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BBS-CS是采用JSP+JavaBean+Servlet开发的一套网络虚拟社区系统。 运行平台: Liunx + JDK + Apache + Tomcat + MYSQL 或 Windows2000(WindowsNT、Windows98) + JDK + Apache + Tomcat + MYSQL 软件开发环境采用 RedHat Linux 7.0 JDK1.3 For Linux Apache 1.3.20 Tomcat 3.1.1/Tomcat 4.0.3 MYSQL 3.23.39 MYSQL驱动采用mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar 现在版本为BBS-CS V3.0 Beta V3.0版本在内核上较以前版本有了很大的改进,并且彻底解决了中文问题! BBS-CS V3.0环境配置说明: BBS-CS V3.0需要Servlet.jar和mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar两个jar文件包,Servlet.jar是Servlet引擎,mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar是MYSQL的JDBC驱动,如果用户没有上述两个文件,可以在BBS-CS文件包中的jar目录下找到这两个文件。-BBS-CS is used JSP Servlet JavaBean development of a virtual network community systems. Platform : Liunx JDK Apache Tomcat MYSQL or Windows 2000 (Wi ndowsNT. Windows98) JDK Apache Tomcat MYSQL software development environment using Re RedHat Linux 7.0 JDK1.3 For Apache 1.3.20 To Linux mcat 3.1.1/Tomcat 4.0.3 MYSQL MYSQL Driver 3.23.39 using mm.mysql - 2.0.4 - bin.jar present version of BBS-CS V3.0 B eta V3.0 version of the kernel than on the previous version has been greatly improved, and completely resolve the problem of Chinese! BBS-CS V3.0 environment configuration : BBS-CS V3.0 need Servlet.jar and mm.mysql - 2.0.4-b in.jar 2 jar package, Servlet.jar is Servlet engines, mm.mysql - 2.0.4 - bin.jar MYSQL is the JDBC driver, If users are not above two documents, the BBS-CS package to the
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 526.14kb Publisher : 杨广

1:文件说明: 发信JAVA源文件 CSEmail.jar 发信包 com CSEmail.jar 的源文件 2:部署: 发到 WEB-INF/CLASSES/ CSEmail.jar 放到 web-inf/lib/ 3. 修改 中 private String SERVLET_HTTP_PATH = " 把 改成你的网址 4运行: 填写你的SMTP邮件服务器和发信端口,还有你在这个邮件服务器上的帐号(不正确发不出信)-1: Document explanation that, sends a letter JAVA source document CSEmail.jar to send a letter wraps com CSEmail.jar the source document 2: Deployed: sends to WEB-INF/CLASSES/ CSEmail.jar to put to web-inf/lib/ 3. revises in private String SERVLET_HTTP_PATH = " to alter to your website 4 movements: Http:// fills in your SMTP server and sends a letter the port, but also has you (not correctly not to be able to issue letter) on this server account number
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : 陈良

定时器开源项目, 相对于 jcrontab, Quartz 算是更完整的一个项目, 随著开发的版本上来, 他已经脱离只是写在程序里面的计时器, 在指定的时间或区间, 处理所指定的事件. 也加入了 servlet, 可以在 jsp/servlet container 执行-timer open-source projects, compared to jcrontab, Quartz is a more complete project, with the development onto the version that he had only written from the inside of the timer, at the designated time interval or address specified by the incident. Have joined the servlet can jsp/servlet container implementation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.62mb Publisher : 孙永

jfreechart-0.9.20,是十分优秀的图表显示工具。以其丰富的样式和强大的数据集成功能,深得广大的统计图表开发者的喜爱。这个版本里的demo带有源码,可以供使用者参考,非常有效。-jfreechart- 0.9.20, is a very good tool according to a chart. His rich and powerful forms of data integration, won the majority of the statistical charts developers love. The version of the demo with source code, for users, is very effective.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.99mb Publisher : dd

jnlp Tutorial form sun
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 77kb Publisher : hugjava

DL : 0
采用jsp+servlet+javabean,jsp负责少量的页面处理,以servlet为主。 结构清晰明了,未对页面做美工处理,因此html和javascript代码很少, 详细介绍了jdbc的常用api以及数据库中的表的级联。 开发调试平台为jbuilder9+tomcat4,在resin和weblogic下测试通过。 数据库平台为ms sql server2000 数据库连接池为apache组织下jakarta项目组开发的commons-dbcp 1.0 info.sql 数据库的表结构文件 其中表info_table1和info_table2有级联关系 属性文件,初始化了一些参数 mssqlserver.jar,msutil.jar,msbase.jar SQL驱动 commons-collections.jar,commons-dbcp-1.1.jar,commons-pool-1.1.jar 数据库连接池 -used jsp servlet javabean, jsp responsible for a small number of pages, mainly to servlet. Structure of clarity, the pages do not deal with artists, html and JavaScript code rarely, details of jdbc common api and the database table cascade. Developing and debugging platform for jbuilder9 tomcat4. the resin and Weblogic under test. Ms database platform for sql server 2000 database connection pool for apache organization jak Arta developed by the project team commons- DBCP 1.0 info.sql database table structure documents and watches info_table1 info_table2 a cascade relations guestbo attribute, the initialization parameters mssqlserver.jar, msutil.jar. msbase.jar SQL driver commons- collections.jar. commons- DBCP- 1.1.jar, commons-pool-1.1.jar database connection pool
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 652kb Publisher : wyw0818

BBS-CS是采用JSP+JavaBean+Servlet开发的一套网络虚拟社区系统。 运行平台: Liunx + JDK + Apache + Tomcat + MYSQL 或 Windows2000(WindowsNT、Windows98) + JDK + Apache + Tomcat + MYSQL 软件开发环境采用 RedHat Linux 7.0 JDK1.3 For Linux Apache 1.3.20 Tomcat 3.1.1/Tomcat 4.0.3 MYSQL 3.23.39 MYSQL驱动采用mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar 现在版本为BBS-CS V3.0 Beta V3.0版本在内核上较以前版本有了很大的改进,并且彻底解决了中文问题! BBS-CS V3.0环境配置说明: BBS-CS V3.0需要Servlet.jar和mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar两个jar文件包,Servlet.jar是Servlet引擎,mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar是MYSQL的JDBC驱动,如果用户没有上述两个文件,可以在BBS-CS文件包中的jar目录下找到这两个文件。-BBS-CS is used JSP Servlet JavaBean development of a virtual network community systems. Platform : Liunx JDK Apache Tomcat MYSQL or Windows 2000 (Wi ndowsNT. Windows98) JDK Apache Tomcat MYSQL software development environment using Re RedHat Linux 7.0 JDK1.3 For Apache 1.3.20 To Linux mcat 3.1.1/Tomcat 4.0.3 MYSQL MYSQL Driver 3.23.39 using mm.mysql- 2.0.4- bin.jar present version of BBS-CS V3.0 B eta V3.0 version of the kernel than on the previous version has been greatly improved, and completely resolve the problem of Chinese! BBS-CS V3.0 environment configuration : BBS-CS V3.0 need Servlet.jar and mm.mysql- 2.0.4-b in.jar 2 jar package, Servlet.jar is Servlet engines, mm.mysql- 2.0.4- bin.jar MYSQL is the JDBC driver, If users are not above two documents, the BBS-CS package to the
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 526kb Publisher : 杨广

带进度条的文件上传(java+ajax源码) 在写代码的时候,还要用到关于servlet的包servlet-api.jar。   写完后调试的过程中,老报错:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/output/DeferredFileOutputStream,后来一查才知道少了commons-io-1.2.jar,加上后,就ok了。   关于获取及显示进度部分,用了我原来自己写的一个ajax的应用架构,从中抽取了部分代码出来,注意,js文件只适用于UTF-8编码的页面,因为现在我只写UTF-8编码的页面了,国际化方便。  progressUpload.jar中,包含了commons-fileupload-1.1.1.jar,servlet-api.jar,commons-io-1.2.jar,在progressUpload.jar中,还包含一个属性文件,里面是一些默认配置,可根据自己的需要修改。   由于有源码,怎么用可以自己看源码,此外,那个例子中也写了,在此不再赘述。例子中只取到了FileItem,再将item保存一下就ok了,示例代码: File upFile = new File(remoteFilePath) try \{ item.write(upFile) fileInfo.put("infotip", "上传成功.") } catch (java.lang.Exception e) \{ fileInfo.put("infotip", "上传失败.") }-with the progress of the file upload (java ajax OSS) in writing code, also used on packages servlet servlet-api.jar. After the finish debugging process, the old errors : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError : org/apache/commons/io/output/DeferredFil eOutputStream. Later, an investigation will know less commons-io- 1.2.jar, plus, on the ok. On access and display some progress with my own original written by a ajax application architectures, from taking part code, and the attention js document only applies to UTF-8 encoded pages. now I just write UTF-8 encoded pages, international convenience. ProgressUpload.jar, contains commons- fileupload- 1.1.1.jar. servlet-api.jar, commons-io- 1.2.jar. In progressUpload.jar, also includes an attribute documents, There is some of the default conf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 564kb Publisher : 商务通

DL : 0
一、简介 www.josdn.com是基于mvnForum Jsp/Servlet开发,支持Jsp 1.2 和 Servlet 2.3,安装和使用都非常简单。 主要特征: 基于 MVC 架构 内建数据库连接池 多种数据库 (DB2, MySQL, Oracle 8i/9i, Sql Server, postgreSQL, hsqldb, Interbase/Firebird, SAPDB) 国际化 (支持14种语言: English, 简体, 繁体等等) Jakarta Common Logging 这里可以查看论坛功能和全部特征。 JAVA Open Source Development Network, 致力于打造全国最大的JAVA开源平台,向用户提供专业、快捷、精确、全面、海量、实时的开源资讯数据服务 -1, Introduction is based on mvnForum Jsp/Servlet development, support Jsp 1.2 and Servlet 2.3, the installation and use are very simple. Main features: Built-based MVC framework for database connection pool multiple databases (DB2, MySQL, Oracle 8i/9i, Sql Server, postgreSQL, hsqldb, Interbase/Firebird, SAPDB) Internationalization (supports 14 languages: English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional etc.) Jakarta Common Logging here to view the forum features and all the characteristics. JAVA Open Source Development Network, is committed to build the country
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10.25mb Publisher :

jbpm demo 是一款非常不错的开源工作流,简单易用,适合扩张开发!-jbpm demo is a very good open-source workflow, easy to use, suitable for the expansion of development!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23.02mb Publisher : liujinbing

java上传文件的源代码,通过htm页面Post给jsp或者servlet.-Upload file java source code, through the htm page Post to jsp or servlet.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.05mb Publisher : duan

很多人找不到servlet的源代码,这个就是源代码包了。-Many people can not find servlet source code, this is a source code package.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 214kb Publisher : h16418

servlet pakage fis java
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 81kb Publisher : sugi

DL : 0
servlet的jar包,下载后将其后缀名改为jar即可,这是比较全的servlet包,130多k。-servlet jar package, download the suffix after their names can be changed to jar it is rather the whole of the servlet package, more than 130 k.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 129kb Publisher : xuejiezhang

spring struts hibernate的jar包-spring struts hibernate s jar package
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23.44mb Publisher : he xiaojie

这不文档介绍了 多线程的安全 和单线程的不安全问题 大家多-This does not document describes the safety and single-threaded multi-threading problem we see more of insecurity
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : hello

servlet jar包,java web开发-servlet jar package, java web development
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 124kb Publisher : 赵基翔

java 里面很重要的一个jar包,servlet的源代码,值得一读,自己把后缀名去除掉哦-which is very important in a jar in java servlet source code, it is worth a read
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 96kb Publisher : quant

JAR package for javax.servlet
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 132kb Publisher : diuennazha

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 72kb Publisher : 刘先生20180904
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