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随着这些年计算机硬件水平的发展, 计算速度的提高, 源自序列蒙特卡罗方法的蒙特卡罗粒子滤波方法的应用研究又重新活跃起来。本文的这种蒙特卡罗粒子滤波算法是利用序列重要性采样的概念, 用一系列离散的带权重随机样本近似相 应的概率密度函数。由于粒子滤波方法没有像广义卡尔曼滤波方法那样对非线性系统做线性化的近似, 所以在非线性状态估计方面比广义卡尔曼滤波更有优势。在很多方面的应用已经逐渐有替代广义卡尔曼滤波的趋势。-With the years the level of computer hardware development, the speed of calculation, derived from the sequence of the Monte Carlo method, Monte Carlo particle filter method applied research has once again become active again. In this paper, this kind of Monte Carlo particle filter is to use the concept of sequence of the importance of sampling, using a series of discrete random sample with weights similar to the corresponding probability density function. Since the particle filtering method is not as broad as Kalman filtering method for nonlinear system to do linear approximation, nonlinear state estimation in the generalized Kalman filter than an advantage. Applications in many areas has been gradually generalized Kalman filter has an alternative trend.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 516kb Publisher : 阳关

一、滤波器的特性和分类 二、LC 滤波器 1. LC 串、并联谐振回路 2. 一般 LC 滤波器 三、有源 RC 滤波器-First, filter characteristics and classification of II, LC filter 1. LC series and parallel resonant circuit 2. Generally three LC filters, active RC filters
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 333kb Publisher : 何宇翔

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Model of series active power filter by using reference value and 4 Q converter.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 6kb Publisher : hecis

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Series active power filter
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 10kb Publisher : Algerian

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series active power filter for matlab simmulation file
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 13kb Publisher : narak

Series hybrid active power filter Lowpass–bandpass transformation Stationary reference frame-Series hybrid active power filter Lowpass–bandpass transformation Stationary reference frame
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 371kb Publisher : meziane

This paper deals with digital control of a series active filter integrated with a diode rectifier where the series active fdter is controlled to function as a current source. A predictive current regulator is considered for the series ac- tive filter to achieve good ripple characteristics and predictable switching losses. The operating conditions, and the effect thereof on the current regulator are considered and oversam- pling and prediction of the load voltage is suggested to improve the active filtering performance without increasing the switching frequenc-This paper deals with digital control of a series active filter integrated with a diode rectifier where the series active fdter is controlled to function as a current source. A predictive current regulator is considered for the series ac- tive filter to achieve good ripple characteristics and predictable switching losses. The operating conditions, and the effect thereof on the current regulator are considered and oversam- pling and prediction of the load voltage is suggested to improve the active filtering performance without increasing the switching frequenc
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 317kb Publisher : nek

串联型有源电力滤波器的 PSCAD仿真,能检测到谐波电压,本仿真的优势是能针对电压跌落或者升高进行自动补偿。-PSCAD simulation of Series type APF (Active Power Filter),this project can dectect the drop of voltage and compensates auomaticly.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 12kb Publisher : 王凤楠

A novel hysteresis voltage control of series active power filter
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 336kb Publisher : gonne

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Active Filter Series Configuration PSCAD Model
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 9kb Publisher : Rycles

Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) for harmonic elimination and simultaneous compensation of voltage and current, which improves the power quality offered for other harmonic sensitive loads. UPQC consist of combined series active power filter that compensates voltage harmonics of the power supply, and shunt active power filter that compensates harmonic currents of a non-linear loa
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 91kb Publisher : mak

一个简化的有源滤波器串联配置。串联型有源滤波器的作用不是直接补偿谐波,但提高并联型无源滤波器的滤波。-A simplified active filter in series configuration. Action series active harmonic filters are not directly compensated, but to improve the shunt passive filter filtering.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 9kb Publisher : wei

This paper describes different power quality problems in distribution systems and their solutions with power electronics based equipment. Shunt, hybrid and series active power filters are described showing their compensation characteristics and principles of operation. Different power circuits topologies and control scheme for each type of active power filter are analyzed. The compensation characteristics of each topology with the respective control scheme are proved by simulation and experimentally.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 173kb Publisher : pavan

Active Series filter
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 10kb Publisher : Muhammad

this a simulation of active power filter series good-this is a simulation of active power filter series good
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 9kb Publisher : momomoh

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series active filter for sag swell compensation
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 14kb Publisher : PLC

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Series Active Filter or dynamic Voltage restorer
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 16kb Publisher : sharifi

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A control algorithm for a three-phase hybrid power filter is proposed. It is constituted by a series active filter and a passive filter connected in parallel with the load. The control strategy is based on the vectorial theory dual formulation of instantaneous reactive power, so that the voltage waveform injected by the active filter is able to compensate the reactive power and the load current harmonics and to balance asymmetrical loads. The proposed algorithm also improves the behavior of the passive filter. Simulationshave been carried out on the MATLAB-Simulink platformwith different loads and with variation in the source impedance.This analysis allowed an experimental prototype to be developed. Experimental and simulation results are presented.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 981kb Publisher : khan

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Elimination of Voltage Harmonic Produced by SSSC by Using Series Active Power Filter. This paper describes the development of a series active power filter with hysteresis control, which allows harmonics and zero-sequence voltage compensation. Here, the series active filter play an important role in harmonic voltage cancellation produced by Static Synchronous Series Compensator SSSC when is connected in the electrical network. The active filter controller is based on the instantaneous power theory (p-q theory) and was simulated by using MATLAB SIMULINK. The p-q theory is introduced followed by the presentation of some active power filters topologies. Then a brief description of the implemented solution is made, using references of software tools used for simulation and system development. The obtained results are also presented, showing the good performance of the developed active filter.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 380kb Publisher : khan

Series active filter
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 11kb Publisher : hared
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