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Description: function [x, hist] = secant(x, f, tola, tolr) SECANT This a secant code with no line search. This code terminates on small relative-absolute errors function [X, HIST] = SECANT(X, F, TOLA, TOLR) Inputs: X = initial iterate F = function TOLA = absolute error tolerance TOLR = relative error tolerance Output: X = approximate result-function [x, hist] = secant(x, f, tola, tolr) SECANT This a secant code with no line search. This code terminates on small relative-absolute errors function [X, HIST] = SECANT(X, F, TOLA, TOLR) Inputs: X = initial iterate F = function TOLA = absolute error tolerance TOLR = relative error tolerance Output: X = approximate result
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: devdvl | Hits:

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