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[Other Web Codeselect css

Description: 非常漂亮的select样式
Platform: | Size: 21878 | Author: hjl425 | Hits:

[Linux-UnixIO多路复用 SELECT函数

Description: IO的多路复用(Select函数) 注:为了解决创建子进程带来的系统资源消耗而采用多路I/O模型 一般来说当我们在向文件读写时,进程有可能读写出阻塞,如果我们不希望阻塞,我们的一个选择是用select系统调用。只要我们设置好select的各个参数那么文件可以读写的时候select通知我们说可以读写,在我们调用select时进程会一直阻塞到以下一种情况发生 1) 有文件可以读 2) 有文件可以写 3) 超过所设置的时间
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: yjw312yjw@yahoo.com.cn | Hits:

[Internet-NetworkSelect()系统调用及 文件描述符集fd_set的应用

Description: Select()系统调用及 文件描述符集fd_set的应用.rar-Select () system call and file descriptors set fd_set applications. Rar
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 魏秦 | Hits:


Description: 压缩包中的例子用非常浅显易懂的方式指明如何使用select,以及select的使用范围-compressed using the example of a very simple and easy way, how to use select, and the use of select
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 亢龙不悔 | Hits:


Description: 顺序统计select算法。从s个元素中找出第k个大的元素。- The order counts the select algorithm. Discovers the kth big element from s element.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 颜小佳 | Hits:


Description: 使用select模型进行网络编程的例子,使用标准c编程,移植性能好,是最基本的网络模型-Select model using the example of network programming, using the standard c programming, transplant performance and is the most basic network model
Platform: | Size: 1169408 | Author: 旺旺 | Hits:


Description: unix/linux系列中select模型的经典代码,可惜不是c++写的。-unix/linux series select classic model code, but not c++ written.
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: dzlei | Hits:

[Windows Developselect

Description: 基于select模型的面向连接的sock例程,包含服务器端和客户端,结构非常清晰!-Based on select models of the sock connection-oriented routine, including server-side and client-side, structure is very clear!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 陈立波 | Hits:


Description: window网络模型之select篇 实现的远程下载的程序 包括客户端服务器-network model window of select articles to achieve the process of downloading the remote client-server
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: wake | Hits:


Description: select 编程必看程序,一个不错的服务器-Must select programming procedure, a good server
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: fcode | Hits:


Description: select 函数的详细描述,select 函数可以用于非阻塞机制。-select a detailed description of function, select function can be used for non-blocking mechanism.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: wsd | Hits:

[source in ebookOPENGL-select-the-object-to-enlarge

Description: OPENGL选取对象放大/鼠标点击图形进行放大-OPENGL select the object to enlarge/mouse click to enlarge graph
Platform: | Size: 5773312 | Author: lingenghao | Hits:


Description: linux下使用select函数实现多个socket无阻塞连接-linux use select function of multiple non-blocking socket connect
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jususe | Hits:


Description: socket编程基础2select函数的应用,用select来实现阻塞等待-socket programming 2select function based on the application, use select to wait for the realization of obstruction
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 崔强 | Hits:

[Windows Developselect

Description: 一个简单的服务器客户端程序,通过select函数的异步调用机制,从而实现多客户登录。-A simple client server program, through the select function of the asynchronous call mechanisms, in order to achieve multi-client login.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: yangwei | Hits:

[OpenGL programSelect

Description: OPENGL宝典上的经典教程,如何在OPENGL中鼠标选中一个三维物体,供初学者借鉴-OPENGL course the classic book on how to select the mouse OPENGL in a three-dimensional objects, drawing for beginners
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: zhangkun | Hits:


Description: linux 环境下socket编程select的使用方法.-socket programming under linux to use select.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: kusiya | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGL-select

Description: 通过OpenGL中选择模式,实现在程序中选择物体。-OpenGL-select
Platform: | Size: 2053120 | Author: 吉训宏 | Hits:

[Windows Developselect-option-disabled-emulation

Description: select-option-disabled-emulation.js解决IE6 Select 中 option 的disabled属性无效的办法~~~在页面加载时架子该js,呵呵有点问题:onchange 时间冲突 自己-select-option-disabled-emulation.js
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jfw | Hits:


Description: socket使用select能够减少资源占用. 本程序使用了select功能-socket using select to reduce resource consumption. This program uses the select function
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 张化 | Hits:
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