search engines. We have highly satisfied clients that are being serviced 24x7 by our team of over 30+ experienced and dedicated professionals. So you can deal with just one supplier and leave the rest to us - freeing you to focus on your business.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.86mb Publisher : pravin

E-Cruitment Solutions is an ISO 9001:2008 certified HR & Software Development Company growing irreversibly in the field of Human Resource ,Web Design, Software Development, E-Commerce and Search Engine Optimization. We provide solutions for complete online presence using ASP.NET, HTML & PHP. We are an India’s Most Trusted Company with ISO 9001:2008 Certification. We also provide all the services that a company needs to get online, from web designing to development & to web hosting and above all website promotion in Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Bing and other search engines. We have highly satisfied clients that are being serviced 24x7 by our team of over 30+ experienced and dedicated professionals. So you can deal with just one supplier and leave the rest to us - freeing you to focus on your business. -E-Cruitment Solutions is an ISO 9001:2008 certified HR & Software Development Company growing irreversibly in the field of Human Resource ,Web Design, Software Development, E-Commerce and Search Engine Optimization. We provide solutions for complete online presence using ASP.NET, HTML & PHP. We are an India’s Most Trusted Company with ISO 9001:2008 Certification. We also provide all the services that a company needs to get online, from web designing to development & to web hosting and above all website promotion in Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Bing and other search engines. We have highly satisfied clients that are being serviced 24x7 by our team of over 30+ experienced and dedicated professionals. So you can deal with just one supplier and leave the rest to us - freeing you to focus on your business.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 36kb Publisher : pravin

中国畜牧零零网企业网站管理系统 中英文版 系统简介中国畜牧零零网企业网站管理系统(FLBLC-CMS)是付强研发中心(专业为企业建站而开发的一款网站程序。该系统采用最简单易用的asp+access进行搭建,拥有完善的网站前后台,并特别根据企业网站的特点开发出独具特色的栏目和功能。FLBLC-CMS是企业建站的绝佳选择! 系统三大特色:1、全静态:全站生成.html静态页面。降低服务器压力,增强百度收录。2、高优化:特别针对搜索引擎进行优化处理,让客户快速找到你。3、够简单:拥有完善后台管理系统,所有内容均可在后台进行更新。非专业人士也可操作。 网站后台后台管理地址:http://你的网站域名/Admin/login.asp用户名:admin密码:admin后台文件夹名:Admin数据库存放位置:Data21293-China Animal Husbandry December Network Enterprise Web Site Management System English Introduction China Animal Husbandry December net enterprise website management system (FLBLC-CMS) is a research and development center Fu Qiang ( Build and professional development of a web application. The system uses the most easy to use asp+access be built, has a perfect website front and back, and in particular according to the characteristics of the development of corporate websites unique columns and features. Build FLBLC-CMS is an excellent choice! System three characteristics: 1, fully static: the station to generate. Html static pages. Reduce server stress, enhance Baidu included. 2, high optimization: specifically for search engine optimization process, allowing customers to quickly find you. 3, simple enough: has a perfect background management system, all the content can be updated in the background. Non-professionals also operational. Site Admin Admin address: http:// Your Domai
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.89mb Publisher : 三鲜丸子

DL : 0
网博士ASP企业网站管理系统采用简单易用的asp+access搭建,后台功能实用强大,三大特色:   1、全静态:全站生成.html静态页面。降低服务器压力,增强百度收录。   2、高优化:特别针对搜索引擎进行优化处理,让客户快速找到你。   3、够简单:拥有完善后台管理系统,所有内容均可在后台进行更新。非专业人士也可操作。   后台管理地址:http://你的网站域名/Admin/login.asp   用户名:admin   密码:admin   后台文件夹名:Admin   数据库存放位置:Data21293-Dr. ASP net enterprise website management system using asp+ access simple and easy to build, powerful and practical back-office functions, three major characteristics: 1, fully static: the station to generate. Html static pages. Reduce server stress, enhance Baidu included. 2, high optimization: specifically for search engine optimization process, allowing customers to quickly find you. 3, simple enough: has a perfect background management system, all the content can be updated in the background. Non-professionals also operational. Admin address: http:// Your Domain Name/Admin/login.asp Username: admin Password: admin Background Folder name: Admin Database storage location: Data21293
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.64mb Publisher : tpudn94
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